Science Final

  1. magnetic domains
    • groups of atoms
    • unmagnetized iron bar (domain r scattered)
    • magnetized iron bar (domains r aligned)
  2. Magnetic Field
    region where magnetic forces act
  3. Magnetic poles
    • North and south ends of a magnet where the magnetic effect is the strongest
    • Unlike poles attract
    • likes poles repel
  4. Magnetism
    force of attraction or replusion of a magnetic material
  5. Earth's Magnetic Field
    the magnetic south pole is near the geographic north pole

    the magnetic north pole is near the geographic south pole
  6. compass
    instrument that reacts to the earth's magnetic field( the north pole of the compass points the earth's magnetic south pole
  7. Electromagnet
    an elecrtomagnet is a series of loops of wire wrapped around an iron core. When an electric current is passed through the wire, magnetic field is produced
  8. Aurora Borealis
    Northern Lights created by magnetic particles from the sun (solar wind) striking the earth's magnetic field.
  9. Static Electricity
    • build of electrons on an object
    • negative charge-excess of electrons
    • postive charge-excess of protons
  10. lighting
    large static discharge( can occur from cloud to ground, ground to cloud or cloud to cloud
  11. Electric circuit
    • and unbroken path along which an electric current is able to travel.
    • parrallel provides more than one path for current to travel
    • series provides only one path for current to travel
  12. open circuit
    a circuit in which there is a broken pathway
  13. short circuit
    a circuit in which there is no resistance
  14. volts
    unit that measures the push behind electons Potential difference V=IR
  15. Amperes
    unit that measures electron flow (I=V/R)
  16. Ohms
    unit that measures the resistance in a circuit (R=V/I)
  17. conductors
    • materials through which electric current can pass through readily
    • copper
    • aluminum
    • silver
  18. insulators
    • materials through which a current cannot readily
    • wood
    • rubber
    • plastic
  19. electric cell battery
    • stores chemical energy which can transformed into electical energy in a circuit
    • **does not store electicity**
  20. Light
    • portion of electromagnetic spectrum that is visible
    • speed-186,282 m/s
    • primary source the sun
    • travels in a straight line
  21. transverse wave
    • light behaves as a wave with a crest, through, wavelength, and frequency
    • shimer in water speed will change slower
  22. Photon
    light also behaves as a packet or energy that has no mass
  23. reflection
    bouncing back of a wave from a surface
  24. diffraction
    bending of a light wave
  25. refraction
    the result of light changing speed and direction when traveling from one medium to another
  26. convex lens
    light waves converge (come together)
  27. concave lens
    light waves diverge (spread apart)
  28. convex mirror
    light waves reflect and converge
  29. concave mirror
    light waves refect and diverge
  30. white light
    composite of the different wavelengths of visible light with longest wavelengths being red and the shortest wavelength violet
  31. black
    absence of color
  32. prism
    object which refracts white light ist colors
  33. primary colors of light
    • red
    • blue
    • green
    • red +green=yellow}
    • red +blue=magenta}complimentary colors
    • green+blue=cyan} color by addition
  34. primary pigment
    • cyan,magneta, and yellow
    • magneta+cyan=purple
    • cyan+yellow=green
    • magneta+yellow=orange
  35. transparent
    object through which light readily passes
  36. translucent
    object that allows light to pass through but scatters the light
  37. opaque
    object that does not allow light to pass through
  38. electomagnetic spectrum
    the of all possible electromagnetic radiation from radio waves,(the longest) to gamma rays and cosmic rays( the shortest) shorter than gamma
  39. Roy G Biv
    • red, orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,voilent,
    • the visible colors of light
  40. Additive colors
  41. subtractive colors
  42. additive colors
    produced light sources
  43. subtractive colors
    • produced when light strikes a surface and some of the light is absorbed(subtracted), and the rest is reflected
    • a single subtractive color subtracts or absorb one of the additive colors
    • combining all three subtractive colors with equal intensities produces black, because all colors are subtracted
  44. light year
    astronomical distance of light which travels 6 trillion miles
  45. closest start to earth
    proxima Centauri 4 light years away
  46. sister galaxy to earth
  47. hubble telescope
    view galaxy est. 13 billion light years from earth
  48. radio telescope
    have detected objects emitting radio waves close to that distance
  49. sun
    medium size, medium temperature diameter is 865,000 can fit one million earths inside.
