Gateways 2 Unit 2, Ch.1

  1. "The author describes the natural ______ of warming and cooling that takes place on Earth.
    A________occurs when the same things happen in the same order over and over again."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 82)

    What is this 5 letters vocabulary noun word?

  2. "Ice caps ____ light and heat back into space. When light or heat _____ off a surface, it bounces off that surface."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 82)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary verb word?

  3. "Polar ice caps can be over 10,000 feet thick. In other words, they are _____, you feel threatened by its size or strength."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 82)

    What is this 10 letters vocabulary adjective word?

  4. "Many sea creatures will ______ if global warming continues. If someone or something _____, they disappear suddenly or in a way that can't be explained."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 83)

    What is this 6 letters vocabulary verb word?

  5. "When scientists make important discoveries about global warming, people all over the world wait to hear how they might be affected. In other words, people are ___ by the news. If you are held ____, something amazes you and captures your attention."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 83)

    What is this 4 letters vocabulary adjective word?

  6. "A large area of frozen sea near the North Pole was found to have melted. In other words, an _____ of ice cap had turned to water. An _____ is a wide, open area."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 83)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary adjective word?

Card Set
Gateways 2 Unit 2, Ch.1
cycle, reflect, formidable, vanish, rapt, expanse