all vocab

  1. austere
    • adjective- severe or stern in personality or appearance; somber and grave
    • adjective- bare, without adornment
  2. avarice
    noun- greed, or an extreme desire for wealth
  3. florid
    • adjective- flushed with rosy color
    • adjective- very ornate; flowery
  4. insatiable
    adjective- not capable of being fully satisfied
  5. inundate
    • verb- to flood or cover over with water
    • verb- to overwhelm as if with a flood
  6. myriad
    • adjective- referring to a large but undetermined number
    • adjective- made up of many diverse elements or facets
    • noun- a huge number
  7. parsimony
    noun- displaying extreme stinginess or cheapness
  8. prodigal
    • adjective- carelessly or wastefully extravagant; lavish
    • adjective- giving or given in abundance
  9. replete
    adjective- plentiful supplied; abounding
  10. voluminous
    • adjective- having great fullness, size, or number
    • adjective- ample or lengthy in speech or writing
  11. audacious
    • adjective- fearlessly daring, bold
    • adjective- not held back by what others consider acceptable; showing willingness to offend others
  12. contumacy
    noun- a scornful resistance to authority; a stubborn rebelliousness
  13. dour
    • adjective- marked by sternness, harshness, ill temper, or gloom
    • adjective- sternly unyielding or stubborn
  14. éclat
    noun- brilliance in performance and achievement; dazzling display
  15. indefatigable
    adjective- tireless, incapable of wearing out or becoming fatigued
  16. irresolute
    adjective- undecided or uncertain about what to do; wavering
  17. obdurate
    • adjective- hard headed; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
    • adjective- not giving in to persuasion
  18. obsequious
    adjective- excessively eager to serve, obey, or win the favor of another; fawning
  19. pertinacity
    noun the quality of holding firmly or stubbornly to a purpose, an intention or belief; stubbornness
  20. stoic
    • adjective- seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain; determined not to complain or show feeling
    • noun- a person who is seemingly indifferent or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain
  21. atrophy
    • verb- to waste away; to wither or deteriorate
    • noun- wasting away or deterioration, often due to disease, injury, or lack of use
  22. debilitate
    verb- to sap the strength or energy of; to weaken
  23. livid
    • adjective- discolored, as in a bruise; black-and-blue
    • adjective- pale or ashen
    • adjective- furious with anger
  24. moribund
    • adjective- about to die
    • adjective- on the verge of becoming obsolete or outdated
  25. noxious
    • adjective- poisonous or harmful to living things; injurious to health
    • adjective- corruption; harmful to the mind or morals
  26. pestilence
    noun- fatal epidemic disease; anything regarded as harmful or dangerous
  27. prostrate
    • verb- to reduce to extreme weakness; to overcome
    • verb- to lie flat or at full length
    • adjective- reduced to extreme weakness; overcame
    • adjective- lying flat, face down, at full length
  28. salubrious
    adjective- conducive or favorable to health or well-being
  29. scourge
    • noun- a cause of great harm, affliction, or devastation
    • verb- to afflict with severe suffering; to ravage
  30. unscathed
    adjective- not harmed; uninjured
  31. repudiate
    verb- to reject the truth, the authority, or the balidity of
  32. tenuous
    adjective- having little strength or substance; flimsy
  33. Martinet
    • noun- a rigid military disciplinarian
    • noun- one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules
  34. Laconic
    adjective- marked by the use of few words
  35. Maudlin
    adjective- effusively or tearfully sentimental; overly emotional
  36. Garrulous
    • adjective- given to excessive and often trivial talk
    • adjective- wordy and rambling
  37. abscond
    verb- to leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution
  38. bilk
    verb- to cheat or swindle out of money
  39. clemency
    • noun- mercy, especially toward a criminal or an enemy
    • noun- mildness, especially of weather
  40. contrite
    adjective- feeling regret and sorrow for things one has done wrong
  41. impute
    • verb- to attribute the fault or responsibility to; to relate to a particular cause or source
    • verb- to assign as a characteristic
  42. iniquity
    noun- wickedness; immorality; a wicked or an immoral act; a sin
  43. redress
    • verb- to right a wrong; to make up for
    • noun- satisfaction for a wrong or injury; a correction
  44. reprehensible
    adjective- deserving of blame or criticism
  45. restitution
    • noun- the act of restoring something to its proper owner or to its original, undamaged state
    • noun- the act of compensating for loss, damage, or injury
  46. vindicate
    • verb- to clear of blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof
    • verb- to justify or prove the worth of something
  47. adduce
    verb- to cite as an example or a means of proof in an argument
  48. confound
    • verb- to cause to become confused or perplexed
    • verb- to fail to distinguish; to mix up
    • verb- to make something bad even worse
  49. construe
    • verb- to interpret; to explain the meaning of
    • verb- to translate, especially to do so aloud
  50. conundrum
    • adjective- a difficult, unsolvable, or self-contradictory problem; a dilemma
    • adjective- a riddle which is answered by a pun
  51. cryptic
    • adjective- having hidden meaning; mysterious
    • adjective- using or based on code
  52. equivocate
    verb- to use language that is evasive or ambiguous, often in an attempt to mislead; to avoid making an explicit or straightforward statement
  53. paradox
    • noun- a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true
    • noun- something exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects
  54. patent
    • adjective- obvious; plain; apparent
    • noun- a grant by the government that give the creator of an invention the sole right to his creation for a set time
  55. perspicacity
    noun- an acuteness of perception, observation, or understanding; a sharpness
  56. rudimentary
    • adjective- of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary
    • adjective- in the earliest stages of development
  57. aberrant
    adjective- deviating from the proper or expected course; abnormal
  58. anomaly
    noun- a departure from the normal or ordinary form, order, or rule
  59. eccentricity
    noun- the quality of straying from what is conventional or customary; a deviation from the normal, expected, or established
  60. endemic
    adjective- common in or unique to a certain location or population
  61. incongruous
    • adjective- lacking in harmony; incompatible
    • adjective- not in agreement; inconsistent
    • adjective- not keeping with what is proper, logical, or correct
  62. mundane
    adjective- commonplace; ordinary
  63. outlandish
    adjective- strikingly bizarre or unfamiliar
  64. paragon
    noun- a model of perfection or excellence of a kind; an unparalleled example
  65. ubiquitous
    adjective- being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time
  66. unwonted
    adjective- not habitual or ordinary; unusual
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