
  1. What is a Sergeants' responsibility on a Use of Force?
    • 1. Obtain facts from officers involved
    • 2. Medical care is provided
    • 3. Separately interview subjects to whom force was applied
    • 4. Photograph/Make sure Evidence Collected
    • 5. Identify additional witnesses
    • 6. Review & approve reports
    • 7. Review force make determination if its within policy, if it is not then IA
    • 8. If potential civil liability make notifications, (written reports and telephonic)
  2. What is your Use of Force policy?
    • 300.2POLICY
    • Officers shall use only that amount of force that reasonably appears necessary to effect an arrest, prevent escape or overcome resistance, given the facts and circumstances perceived by the officer at the time of the event, to effectively bring an incident under control. "Reasonableness" of the force used must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene at the time of the incident.
    • Section 300.21 - PENAL CODE § 835(A)
    • Any peace officer that has reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a public offense may use reasonable force to affect the arrest, to prevent escape, or to overcome resistance. A peace officer who makes or attempts to make an arrest need not retreat or desist from his/her efforts by reason of resistance or threatened resistance of the person being arrested; nor shall such officer be deemed the aggressor or lose his/her right to self-defense by the use of reasonable force to effect the arrest or to prevent escape or to overcome resistance.
  3. When may Deadly Force be used?
    • (a)An officer may use deadly force to protect him or herself or others from what they reasonably believe would be an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury.
    • (b)An officer may use deadly force to affect the arrest or prevent the escape of a suspected felon where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed or intends to commit a felony involving the inflicting or threatened inflicting of serious bodily injury or death. Under such circumstances, a verbal warning should precede the use of deadly force where feasible.
    • (c)To stop a dangerous animal.
    • (d)With the approval of a supervisor, an officer may euthanize an animal that is so badly injured that human compassion requires its removal from further suffering and where other dispositions are impractical. (Penal Code § 597.1(e)). Injured animals (with the exception of dogs and cats) may only be euthanized after a reasonable search to locate the owner has been made. (Penal Code § 597.1(b)).
  4. What are the duties of the Sergeant at an Officer Involved Shooting?
    • (a)Take all reasonable steps to obtain emergency medical attention for all apparently injured individuals.
    • (b)Attempt to obtain a brief overview of the situation from any non-shooter officer(s).
    • 1.In the event that there are no non-shooter officers, the supervisor should attempt to obtain a brief voluntary overview from one shooter officer.
    • (c)If necessary, the supervisor may administratively order any officer from this department to immediately provide public safety information necessary to secure the scene and pursue suspects.
    • 1.Public safety information shall be limited to such things as outstanding suspect information, number and direction of shots fired, parameters of the incident scene, identity of known witnesses and similar information.
    • (d)Absent a voluntary statement from any officer(s), the initial on scene supervisor should not attempt to order any officer to provide other than public safety information.
    • (e)Provide all available information to the Watch Commander and Communications (If feasible, sensitive information should be communicated over secure networks).
    • (f)Take command of and secure the incident scene with additional personnel until relieved by a detective supervisor or other assigned personnel.
    • (g)As soon as practical, shooter officers should respond or be transported (separately, if feasible) to the station for further direction.
    • 1. Each involved officer should be given an administrative order not to discuss the incident with other involved officers pending further direction from a supervisor.
    • 2. When an officer's weapon is taken or left at the scene (e.g. evidence), the officer will be provided with a comparable replacement weapon or transported to the station by other officers.

    Write necessary administrative reports and make notifications

    Tactically: Remember resources, May need call mutual aid to help with calls, Coroners, DA Office, LASD Homicide, Lt's, Captains, Chief, City Manager & Mayor, City Psychologist, POA Rep., Public Information Officer, etc.
  5. What are the Sergeant's responsibilities during a pursuit?
    The field supervisor of the officer initiating the pursuit, or if unavailable, the nearest field supervisor will be responsible for the following:

    • (a)Upon becoming aware of a pursuit, immediately ascertaining all reasonably available information to continuously assess the situation and risk factors associated with the pursuit in order to ensure that the pursuit is conducted within established department guidelines;
    • (b)Engaging in the pursuit, when appropriate, to provide on-scene supervision;
    • (c)Exercising management and control of the pursuit even if not engaged in it;
    • (d)Ensuring that no more than the number of required police units needed are involved in the pursuit under the guidelines set forth in this policy;
    • (e)Directing that the pursuit be terminated if, in his/her judgment, it is unjustified to continue the pursuit under the guidelines of this policy;
    • (f)Ensuring that aircraft are requested if available; (g)Ensuring that the proper radio channel is being used;
    • (h)Control and manage BGPD units when a pursuit enters another jurisdiction;
    • (i)Preparing post-pursuit critique and analysis of the pursuit for training purposes.
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Promotional Prep