Venir de, Depuis, Pendant, Il y a

  1. venir
    to come
  2. je-- viens
    tu-- viens
    il/elle-- vient

    nous-- venons
    vous-- venez
    ils/elles-- viennent

    past participle-- venu
  3. Venir takes the auxiliary être in the passé composé.
    • Ils sont venus vendredi dernier.
    • -- They came last Friday.
  4. Venir can be used with de and an infinitive to say that something has just happened. This is called the passé récent.
    • Je viens de prendre mon goûter dans ma chambre.
    • -- I just had a snack in my room.
  5. Venir can be used with an infinitive to say that someone has come to do something.
    • Papa est venu me chercher.
    • -- Dad came to pick me up.
  6. The verbs devenir (to become) and revenir (to come back) are conjugated like venir. They, too, take être in the passé composé.
    • Estelle et sa copine sont devenues médecins.
    • -- Estelle and her friend became doctors.
    • Il est revenu avec une tarte aux fraises.
    • -- He came back with a strawberry tart.
  7. The verbs tenir (to hold), maintenir (to maintain), and retenir (to keep, to retain) are also conjugated like venir. They take avoir in the passé composé.
    • Corinne tient le livre de cuisine.
    • -- Corinne is holding the cookbook.
    • On a retenu mon passeport à la douane.
    • -- They kept my passport at customs.
  8. A command form of tenir is often used when handing something to someone.
    • Tiens, une belle orange pour toi.
    • -- Here, a nice orange for you.
  9. To say something happened at a time ago in the past, use [il y a + a time ago].
    • Il y a une heure, on était à la cuisine.
    • -- An hour ago, we were at the cafeteria.
  10. To say that something happened for a particular period of time that has ended, us [pendant + time period]. Often the verb will be used in the passé composé.
    • Salim a fait la vaisselle pendant deux heures.
    • -- Salim washed his dished for two hours.
  11. To say that something has been going on since a particular time and continues into the present, use [depuis + time period, date, or starting point]. Usually in the present tense.
    • Elle danse depuis son arrivée à la fête.
    • -- She has been dancing since she arrived at the party.
  12. devenir
    to become
  13. revenir
    to come back
  14. tenir
    to hold
  15. maintenir
    to maintain
  16. retenir
    to keep, to retain
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Venir de, Depuis, Pendant, Il y a
Verbs & Expressions of time- Unit 9, Lesson 17.1