psyc exam 2

  1. cognition
    refers to a process that involves knowing, understanding remembering and communicating
  2. cognitive psychologist
    study these activities, including the logical and somtimes illogical ways in which we create concepts, solve problems , make decisions, and form judgements.
  3. concept
    a mental grouping of similar objects,events,ideas,or people
  4. prototypes
    a mental image or best example of a category
  5. algorithm
    a very time cosuming procedure that guarantess solving a problem
  6. heuristics
    a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgements and solve problems efficently less time consuming
  7. confirmation bias
    a tendency to search for information that confirms ones preconception
  8. fixation
    the inabilty to see a problem from a new prespective
  9. problem solving stratgegies
    • trail and error
    • algorithms
    • heuristice
    • insight
  10. representation heuristic
    judging the liklihood of things and terms of how well they seem to represent, or match particular prototypes, may lead one to ignore other relevant information
  11. available heuritics
    operates when we base our judgement on how mentally available information is
  12. overconfidence
    the tendency to be more confident than correct -to overestimate the accuracy of ones beliefs and judgements
  13. framing
    the way an issue is posed: how an issue is framed can significanlty affect descions and judgements
  14. belief perseverance
    clingin to ones initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited
  15. language
    our spoken written gestured way we communicate
  16. babbling stage
    begins at 4 mths utters various sounds
  17. two word stage
    beginss at age 2 uses 2 words
  18. operant learning
    skiner believed that language development may be explained on the basis of learning principles such as association,imitation, and reinforcement
  19. inborn universal grammar
    chomsky suggest that the rate of language acgsition is to fast and childhood is a critcal period for fully developingg certain aspects of language
  20. linguistic determinism
    language determines the way we think
  21. howard gardner
    proposed 8 types of intelligence
  22. existential intelligence
    the ability to think about the question of life and death
  23. 8 intelligence
    • 1-linguistic-poet
    • 2-logical-mathmatical
    • 3-musical
    • 4-spatial-artist
    • 5-bodily-kinesthetic-dancer
    • 6-intrapersonal-psychiatrist
    • 7-interpersonal-leader
    • 8-naturalist
  24. robert steinberg
    believes in triarchy theory of 3 intelligence
  25. steinberg 3 inteligences
    • analytical-assesd by intelligence test
    • creative intelligence-reacting adaptivly to novel situations
    • practical -required for everyday tasks
  26. 5 component of creativity
    • exspertise
    • imaginative thinking skills
    • venturesome personality
    • intrinsic motivation
    • creative enviroment
  27. expertise
    a well developed base of knowlegde
  28. imaginative thinking skills
    the ability to see things in novel ways
  29. venturesome personality
    a personalitybthat seeks new exsperience rather than follow the pack
  30. intrinsic motivation
    a motivatiokn to be creative from within
  31. creative enviroment
    a creative and supportive enviroment allows creativity to bloom
  32. alfred binet
    original intelligence test
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psyc exam 2
pysc exam 2