APP speed with boot failure
Flaps 00 speed 134 kts.
Va at the following weights:
- 9921 = 158 kts.
- 9480 = 155 kts.
- 9039 = 151 kts.
- 6610 = 129 kts.
Power settings
- speed - torque - gear - flap
- Terminal area 120 32psi Up 00
- App vector 150 24psi Up 150
- Non-Pre / FAF 120 24psi Dwn 150
- Non-Pre-In FAF 120 5 psi Dwn 150
- Circle/MDA 120 24psi Dwn 150
- Prec app 120 12psi Dwn 150
- 0 flaps = 118 kts
- 15 flaps = 98 kts
- 30 flaps = 89 kts
- 40 flaps = 84 kts
- 15 flaps = 163 kts
- > 15 flaps = 130kts
Vref for Holding in Icicng no flaps
- Holding in Icing
- 00 flaps = 140 - 170 kts
Max emergency gear extension speed
110 kts
Vy @ Sl
Vy @ 20,000
- Vy @ SL = 120 kts
- Vy @ 15k = 115 kts
- Vy @ 20k = 110 kts
App speed
Flaps 15
Pusher Ice Mode
108 kts
EIS caution for Ng
Ng <= 60%
Temp that EIS caution will blink w probes de-ice off?
<+40 c
EIS warning for Ng
Ng > 104%
EIS warning for Np
Np > 1870 with Ng > 90%
EIS warning for oil temp
Oil temp > 1100 C
Gen 2 amp rating
- Belt driven
- Max 130 amps continuous
Gen 1 max amp rating
- Max amp is 300
- 450 for 2/min hour
Type of Battery
24 vdc NiCad 40 amp
- 20 min upto 60 amp
- 30 min below 50 amp
Type of wing
1. wet wing
2. 2 spars
3. 1 fuel tank
Cabin pressurization failure
1. Pressure indicator - Check
If cabin altitude> 10,700'
- 2. O2 mask all occupants - ON
- 3. Pax O2 - AUTO/ON
- 4. Pax - DON Msk
PCL Controls What?
PCL movement control FCU directly
Demonstrated X-wind 400 Flaps
With 400 Flaps X-wind is 15 kts.
Demonstrated X-wind 150 Flaps
X-wind w 150 flaps = 25 kts.
Max torque in reverse
Max torque in reverse is 34 psi
Max reverse prop RPM
Max reverse prop RPM = 1650
OAT Limits
- OAT limits =
- -550 C to +500 C
Max flap cycle with OAT <= 250 C
Max flap cycles = 8
Max Transient prop RPM
Max transient prop RPM = 1870
PC12 has what type of flaps
single piece Fowler type flap on each wing
How much will AOA be reduced when in "Pusher Ice Mode"?
AOA reduced 8 degrees
Control surface De-ice sequence
- 1. Horizontal stablizer
- 2. Wings bottom inboard
- 3. Wings top inboard
- 4. Wings bottom outboard
- 5. Wings top outboard
What comprises Stall Warn/Stick Pusher system?
- External AOA sensor on each wing
- 2 - Computers
- 1 - Stick shaker
- 1 - Stick pusher
Max landing weight?
Max landing weight = 9921
When does "CAB PRESS" annunciator illuminate?
Cabin pressure exceeds 10,500'
Max cabin differential of 6.5 psi
What is climb speed with
00 flaps 'Pusher Ice Mode' on
130 kts
When is the PCL lever aft of Idle Detent Prohibited?
1. Engine not running
2. During flight
3. MOR is being used
Which BUS supplies Boots Power?
GEN 2 BUS supplies power to timer and control valves
What happens if Boot De-ice pressure falls below <10 psi or there is a sequence failure?
CAWS - Green DE ICE BOOTS flash
CAWS - Red DE ICE illuminates
Control surface De-Ice system pressure is ?
Nominal pressure is 14 psi
Over pressure relief @ 18 psi
ITT Starting limits
- 8000 - 8700 C = 20 sec
- 8700 - 9990 C = 12 sec
- 10000 C = 2 sec
What is the Auto Engine start sequence?
60 sec OFF
60 sec OFF
30 min OFF
What is Vr when departing into known icing with flaps 150?
Known Icing Vr = 88 kts
What is landing distance increase with flaps 150?
Landing distance distance increase = 1.31
What is landing distance increase with flaps 00?
