Dental Anatomy

  1. true or false. The first permanent molars are usually the largest, and they get smaller as you go posteriorly
  2. When do the maxillary permanent first molars erupt?
    • 6-7
    • 9-10
  3. What is the largest tooth in the permanent dentition?
    maxillary first molars
  4. How many developmental lobes make up the maxillary first molar?
  5. Name the 5 cusps on the maxillary first molars
    • mesioubuccal
    • distobuccal
    • mesiolingual
    • distolingual
    • cusp of carabelli
  6. The roots of the maxillary first molars are larger and more divergent than those of the _________________, and more complex in form than those of the maxillary ____________
    • second molars
    • premolars
  7. Which root is the larges and longest of all the maxillary 1st molar roots
    lingual/palatal root
  8. which roots of the the maxillary first molar have an extreme curvature that makes them look like the handles of a set of pliers
    mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots
  9. the ____________ root is the second largest and longest root of the 1st molar, and is inclined_________ and __________ and has an apical third curving ____________
    • mesiobuccal
    • mesially
    • buccally
    • distally
  10. Which root of the maxillary first molar is the smallest?
    distobuccal root
  11. If the maxillary first molar has 4 pulp canals, which root has 2 canals?
  12. Which permanent molar has the cusp of carabelli? And what cusp is it on?
    • maxillary first molar
    • mesiolingual cusp
  13. An oblique ridge is a distinguishing feature for which permanent molars?
    maxillary 1st and 2nd molars
  14. tooth with and oblique ridge, rhomboid outline, and 5 developmental lobe is probably describing what teeth?
    maxillary 1st molars
  15. On the maxillary first molar, which cusp is larger? Mesiolingual or distolingual?
  16. in distinguishing right from left maxillary first molars, the Mes marginal ridge is ________ and _______ _______ than the distal
    • longer
    • more prominent
  17. Which cusp is the largest one on the maxillary first molar?
  18. Mulberry molars can be a result of syphilis, they have little bumps and tubercles, and are a clinical consideration for what molars
    all of the molars
  19. enamel pearls are often a clinical consideration for which molars?
    maxillary and mandibular 2nd molars
  20. root fusion is often a developmental disturbance for which molar?
    maxillary 2nd molar
  21. maxillary molar roots may penetrate the sinuses and cause problems during which dental procedure?
  22. true or false. Sinusitis may be mistaken for tooth aches in the maxillary molars
  23. the maxillary first molar is __________ in height then the maxillary 2nd premolar
  24. Concrescence is a developmental disturbance for which molars
    maxillary first and second molars
  25. What are the eruption dates for the maxillary 2nd molars?
    • 12-13 yrs
    • 14-16 yrs
  26. How many cusps are on the maxillary 2nd molars?
    4 or 3
  27. If a maxillary 2nd molar only has 3 cusps, which is missing?
    distolingual cusp
  28. What is the shape of the maxillary 2nd molar with:
    4 cusps
    3 cusps
    • rhomboid
    • heart
  29. in distinguishing left from right maxillary 2nd molars, the__________cusp is longer and more rounded than the________cusp; and the ____________cusp is longer than the__________cusp
    • mesiobuccal
    • distobuccal
    • mesiolingual
    • distolingual
  30. are the roots smaller or larger in maxillary 2nd molars than 1st?
  31. Why does distobuccal plaque build up quite a bit on the maxillary 2nd molar?
    because of the parotid papilla next to it
  32. What is the eruption date for the maxillary 3rd molars?
    • 17-21 years
    • 18-25
  33. which molar is the smallest and most variable?
    maxillary 3rd molar
  34. true or false. the maxillary 3rd molar can have 3 or 4 cusps along with the maxillary 3nd molars, the cusp that is missing is the distolingual cusp
  35. What is the eruption date for the mandibular first molars?
    6-7 years
  36. Which molar has a buccal groove that is important in occlusion?
    mandibular first molar
  37. How many cusps does the mandibular first molar have?
  38. What is the very first tooth to erupt in the oral cavity?
    mandibular first molar
  39. Which cusp is the largets on the mandibular first molar? which is the smallest?
    • mesiobuccal
    • disto
  40. Which molar has fluting?
    mandibular first molar
  41. Fluting develops on which surface of the mandibular first molar?
    mesial surface of mesial root
  42. Which is the larger and stronger root on the mandibular first molar?
    mesial root
  43. 3 cusp type is ______ common in maxillary 2nd molars and ________ common in maxillary 3rd molars
    • less
    • more
  44. which molar has a Y shaped groove?
    mandibular first
  45. When do the mandibular 2nd molars erupt?
    • 11-12
    • 14-15
  46. 4 cusps nearly equal in size, lingual cusps having sharper cusp tips with 4 developmental lobes, would most likely be describing what teeth?
    mandibular 2nd molars
  47. Which molar has 2 transverse ridges?
    mandibular 2nd
  48. true or false, the crowns of mandibular 2nd and 3rd molars taper distally
  49. which tooth exhibits a cross-shaped groove pattern dividing the occlusal table into four parts that are nearly equal?
    mandibular 2nd molar
  50. When do the mandibular 3rd molars erupt?
    • 17-21
    • 18-25
  51. Which tooth am I describing?
    smaller overall, crenulated (appears wrinkled) and 4 developmental lobes
    mandibular third molar
  52. How do you distinguish right from left mandibular third molars?
    crown tapers distally
Card Set
Dental Anatomy