IA Notes

  1. Concept Mapping
    structured brainstorming that shows relationships among concepts
  2. What are benefits of concept mapping?
    -visualize how ideas are connected and how knowledge is organized

    -show relationship ideas

    -gather information in a random, organizing manner

    -improves comprehension and problem solving skills
  3. Techniques for finding/grouping/organizing information
    • brainstorm
    • post-it notes
    • create a mind map
    • chunking
    • -developed by george miller
    • -how people remember data/info
    • -reduce information overload
    • -groups of 7 +/- 2 items
    • -inherent relationship with labels applied to those chunks of information
  4. What is content inventory?
    A methodical review of a web site's content, or a taking stock of what you've go.

    Content inventory answers the "what" goes where?
  5. Content inventory structures
    You need to know what you have to work with before youcan organize it better

    Helps in getting to know the content deeply As important to a re-architecture as understanding usergoals and business goals

    Offers an opportunity to create associations acrossgroupings, identify redundancies, and possibly, slice italong a different grain.
  6. Content Inventory: 3 Basic Types
    • A Survey
    • A Detailed Audit
    • A Content Map
  7. Content Inventory: Survey
    A high-level review (not detailed) of core site pages,usually taken atthe beginning of a project

    Helps to understand the scope and nature of thematerial—the type of content, what topics it covers,and so on

    Provides a clear understanding of the major chunks ofsite content

    Can be used on its own, or as a launching point forother inventories
  8. Content Inventory - Detailed Audit
    A comprehensive page-by-page site inventory

    When complete, the audit lists every page by name and URL, assigns it a unique number to identify it, and listsmajor attributes of the page that will eventually formpart of the important meta data

    Often easier to begin the detailed audit by doing aquick survey to flesh out a basic framework beforebeginning the page-by-page site review. Thecompleted audit is useful during migration to contentmanagement systems
  9. Content Inventory – Content Map
    High-level “chunking” of content taken from a 6000 line spreadsheet. Easier for team to wrap their headsaround.
  10. Taxonomy
    however, the term is now applied in a wider, moregeneral sense and now may refer to a classification of things,as well as to the principles underlying such a classification.
  11. Labeling Systems Not Labeling
    Labels like organization and navigation systems aresystems on their own right.

    • Labeling systems require planning to succeed.
    • You can make a bad impression with a label
    • -“Cool”, “Hot”, “Stuff” -- Professional?
    • - “Order Processing & Fulfillment” -- Self-Centered?
  12. Labelling Systems - Types
    <META>/<TITLE> Tags Indexing “heard but not seen”View the source code - are meta tags present where they should be?

    • Headings
    • Be consistent in terminology, granularity, and punctuation
    • Link Labels (contextual links)
    • Embedded links in the text
    • Never “Click Here”
    • Highlight only the essential words

    • Iconic LabelsCan have a different meaning in a global context Few truly recognizable icons
    • Hard to convey abstract concepts
  13. Labeling Systems - Guidelines
    Show the user your organization and navigationsystems

    Communicate without taking up too much of thepage’s vertical or horizontal space, and theuser’s cognitive space.
  14. Labels within Navigation
    Consider using standard labels:

    • Home, Home Page, Main, Main Page
    • Search, Find, Browse, Site Map, Contents, Index Contact, Contact us, Contact Support, Feedback Help, FAQ
    • News, What’s New
    • About, About Us, About <company>, Who we are
  15. Labeling Systems - Sources for Labels
    • Current Web Site
    • Other Web Sites
    • Books (Table of Contents) about the subject
    • Labels from Content (Brochures, Reports, etc.) Controlled Vocabularies
  16. Labeling - Design tips
    • Users come first
    • Put things where they are easy or logical to find (Couldyour mom find this?)
    • Use simple, descriptive names for items and pages
    • Avoid duplicating information
    • How will you present bulky, lengthy information?
    • multiple information pages (Level 3 and 4)
    • one single introductory page plus link to downloadable file
    • one page but with additional page-specific navigation links(anchor links)
    • Review and consolidate your site structure as it evolves
  17. Review- Developing an IA
    1. Define your site’s goals (vision statement – web specific)

    2. Define and profile your audience & develop tasks(scenario, demographics

    3. Undertake a content inventory (survey, audit, map)

    4. Organize/Group your data (Structure, facet-basedbrowsing?, Metaphor?)

    5. Label your content (concept mapping, facet-based browsing?,Metaphor)
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IA Notes
Chapters 4