IA Chapter 5

  1. IA review – Labeling Systems and Labeling
    • Labeling Systems
    • -Must be planned and consistent
    • -Require planning to succeed
    • -Need to be careful with icons for international audiences

    • Labeling
    • -Represent “larger chunks of information”
  2. Searching Systems: Types
    • The 2 types are:
    • Crawler-Based Search Engines (google)
    • Human-Powered Directories – Open Directory Project

    • And then there is…
    • "Hybrid Search Engines" Or Mixed Results
  3. Searching Systems: How Search Engines Work
    Human-Powered Directories
  4. Searching Systems: How Search Engines Work
    "Hybrid Search Engines" Or Mixed Results
  5. Searching Systems: Life of a Google Query
    query-web server-index server-doc server-user
  6. Searching Systems: Ranking Process
    • 1. Match the search words
    • 2. Process the search syntax
    • 3. Construct a set of documents
    • 4. Assign a weight
    • 5. Use the assigned weights to rank6. Display the search results
  7. In a perfect world..
    Improved search usability requires two basicinitiatives:

    1. Invest in a good search engine that compiles aunified index of the entire intranet and prioritizessearch results appropriately.

    2. Educate all content contributors on theimportance of page titles and summaries, and trainthem to write for online readers, who typically scansearch lists.
  8. Searching Systems: How Can Searching BeImproved?
    Utilize multiple search interfaces

    Expert vs. simple. Distinguish by user background, discipline orexpertise

    Support common information needs (known item vs. exploratoryvs. research)

    • Provide search tips
    • • Explain what is being searched and how it can be searched.
    • • Best to show by example
  9. Searching Systems: How Can Searching BeImproved?
    Leverage document structure’s results by showing only asummary of that page’s content.

    • Support iterative, integrated searching and browsing
    • Employ a “no-dead ends” policy.

    Use search zones.
  10. Inbound Marketing is Essential
    • Inbound Marketing
    • SEO
    • Pay per click
    • Blogging / Blogosphere
    • Social Media / Buzz
    • Targeted Landing Pages
    • Marketing Analytics
  11. Searching Systems: Pareto’s Principle
    "A minority of inputproduces the majority of results.”

    80% majority

    20% minority
  12. Metadata: What is it?
    Metadata is information about information: moreprecisely, it's structured information about resources. This canbe a single set of hierarchical subject labels, such as a Yahooor Open Directory Project category. Or…

    More often, the metadata has several facets: attributes invarious sets of categories. This is often stored in databaserecord fields and tables, especially for product catalogs.
  13. Metadata: What is it?

    Examples of faceted metadata include:
    Music store: songs have attributes such as artist, title, length,genre, date...

    Recipes: cuisine, main ingredients, cooking style, holiday...

    Travel site: articles have authors, dates, places, prices...

    Regulatory documents: product and part codes, machinetypes, expiration dates...

    Image collection: artist, date, style, type of image, theme...
  14. Meta Information
    • <head>
    • <title>Meta Tags For Search Engines</title>
    • <meta name="description" content=“This where theorganization description will go.">
    • <meta name="keywords" content=" This where keywords related to the organization will go">
    • <meta name="rating" content="general">
    • <meta name="copyright" content="2003, BCIT">
    • <meta name="revisit-after" content="31 Days">
    • <meta name="expires" content="never">
    • <meta name="distribution" content="global">
    • <meta name="robots" content="index">
    • </head>
  15. Metadata: Faceted Metadata Search Solution
    A good solution to these problems involves exposing thefacets in dynamic taxonomies, so that the search user cansee exactly the options they have available at any time.

    They can switch easily between searching and browsing,using their own terminology for search while recognizingthe organization and vocabulary of the data.
  16. Metadata: Faceted Metadata Search Solution
    • Features for a good metadata search include:
    • Displaying aspects of the current results set in multiplecategorization schemes
    • Showing only populated categories, no dead-ends (linksleading to empty lists)

    Displaying a count of the contents of each category, warningthe user how many more choices they will see

    Generating groupings on the fly, such as size, price or date

    Drill down by facet, so a diamond buyer could choose price,clarity, size and setting.
  17. Metadata and Search: To sum up
    Be patient! The search engine spiders are extremely slowto index new information that they find when crawlingWeb sites. Don't be discouraged if it takes six months ormore to see the fruits of your labour.

    Individually submit your site to the more popular engines.

    Use a submission engine to target the rest.
  18. Example
    • <Head>
    • <TITLE> easyJet --> the web's favourite airline</ TITLE >
    • <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Low cost airline easyjetflies to 18 top European business and leisure destinations.Book online today, and save money with the web's favouriteairline. The easyJet fleet now comprises 18 modern Boeing737-300s with 15 brand new aircraft on order. See online fordetails of our great value fares and all our others news">
    • < META NAME ="keywords" CONTENT ="easy jet, easyjet, airline,cheap flights, ticketing, booking, plane booking, low costflights, cheap fares, swiss airline, stansted, gatwick airport,inexpensive flights, luton airport, flight reservation, low costairlines, london airport, athens airport luton airport, edinburghairport, liverpool airport, belfast airport, amsterdam airport,palma airport, glasgow airport, aberdeen airport, nice airport,geneva airport, zurich airport, airport, saving, airline company,easyJet ltd, stelios company, cheapflight, economy flights,economy air fares, bargain air fares">
    • </Head>
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IA Chapter 5
Chapter 5 exam notes