  50. energy the sun undergoes called
    fusion which changes hydrogen atom into helium atoms converting 700 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second.
  51. Hertzsprung-Russel
    diagram uses surface temperature and brightness to plot stars.
  52. largest stars
    super giant r 1000x>sun
  53. white dwarf
    very small<the earth
  54. The hottest stars
    blue and white in color with a surface temp. of 35,000 degrees Celsius
  55. sun
    yellow surface temp of 6,000 degrees.
  56. constellations
    patterns of stars
  57. big dipper
    part of Ursa major
  58. polaris
    north star
  59. little dipper
    Ursa minor and little bear
  60. Acturus
    which is part of the constellation bootes
  61. below the big dipper
    leo the lion
  62. pollux
    forms one of the 2 heads of gemini
  63. castor
    forms the other head
  64. 3 bright stars in a row which
    make up the belt of orion
  65. sirius
    dog star part of canis major
  66. taurus the bull
    has the brightest star Aldebaran
  67. pleiades or 7 sisters
    if a person can see all of the sisters with the unaided eye, you have excellent eyesight.
  68. pulsars
    neutron star emit a beam of radiation
  69. celestial bodies which are important in astronomy
    pulsars, quasars, blackholes
  70. quasars
    quasi-stellar radio source radiate energy equal to an average galaxy
  71. black holes
    is a remnant of a giant star that has collaspe
  72. Jupiter
    has red spots
  73. saturn
    magnificent rings
  74. Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
    have dark rings
  75. mars
    red color
  76. metors showers
    also called leonids
  77. Internet based experiences
    • virtual field trips
    • visit science exhibits
    • factory tours
  78. using multimedia packages
    • the great solar system rescue
    • the great ocean rescue
    • planetarium programs
    • virtual labs
    • gizmos
  79. computer databases
    • Globe project global learning and observation to benefit the enironment
    • nasa's s'cool student cloud observation on line
  80. computer based lab
    • acculab
    • data harvest company
    • pasco
  81. using spreadsheets to organize and analyze data computer program for organizing data in rows and columns
    • microsoft excel
    • inspire data
  82. multimedia softward programs
    • powerpoints
    • kid pix
    • kidspiration
  83. factors for managing educational technology in the classroom
    • number of computers
    • school wide multimedia centers
    • software and internet options
    • school internet use policies
  84. connecting science and math
    • engage in science exericises that involves adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
    • quantify the real world by identifying variables counting objects and events and estimating numbers and sizes
    • organize and interpret data by constructing graphs, diagrams
    • make use of the metric systems
  85. connecting science and english
    • supply the student with opportunities for practice in communication through writing speaking
    • utilize prereading strategies make predictions
    • postreading strategies that might be utilized would go beyond asking factual questions
    • having student improve their writing skills
  86. connecting science and social studies
    • students should be guided to understand and describe how science and technology have changed transportation, communication,medicine,ag.
    • give examples of contributions of scientists and inventors that have shape society
    • help student analyze enironment changes brought about by scientific discoveries
    • explain to the students how science and tech have changed the way of people live
  87. Frequencynumber of vibrations past a point in a given amount of time

    distance from crest to crest
    long wavelength-low frequency- low pitch
    short wavelength- high frequency-high pitch

    a distanse which results in the moverment of molecules
    -must have a medium
    -travels longitudinal or compressional
    Amplitudedistance from baseline to crest
    Decibelunit used to measure the loudness of a sound
    Echoreflection of a sound wave

    when two or more sound waves interact
    -constructive sound waves reinforce on another
    -destructive the sounds waves cancel one another out resulting in beats
    Sound Qualityfundamental tone plus overtones
    Musicsound vibration that have a regular pattern
    Noisesound waves that have an irregular pattern
    SONARanimals and man to detect underwater objects
    Infransonicsounds below the range of human hearing
    Ultrasonicsounds above the range of human hearing
    Doppler Effectapparent change in the flequency of a sound as the distance between the source of the sound and the receiver of the sound changes
    SONAR- SOund, NAvigation and Ranging
  88. battery
    hold chemical energy
  89. resister
    slows electricity down
  90. conductor
    • stop electricity
    • hardwood insolator
Card Set
Science Final
key terms