Landing distance increase = 1.83
What is Max Zero fuel weight?
Max Zero Fuel Wgt = 9039
An amber HYDR CAWS light indicates?
1. In flight - Pressure in hydraulic system < 1800psi
2. On ground - Pwr Pack cycled at least 6X in 1 hour and needs servicing
Hydraulic Power Pack will not have electrical power under what conditions?
Loss of GEN 1 which isolates NON ESS BUS
Power Pack over heat - Thermal Protection CB
EIS Torque caution range is?
EIS torque caution range = 44.4 - 61.0 psi
What is EIS Torque Warning?
>61 psi
EIS Caution Range for ITT?
EIS caution range = 8700 - 10000 C
EIS Warning for ITT?
EIS Warning = >10000 C.
Procedure for NO COMBUSTION w/in 10 secs?
- Condition lever - CutOff
- Starter Switch - Reset
- 30 Sec - Dry Motoring Run
PUSHER ICE MODE CAWS light illuminates when?
- PROP Heat - ON
Shaker/Pusher automatically switches to Ice Mode
GEN 1 OFF or GEN 2 OFF annunciator lights illuminate when?
- 1. Over voltage
- 2. Under voltage
- 3. Overload
- 4. Reverse Current
White Arc limits
54 - 130 kts.
Green Arc limits?
91 - 236 kts
Vlo speed?
- Vlo = 177 kts.
- Do not extend or retract gear above this speed
Minimum Battery Voltage for External Start?
Minimum Battery Volatge for External Start = 28 VDC
Minimum Battery Voltage for battery start?
Minimum Battery Voltage for Battery start = 24 VDC
When is A/P and yaw Damper OFF?
A/P and Yaw Damper are off for TakeOff and Landing
Not feathered stabilized prop operation is prohibited at
350 - 950 RPM
Turbine Oil Quantity?
Turbine Oil Qty = 14.5 gts.
Total Usable Fuel?
Total Usable Fuel = 402 gal. approximately 2725 lbs.
Icing limitations during flight?
- Operational DeIce Boots
- Flaps 150
- 108 KIAS
- Boot Failure
- Flaps 00
- 134 KIAS
When will CAWS illuminate "PUSHER"?
- Built in test fail
- Push signal from 1 computer lasing <3 sec
- No torque output during push
- Either Disconnect switch pushed
- A/C is below .5Gs for <3 sec
Aircraft Dimensions are?
- Lenght = 53' 3"
- Width = 47' 3"
- Height = 14' 0"
- Landing gear width = 14" 3"
AV BUS Warning light comes on when?
AV BUS voltage is < 18 VDC
How many Flap position sensors are there?
Ignition system components
- Exciter
- High Tension Cables
- Two Spark igniters
- Cockpit control switch
EIS Caution light when?
Battery Voltage =< 22 VDC
ECS consists of what components?
Air cycle system
Distribution system
Control system
How many switches are used for landing gear indication and warning?
6 Proximity switches
2 Micro switches
Windshield heating elements & controller are powered by?
PROBE HEAT switch provides how much VDC to which items?
28 VDC from GEN 2 BUS to
- Pitot heads
- Static ports
- AOA probes
Describe what happens with Boost Pumps in AUTO POSITION?
Low pressure switch turns on pump if <2 psi and CAWS illuminates FUEL PRESS
3.48 psi pumps and annunciators are off
PROP DEICE power is supplied from which busses at what VDC?
PAX O2 switch in auto permits flow of O2 when
Cabin pressure exceeds 13,500'
Cabin Pressuration Control System (CPCS) does what?
- Regulates cabin pressure via outflow valves
- Entirely pneumatic except:
- Switching ground & flight modes
- In flight depressurization
VCCS may be operated
- During ground operations
- Up to an altitude of 25'000'
ECS Emergency Shutoff Valve performs
Isolates cabin during emergencies such as engine fire
Opens ram air scoop on right side of fuselage letting fresh air into cabin
Maximum Cabin pressure differential is
Red line = 6.5 psi
Cabin Differential dial markings are
- Green arc = 5.75 psi
- Yellow arc = 5.75 - 6.5 psi
- Red line = 6.5 psi
Maximum fuel imbalance is
26.4 gals or 178 lbs.
Holding non-icing fuel flow increase?
Fuel flow increase = 25-50%
Maximum cabin weight?
