UCD- usability and user centered design
- - understanding users and their needs
- - designing with those needs in mind
- - validating design decisions with user involvement
Role of the IA
- design, for a website or intranet:
- 1. site structure
- 2. navigation
- 3. labeling
- 4. searching
Basics of IA
- Structure- hierarchy, classification, categorization
- Navigation- site structure, findability
- Labeling- naming sections, links, navi
What is at risk?
- -sales
- -effective customer support
An IA clarifies and documents how users will find infor in the site by defining its:
- -organization
- -navigation
- -labeling
- -search systems
An IA also:
- -determines what content and functionality the site will contain
- -clarifies the mission and vision for the site
- -maps out the site
General IA process overview:
- research- understand the audience and context
- design- solve the problem at hand
- validate- test design against requirements
First 2 things to do are:
- 1. Define the site goal
- 2. Define the audience
IA as part of UCD
- Research-Design-Validate
- Strategy+Scoping-Visual Design-Build-Launch
Benefits to business are:
- -reduce support and training cost
- -increase productivity
IA- The product
Research- competitive analysis, user research, content inventory
Design- site map, blueprint, mock-up, navi rules, search
Implement- policies, procedures, knowledge transfer and training, usability
Main Summary of IA:
- -clarify site goals
- -id users
- -determine content and function
- -specify how users find info by defining the organization, navigation, labeling and searching systems
- -maps out how site will change and grow
Internet Components
- Web
- Email
- Messaging
- Webcasting
Characteristics of the web
Reactive: user has to pull website to desktop (newspapers/magazines)
Proactive: push technology (tv/radio) stock, weather, software updates
Internet is best for:
- -electronic delivery
- -information content
Negative internet:
- -spam
- -virus/phishing
- -local market
- -low value physical product
Internet usage for business:
Websites should reflect needs of customers:
- -language
- -local currency
- -local information
Disintermediation and Leveling
Disinter- removing the middleman,ie. channels of distribution, travel agents, artists/artisans
Leveling- level the playing field b/w big and small companies
Leapfrogging is
Followers advangtage- know what's ahead so you can cut corners.
Leapfrog over old technologies
Website types:
- non-profit
- corporate
- ecommerce
- news
- portals
- forum
- personal/blog
What pays for the net?
advertising: display, keywords
Site goal
- -purpose
- -short/long term goals
- -why will people come to the site?
- -define target audience
What is primary research?
interviews, surveys, user testing, questionnaire
What is secondary research?
internet stats, radio, tv, library
Find out owner of a domain?
Whois lookup
Users do not read, they scan. Why?
- -in a hurry
- -don't need to read everything
- -too much information
Elements of IA Systems
- Organization
- Navigation
- Labeling
- Indexing
- Searching
Organiztion System composed of:
Org Schemes- exact or inexact
Org Structures- Hierarchical, hypertext, database driven
Exact Schemes:
- Alphabetical
- Chronological
- Geographical
Inexact Schemes:
- Topical
- Task-Oriented
- Audience Specific
- Hybrid
- Metaphor driven
Content structure
Top down approach- hierachical
7 +/- 2 rule
hypertext linear
database driven
Information Scent
- -the information space
- -visual and verbal cues guide the way
- -browsing= good labeling
3 indicators of poor scent
- indecision
- frustration
- confusion
Why it matters?
- 1. save time, patience
- 2. increase productivity
- 3. satisfaction
- 4. usabilty
- 5. increase sales
- 6. decrease support calls
Good Scent
aim for a broad shallow structure
Indicating Scope
Scope refers to the nature and extent of content in a specific part of a website.
Scope helps establish context for top-level labels, clarifying their scent.
- Scope can be represented through
- 1. textual description
- 2. list of sub-navigation links
Facet based browsing
-an aspect or dimension of an object or piece of info
-each facet is a scent trail that can lead to the object or info
-must be a description that could be used as header for a series of records in a databse
-browse by....type, region, etc..