CMT Week 10 - ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ – Narrative Analysis

  1. What character roles can you identify?
    Who is the Hero?
    Pied Piper
  2. What character roles can you identify?
    Who is the Villain?
  3. What character roles can you identify?
    Who is the Helper?
    the Citizens
  4. What character roles can you identify?
    Who is the Heroine/princess?
    the Children (as victims who need to be saved)
  5. What character roles can you identify?
    Who is the False Hero?
    the Dispatcher
  6. What is the equilibrium at the beginning of the narrative?
    the Rats
  7. How is it disrupted and the disequilibrium established?
    Pied Piper gets rid of the rats
  8. How is the equilibrium resolved?
    No payment from mayor
  9. What is the new equilibrium at the end of the narrative?
    Pied Piper takes the children.
  10. How is it different from the one at the beginning?
    Left in limbo
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CMT Week 10 - ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ – Narrative Analysis