Max cabin weight = 3300 lbs.
Maximum baggage weight?
Max baggage wgt. = 400lbs.
R/H air/ground signal is sent to which systems?
- R/H stick pusher computer
- Landing gear indication
- Altitude & Heading reference system
- (AHRS)
- Transponder
L/H air/ground signal is sent to which systems?
- L/H stick pusher computer
- Cabin pressure control system (CPCS)
- Hydraulic system control
Main tire pressure
Main tire pressure = 60 psi
When is oil checked?
Oil level is checked 10 minutes after shut down.
How many fuel check points?
- 2 - wing tanks
- 1 - aft and left of nose wheel
- 1 - fuel filter
When should parking brake be left off?
Do not use parking brake when A/C will be idle for long periods and at FBOs.
When shutting down let ITT stabilize for?
Stabilize ITT for 2 minutes.
Take-off maximum DC Amps?
Take-Off max amps =< 15 amps
Maximum Mach?
Max Mach = .48
OAT 250 C to 500 C What is the maximum flap cycles?
Max flap cycles = 6
GPU must provide?
27-30 VDC at 500 Amps for A/C power supply.
1000 Amps for engine start
Name 7 DC Power BUSes
- AV BUS 1
- AV BUS 2
Items on BATT DIRECT BUS are?
- Cargo door motor
- Clock
- Dome light @ 50%
- Stand-by Power (if applicable)
Fuel vent pressure?
Fuel vent pressure is .2 - 2.0 psi
When is the Oil/Fuel Heat Exchanger by passed?
If fuel temp > 210 C exchanger is by passed.
High pressure fuel pump provides what pressure at 13% Ng
At 13% Ng high pressure pump provides 210 pph @ 75 psi
High pressure fuel pump provides what pressure at 100% Ng
At 100% Ng high pressure pump provides 1591 pph @ 800 psi.
L/R FUEL LOW CAWS annunciator illuminates when?
Tank is =< 20 gals or 135 lbs of fuel
What comprises the hydraulic power pack?
- Electric driven hydraulic pump
- Reservoir
- System pressure accumulator
- Filter w by-pass valve
If hydraulic pump motor fails, how long will system pressure accumulator keep gear in retracted position?
=< 200 minutes
Hydraulic power pack is connected to which BUS?
When is altitude select capture prohibited?
Altitude select prohibited below 1000'
Propeller diameter?
104 -105"
Lowest temperature for Boot Operation?
Lowest temp for boot operation is -400 C.
TCV attempts to maintain a selected temperature between?
180 C - 300 C
CPCS maintains a cabin differential of
5.75 psi = 10,000' equivalent max service ceiling of 30,000'
O2 over pressurization green rupture disk ruptures at?
Green disk ruptures at 2775 psi
Systems on NON ESS BUS are?
- Power control circuits for:
- Hydraulic system
- Electrical Heating
- R/H Landing Light
When charging BATT with External Power source what are the switch configurations?
Nose wheel tire pressure?
60 psi
Use Flight Idle when temp is?
Temp is =< +50 C use Flight Idle
If you get a ESNTL BUS warning what are your actions?
Continue flight
What is the FCWU?
Flap Control Warning Unit
Major components of Ng governor?
- Fly weights
- Feedback spring
- Pilot valve
Major components of FCU
- 3-D cam
- Ng governor
- Fuel valve - makes up fuel metering system
Fuel Control Unit (FCU) is driven by?
High pressure engine driven fuel pump via internal splined coupling shaft
Useful load is?
Useful load is 4454 lbs.
Which aileron has electrically operated trim tab?
Left aileron
How can stick pusher be over-ridden?
- By pressing 'PUSHER INTR' button to disengage stick pusher actuator
- Manually overriding by pulling on yoke (appox. 60-65 lbs.)
Maximum airspeed pointer at 30,000'?
At 30,000 Max A/S pointer is aligned with 173 KIAS
Vr @ SL, Std Day
Vr = 79 KIAS
Voltage regulators are set to maintain what output?
28 VDC +/- .5 VDC
Normal descent speed?
High speed descent?
Normal = 2000 fpm
High speed = 3000 fpm
Best glide @ 9039 lbs. Prop feathered
Best glide = 114
Hydraulic System requires what pressure?
Hydraulic pressure = 2450 - 2800 psi.
