What is the concept of patient centered care according to Lee Jacobs?
"In general terms, care is considered patient-centered when the processes and culture (attribute and behaviors) of an organization, office, team, and individual practitioner address first and foremost the wants and needs of the patient."
A patient centered care practice can help assure ____ _____.
patient autonomy
Beneficence in the context of healthcare means:
that what we as healthcare providers do must be beneficial--must benefit the patient; what we do must, on balance, benefit the patient
Nonmaleficence in the context of healthcare mean:
that what we as healthcare providers do must NOT do harm to the patient; what we do must not, above all else, harm the patient
What are the two ethical considerations in patient care?
teleology and deontology
What is Teleology?
- the value (rightness) of an act or intervention is based solely upon the OUTCOME of the act or intervention
"No act is good or bad in itself but acquires a moral value only in terms of the consequences that result from that act
What is Deontology?
the value of an act or intervntion can be measured in terms of the act or intervention itself
"While a consequence of an act may be good or bad, the act itself has an intrinsic moral value."
What are the four complementary governing principles (modern governing principles-- foundations of moral medicine)
Autonomy, Justice, Truth, Consent
What is the meaning of Autonomy (patient autonomy) as associated with critical thinking?
the patient's desires are of utmost importance
What is the meaning of Justice as associated with critical thinking?
we must treat patients fairly and respect their rights and entitlements and the limits of their rights and entitlements
What is the meaning of Truth as associated with critical thinking?
patients must be told the truth
What is the meaning of Consent as associated with critical thinking?
patients must be fully informed and consent to interventions (informed consent)
In the context of critical thinking, what is Fact?
just what one knows to be true
In the context of critical thinking, what is Observation?
the process of taking in and carefully considering all elements that may be detected for th purpose of subsequent further consideration, but short of judgement