History Final

  1. capitulation
    highly unfavorable trading agreements that the Ottoman Turks signed with the Europeans in the 19th century that symbolized the decline of the Ottomans
  2. Treaty of Nanjing
    (1842) ended the British war against the Chinese
  3. extraterritoriality
    the right to exercise jurisdiction over their own citizens according to their laws
  4. Taiping Rebellion
    (1850-1864) raged throughout most of China and brought the Qing Dynasty to the brink of collapse by school teacher
  5. Sepoy Rebellion
    argued by civilian peasants and disgruntled elites in the north-central India who were deeply dissatisfied with recent British policies regarding taxation and law
  6. Herbert Spencer
    (1820-1903) English philosopher used evolution theory between strong and weak: successful individuals and races had better in the natural world and consequently evolved to higher states than did others, less fit, peoples
  7. David Kalakaua
    1874 elected to thrown
  8. Bayonet Constitution
    1887 King Kalakaua signed this constitution which reduces the monarchy to ceremonial status, place executive powers in the hands of the cabinet and makes a seat in the house of nobels and elected office
  9. Queen Liliuokalani
    (1891-1893) last monarch of Hawaii who was overthrown by a group of planters and business people
  10. Cecil Rhodes
    English businessman/financier found the modern diamond industry and controlled the British South Africa Company
  11. Schlieffen Plan
    a swift knockout of France followed by the defeusive action against Russia (Germany's Plan)
  12. League of Nations
    Forerunner of the United Naations, formed after WWI. The dream of American president Woodrow Wilson, although it is potential was severely limited by the refusal of the U.S. to join
  13. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Bolshevik rulers ended Russia's involvement in the Great War by signing the treaty with Germany. Treaty gave Germans 1/3 of Russia's terrritory and one-quarter of population
  14. Sarajevo
    city capital of Bosnia Herzegovia where Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated
  15. French Plan XVII
    French attack Lorraine to Germany to gain power (French Plan)
  16. Treaty of Versailles
    signed on June 28, 1919 with german to limit German powers
  17. Gallipoli
    (1915) Batttle at Gallipoli between Central and Allied powers
  18. Lost Generation
    feeling of disllusionment
  19. Pablo Picasso
    (1881-1973) Artist leading proponent of cubism, displayed the influence of Africa art form
  20. John Maynard Keynes
    (1883-1946) most influentral economist of the 20th century, offered a novel solution. His book argued the fundimental cause of the depression was not excessive supplly but inadequate demand
  21. New Deal
    By FDR eased the depression including a legislation designed to prevent the collapse of the banking system,to provide jobs and farm subside, to garentee minimum wages and to provide social security in old age
  22. Keynes
    "Keynesian" or "pumping priming" economic idea by John Maynard Keynes: used by FDR money incest in the people, the working class.
  23. Smoot-Hawley Act
    1930 raise duties on most manufactured products to prohibitiue levels, the government of dozens of other nations retaliated by raising tariffs on imports by the U.S. products- result, sharp drop in international trade
  24. Herbert Hoover
    U.S. president at the time of Great Depression
  25. reparations
    restore to good condition
  26. Rape of Nanjing
    China, first nation to expereince brutalty of WW2 by Japan, Japanese troops invaded Nanjing raped 7,000 women, murdered soldiers and civilians, and burned 1/3 of homes in Nanjing
  27. Operation Barbarossa
    June 22, 1941; Hitler order operation to invade the Soviet Union
  28. "A date that will live in imfamy"
    December 7, 1941, spoke by FDR
  29. Midway
    June 4, 1942; last U.S. controlled island
  30. Anschluss
    1938 annexation of Austria into Greater Germany by the Nazi regime
  31. lebensraum
    German term meaning "living space"; the term is associated with Hitler and his goal to carving out terrritory in the east of an expanding Germany
  32. Blitzkrieg
    German style of rapid attack through the use of armor and air power that was used in Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France in 1939-1940
  33. The Fianl Solution
    Nazi plan to exterminate the Jewish people
  34. Haftling
    prision inmate (prisoner)
  35. Arbeit Macht Frei
    "work will make you free"
  36. musselman
    term indicate an individual was one of the "lost and destoryed"
  37. Ka-Be
    the camp abbrevated of Krankenbau, or infirmary
  38. The Buna
    a work camp of about 10,000 prisoners, near Auschwitz in upper Silesia
  39. Porenzo
    Levi's civilian friend
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History Final