Pwr pack cycles w pressure < 2450 psi
Engine starting system is comprised of?
- Starter/Generator
- Ignition system
- Relays controlling electrical power thru system
Ng at Ground Idle is?
Ng @ GI = 50.7%
Max O2 pressure
Max O2 pressure is 1850 - 2000 psi
Lamps test is used to test?
- CAWS lights
- Master Caution/Warning
- Triple trim indicators
- All LEDS on EPMP
- Red A/S warning light
EIS caution light is on when GEN 2 DC amps are?
EIS caution lights when GEN @ DC amps > 140 Amps
Max Propeller RPM?
Max Prop RPM = 1700 RPM
Inverter Warning indication?
RMI flag
Primary ACU provides indication of?
Inverters Convert VDC to ?
Inverters are on which BUS
Passenger door is secured by?
6 locking pins or shoot bolts
Cabin rate selector can be adjusted to
100 fpm to 2000 fpm
ECS is primary?
ECS is primary system to condition air
Fuel system
- Vents are not connected
- Balancing at 5% of current fuel
- High side boost pump activated so it uses more fuel from that side
Heating system consists of?
- 2 - 28VDC heating units
- 2000 C shutoff limit
Components of shaker/pusher system are?
- 2 AOA
- 2 computers
- 1 computer to shake
- 2 computers to push
At what speed does shaker activate?
10 Kts above stall speed
Ng Governor operation?
- Ng governor controls engine speed thru axial positioning of 3-D cam, flyweights, feedback spring and pilot valve
- Pilot valve regulates bleeding of Pt pressure from lower chamber of 3-D cam
- P1/P2 differentials function of pilot valve vs flyweights & feedback spring position
Pressure Relief Valve operation
- Prevents engine fuel system over-pressure
- Dumps un-metered fuel >1350 psi to by-pass line back to engine driven fuel pump
EIS WARNING range digits blink at?
EIS CAUTION range digits blink at?
Oil pressure system:
1st valve pressure
2nd valve pressure
1st valve pressure 90-135 psi
2nd valve pressure <160 psi
Major components of Engine Fuel System?
- Low pressure engine driven fuel pump
- Oil to fuel heat exchanger
- Hi pressure engine driven fuel pump
- Fuel Control Unit (FCU)
- Fuel Flow Transducer
- Flow Divider
- Fuel Manifold
- Fuel Nozzles
By-Pass Valve
- By-Pass valve maintains constant delta pressure (P1/P2)
- 53 psid
- During acceleration demand for metered fuel (P2) is greater so less P1 is dumped
Minimum Flow Valve
- Adjusted to provide 90 PPH during start
- Prevent flame out during rapid deceleration
Torque Limiter
- Torque limiter works with FCU to prevent torque from exceeding 46+/- .5 psi
- Unit is a:
- sealed bellows w torque meter oil pressure
- limit springs
- valve seals Py air orifice plumed to FCU
Pusher Ice Mode illuminates when?
- Prop switch - ONInert Sep - OPEN
- Shaker/Pusher automatically switches to "Ice Mode"
Procedure for NO COMBUSTION w/I 10 sec.
- Condition Lever - Idle/Cutoff
- Starter Switch - Reset
- Dry Motoring Run - 30 sec.
EIS Warning for ITT
Warning when temp >10000
EIS Caution range for ITT
Caution range for ITT temp 8700 - 10000
EIS Torque Warning
Torque Warning when torque is > 61 PSI
Hydraulic Power Pack will not have Electrical Power under what conditions?
- Loss of GEN 1 which isolates NON-ESS BUS
- Power Pack overheat via Thermal Protection
An amber HYDR CAWS light indicates:
- In flight pressure < 1800 PSI
- On Ground - Power Pack cycled at least 6 times in 1 hr. & needs servicing
Max Zero Fuel Weight?
Max Zero Fuel Weight = 9039
Landing distance increase with zero flaps
Landing distance increase with 0 flaps is 1.83
Landing distance increase with 150 flaps
Landing distance increase with 150 = 1.31
Auto Engine Start Sequence ie: Sec - Off
- 60 sec - OFF
- 60 sec - OFF
- 30 min - OFF
Surface De-Ice system pressure is
- Nominal 14 PSi
- Over Pressure Relief at 18 PSI
If BOOT De-Ice pressure falls Below _____. What happens?
