AP Euro Dates

  1. 1517
    95 Theses
  2. 1555
    Peace of Augsburg
  3. 1588
    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  4. 1603
    Elizabeth I of England died
  5. 1618
    Beginning of the 30 Years' War
  6. 1648
    Treaty of Westphalia
  7. 1649
    Cromwell came to power in England
  8. 1660
    The Restoration in England
  9. 1688
    Glorious Revolution in England
  10. 1713
    Pragmatic Sanction in Austria
  11. 1715
    Louis XIV of France died
  12. 1776
    Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations
  13. 1789
    French Revolution began
  14. 1795
    Final partition of Poland
  15. 1799
    Napoleon came to power
  16. 1804
    Napoleon became emperor
  17. 1815
    Napoleon exiled, Congress of Vienna
  18. 1848
    Revolutions of 1848, Marx/Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto
  19. 1861
    Unification of Italy, Tsar Alexander II of Russia freed the serfs
  20. 1871
    Unification of Germany
  21. 1914
    Beginning of WWI
  22. 1917
    Russian Revolution
  23. 1918
    End of WWI
  24. 1939
    Beginning of WWII
  25. 1945
    End of WWII
  26. 1961
    Berlin Wall was built
  27. 1989
    Fall of the Soviet bloc
  28. 1991
    Fall of the Soviet Union
Card Set
AP Euro Dates
Dates until 1815 for AP European History