5th Grade-Science Ch 8-9

  1. This instrument measures air pressure.

    A. Thermometer
    B. Air Gauge
    C. Barometer
    D. Airmometer
  2. A storm that forms over tropical oceans, near the equator is called _________.

    A. Water Spout
    B. Hurricane
    C. Tornado
    D. Wind Storm
  3. ________________ is the amount of water vapor in the air.

    A. Humidity
    B. Condensation
    C. Evaporation
    D. Precipitation
  4. The changing of a a gas into a liquid is called ___________.

    A. Transpiriation
    B. Condensation
    C. Precipitation
    D. Evaporation
  5. The ____________ is the continuous movememt of water between Earth's surface and the air.

    A. Evaporation
    B. Precipitation
    C. Water Cycle
    D. Water Fall
    Water Cycle
  6. The __________ is the air that surrounds the Earth.

    A. ionosphere
    B. atmosphere
    C. stratosphere
    D. ecosphere
  7. _____________ is the force put on a given area by the weight of the air above it.

    A. Air wieght
    B. Air density
    C. Air column
    D. Air pressure
    Air Pressure
  8. ___________ is a compaison between how much water vapor is in the air and how much the air could hold.

    A. Humidity
    B. Air pressure
    C. Relative humidity
    D. Relative air pressure
    Relative humidity
  9. High altitude clouds that look feather-like are ________.

    A. cumulus clouds
    B. cirrus clouds
    C. stratus clouds
    D. nimbus clouds
    cirrus clouds
  10. Water in the form of gas is called __________ .

    A. water vapor.
    B. condensation
    C. precipitation
    D. evaporation
    water vapor
  11. A _____________ looks puffy but has a flat bottom.

    A. cumulus cloud
    B. cirrus cloud
    C. stratus cloud
    D. nimbus cloud
    cumulus cloud
  12. Almost all the air we breathe is made up of __________

    A. oxygen
    B. nitrogen
    C. argon
    D. carbon dioxide
  13. All the moisture around the Earth is in the _____________

    A. ionosphere
    B. troposphere
    C. stratosphere
    D. ecosphere
  14. Relative humidity is a comparison between condensation and __________

    A. water vapor.
    B. condensation
    C. precipitation
    D. evaporation
    water vapor
  15. The most common kind of severe storm is a __________

    A. Flood
    B. Thunderstorm
    C. Blizzard
    D. Rain Storm
  16. The four layers of the atmosphere are determined by sudden changes at each level in _____________.

    A. temperature
    B. air pressure
    C. relative humidity
    D. dew point
  17. As altitude increases, air pressure ____________.

    A. lowers
    B. increases
    C. remains the same
    D. fluctuates
  18. Water evaporates faster when_________________

    A. humidity is high and temperature is low.
    B. humidity is high and temperature is high
    C. humidity is low and temperature is low.
    D. humidity is low and temperature is high.
    humidity is low and temperature is high
  19. In the water cycle, water is taken out of the atmosphere by _____________

    A. transpiration.
    B. condensation
    C. precipitation
    D. evaporation
  20. Thumderstorms occur most frequently when the weather is hot and there is an approaching _______ ________.

    A. warm front
    B. cold front
    C. storm front
    D. stable zone
    cold front
  21. The center of a hurricane is characterized by very low __________

    A. temperature
    B. snow fall
    C. air pressure
    D. winds
    air pressure
  22. The amount of the sun's energy that reaches Earth at a given place and time is ______________

    A. insulation
    B. temperature
    C. precipitation
    D. insolation
  23. As the angle of insolation increases, the temperature _____________

    A. decreases
    B. remains the same
    C. increases
    D. fluctuates
  24. A violent whistling wind that moves across the ground in a narrow path is called a _______________

    A. hurricane
    B. cyclone
    C. water spout
    D. tornado
  25. When the air cools, water vapor condenses and forms a(n) __________

    A. thunderstorm
    B. cloud
    C. snow storm
    D. low pressure front.
  26. Condensation occurs when ___________

    A. air warms
    B. air pressure increases
    C. air pressure decreases
    D. air cools
    air cools
  27. If you want to stay as cool as possible on a hot day, you should not wear something that is ___________

    A. white
    B. grey
    C. black
    D. red
  28. Hurricanes form over tropical oceans while tornadoes form over ____________

    A. coastal waters
    B. mountains
    C. flat land
    D. beaches
    flat land
  29. In the first stage of a thunderstorm, warm air is moved upward in a cloud by ___________

    A. updrafts
    B. winds
    C. Changes in air pressure
    D. down drafts
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5th Grade-Science Ch 8-9
Study guide for 5th grade Science Chapeter 8-9 Graham Intermediate School Bluefeild Virginia