- < 10 PSI or
- Error in Sequence
- Green DE ICE BOOTS light flashes
- Red DE ICE light illuminates
Which BUSS supplies Boots Power?
GEN 2 BUS supplies power to Timer and control valves
PCL Aft of IDLE detent prohibited
- Engine not running
- During flight
- Using MOR
What is the IAS in the climb when Zero
IAS is 130 kts.
When does CAB PRESS annunciator illuminate?
- Cabin altitude exceeds 10,700'
- Max cabin differential of 6.5 PSI
Max Landing Weight?
Max Landing Weight = 9921 lbs.
Surface De-Ice sequence is?
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- Wings - Bottom Inboard
- Wings - Top Inboard
- Wings - Bottom Outboard
- Wings - Top Outboard
- 8 sec per section
How much will AOA be reduced when in PUSHER ICE MODE?
Stall AOA is reduced 80
What type of flaps on PC 12?
Single piece Fowler type flap on each wing.
Transient Prop RPM is
Transient Prop RPM = 1870
OAT up to 250 C. What is the maximum flap cycles?
Up to 250 C maximum flap cycles = 8
OAT limits for PC 12
-550 C to +500 C
What is the maximum Reverse Prop RPM?
Max Reverse Prop RPM = 1650 RPM
What is maximum Torque in Reverse?
34 PSI is maximum Torque in Reverse
What is the demonstrated X-wind at 150 flaps
Demonstrated X-wind at 150 flaps = 25 KIAS
PCL controls what?
PCL movement directly controls FCU.
Holding Speed for Icing & Normal conditions?
- Icing Holding Speed is 170 KIAS
- Normal Holding Speed is 150 KIAS
What type of wing is on PC 12?
- Wet wing
- 2 spars
- 1 fuel tank
What type of battery?
- 24 VDC NiCad 40 amp
- 20 min. up to 60 amp draw
- 30 min. below 50 amp draw
GEN 1 maximum AMP
- Max = 300 AMP
- 450 for 2 min./hr.
GEN 2 Max AMP?
- Max 130 AMP continuous.
- Belt driven 28 VDC
EIS Caution illuminates when ITT is?
EIS Caution light when ITT = 8000 - 8700 C.
EIS - Caution Range digits blink at what rate?
Caution range digits blink at 40/min.
EIS Warning range digit blink at what rate?
EIS Warning digits blink at 80/min.
What is the function of the Pressure Relief Valve in the fuel system?
- Prevents engine fuel system over pressurization
- Dumps unmetered fuel >1350 PSI to bypass line back to fuel tans
If Gear fails to retract what do you do?
- CAWS NON ESSNTL BUS light - refer to electrical
- CAWS HYDR light - refer to Emergency Extension
Gear Warning horn sounds when?
- Gear is UP & Flap Lever is past 150
- Airspeed is <130 KIAS & Power < 10% of Max Torque
CAWS AIR/GRD light illuminates when
- One AIR/GRD switch fails
- No light comes on when both switches fail at same time.
Right Hand Gear AIR/GRD switch fails
1. in the air position
2. in the ground position
- Fails in the air position
- Possible to Retract Gear on the ground
- Fails in ground position
- Normal gear extension
- If engine fails then Emergency Ext.
What are the values for High & Low hydraulic pressure?
- High HYD pressure is 2800
- Low HYD pressure is 2450
CAWS HYDR light illuminated means
- Hydr fluid is low
- Main system pressure is < 1800 PSI - not enough pressure
- On the ground - The pump motor has been activated more than 6 times in an hour indicating an excessive leak rate in the system
If the CAWS HYDR light is continuously illuminated: What actions are taken?
- On ground - System requires maintenance
- In Flight - HYDR CTL CB Pull
- - KIAS < 177 kts.
- - Emergency Extension
Accessory Gearbox Drives?
- Engine driven fuel pump
- Pressure & Scavenge oil pump
- N1 Tach generator
- Starter/Generator
CAWS ESNTL BUS light is illuminated. What conditions exist?
- Voltage is < 18 VDC
- Check GEN 1, GEN 2 or BATT BUS
CAWS FUEL PRESS light is illuminated. What actions are taken?
- Reduce power to minimal to sustain flight
- Fuel pumps on
- If FUEL PRESS light stays on Land As Soon as Possible. Prepare for of field landing.
Yellow DE-ICE & Green PROP DE-ICE flashing.
