- Activity (absent, arms/legs flexed, active mvmt)
- Pulse (absent, < 100, >100)
- Grimace (no respone, grimace, sneeze/cough/pull away)
- Appearance (blue/gray, acrocyanosis, normal)
- Respiratory (absent, slow/irreg, good/crying)
Fundus location PP?
1 cm/day
PP hemorrhaging for NSVD & C/S
- NSVD = > 500ml
- C/S = > 1000ml
Does NOT cross suture line & NOT present @ birth
DOES cross suture line & PRESENT @ birth
Caput succedaneum
Newborn RR
30-60 breaths/min
Newborn daily calorie requirement
100-110 kcal/kg/day
Newborn daily fluid intake requirement
40-60 ml/kg/day
Average wt of newborn
- 2500g - 4000 g
- (5 lbs, 8oz - 8 lbs, 13oz)
Nrsg Intervention for "early decels"
Vag exam
Nrsg intervention for "late decels" - 5 things
- 1. Reposition mom
- 2. O2 on mom
- 3. Increase fluids
- 4. D/C Pitocin
- 5. Call MD
Nrsg intervention for "variable decels" & what's the cause of it
- Cause by "cord compression"
- Fixed by "reposition of mom"
Premonitory signs of labor (7)
- 1. Lightening = 2-3wks before; can breath but now you need to pee
- 2. Braxton-Hicks
- 3. Wt. loss = 1-3 lbs may occur 2-3 days before
- 4. Cervical change
- 5. Bloody show = loss of mucus plug
- 6. SROM
- 7. Nesting instinct = burst of energy
Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy (7)
- 1. Amenorrhea
- 2. N/V
- 3. Fatigue
- 4. Urinary frequency
- 5. Breast changes
- 6. Skin changes
- 7. Fetal mvmt
Probable Signs of Pregnancy (9)
- 1. Abd enlargement
- 2. Goodell's sign: cervical softening
- 3. Chadwick's sign: bluish-purple color of vag
- 4. Hegar's sign: uterine consistency
- 5. Ballotement
- 6. Braxton-Hicks
- 7. Fetal outline
- 8. Uterine souffle
- 9. Postive preg test
Positive signs of pregnancy (3)
- 1. US
- 2. FHB (fetal heart beat)
- 3. Fetal mvmt felt by trained examiner
Wt gain for NORMAL preggers, OVERWT preggers, & UNDERWT preggers
- Normal = 25 - 35 lbs
- Over wt = 15 - 25 lbs
- Under wt = (ideal wt) + (28 - 40 lbs)
Amniotic fluid @ 10 wks & @ term
- 10 wks = 1 oz
- Term = 700 - 800 ml
Birth w/o violence & have birthing room quiet w/ dim lights, etc
Breathing techniques for birthing process; focal point; relaxation
Dad part of the birthing process
Types of pelvic shapes (4)
- 1. Gynecoid = round
- 2. Anthropoid = elongated
- 3. Android = heart shape
- 4. Platypelloid = flat
Ideal pelvic shape
Pelvic shape most likely to have CPD (cephalo-pelvic disproportion)
Length of embryonic prd
14 days - 8 wks
Length of pre-embryonic prd
1st 2 wks of conception
Length of fetal prd
9 wks - birth
GPTAL = What does each mean
- G = Gravida (# pregnancy)
- P = Preterm (20 - 36 wks)
- T = Term (37+ wks)
- A = Abortions (< 20 wks)
- L = Living
Expected due date?
01/17/2011 = Nagule's Rule (+3, -7)