What are your actions?
- Prop switch OFF
- Prop Switch ON
- Check CB - Do not reset unless tripped
- If light goes out after 5 seconds continue
Yellow DE-ICE light & Green De-ICE BOOTS illuminated. What actions are taken?
- Boots Switch OFF
- PCL Increase power
- Boots switch ON
Yellow AOA DE-ICE & Green PROBES DE-ICE illuminated. What are the actions taken?
- Check CB
- Probe switch OFF wait 3 min.
- Probes switch ON
Green PROBES DE-ICE light does not come on?
Indicates failure of Pitot/Static Probe de-ice system.
Yellow PUSHER & Green INERT SEP & PROP DE-ICE illuminated.
PUSHER ICE Mode is OFF are indications of what condition?
Stall Warning/Stick Pusher system failure
Propeller De-ice modes are
- OAT > 00 C - Standby
- OAT 00 =< 160 C
- Blades 1-3 heated 45 sec.
- Blades 2-3 heated 45 sec.
- System off 90 Sec.
- OAT >-160 C
- Blades 1-3 heated 90 sec.
- Blades 2-4 heated 90 sec.
EIS Torque Caution Range is
EIS Caution Range is 44.4 - 61.0 PSI
Departing into Known Icing Conditions. Vr w 150 flaps is
Vr = 9 kts.
79 + 9 = 88 kts.
ITT Starting limits are
- 8000 - 8700 C - 20 sec.
- 8700 - 9990 C - 12 sec.
- 10000 C - 5 sec
EIS warning when oil temperature is >
EIS warning when oil temperature is > 1100 C.
GEN 1 OFF or GEN 2 OFF annunciators illuminate when there is
- Over voltage
- Under voltage
- Overload
- Reverse current
White arc on airspeed indicator
64 - 130 KIAS
Green arc on airspeed indicator
91 - 236 KIAS
Ramp weight is ?
Takeoff weight is ?
- Ramp = 9965
- Takeoff = 9921
- Landing = 9921
- Zero Fuel = 9039
GPU must provide
- 27 - 30 VDC of 500 amps to supply power to aircraft and
- 1000 amps for engine start
L/R FUEL LOW CAWS annunciator illuminates when
< 20 gals in respective tank
Temperature Control Valve attempts to maintain a selected temperature between
180 C to 300 C
CPCS maintains a max cabin differential of
5.75 PSI = 10k' equivalent at a max service ceiling of 30k'
Ground idle is what %
Ground idle 50.7% Ng
Maximum O2 pressure range is
Max O2 pressure is between 1850 - 2000 PSI
EIS caution illuminates when GEN 2 DC amps are
EIS caution illuminates when GEN 2 DC amps > 140 amps
Primary ACU provides indication of the following
- Torque
- Ng
- Fuel Quantity data
Maximum speed for Emergency Gear extension
Maximum speed for Emergency Gear extension is 110 KIAS
Engine operating limits are
- Torque:
- 44.3 PSI max TO limited to 5 min.
- 36.9 PSI max climb/cruise - continuous
- ITT:
- 7200 C max ITT - continuous
- 8000 C max ITT for TO limited to 5 min
- 8700 C max ITT limited to 20 sec.
- 10000 C MAX ITT start limited to 3 sec.
Iceing limitations during flight
- Operational De-Ice Boots
- 150 Flaps
- 108 KIAS
- Boot Failure
- 00 Flaps
- 130 KIAS minimum
Maximum fuel imbalance
26.4 gal or 178 lbs.
Maximum Cabin differential is:
- Green Arc = 5.75 psi
- Yellow Arc = 6.50 psi
- Red Line = 6.50 psi
Cabin Pressurization Control System differential dial markings are
- Green arc = 5.75 PSI
- Yellow arc = 6.50 PSI
- Red line = 6.50 PSI
When deploying ECS Emergency Shutoff Valve what happens?
- Firewall SHUTOFF isolates the system during emergencies such as engine fire
- Opens Ram Air Scoop on right side under fuselage letting fresh air into the cabin
VCCS maybe operated under what conditions?
- During ground operations
- Up to an altitude of 25k'
Cabin Pressurization Control system (CPCS) does what?
- Regulates cabin pressure via outflow valves
- Entirely pneumatic except for
- Switching Ground & Flight modes
- In flight depressurization