What physiological processes occur during the apposition stage?
induction, proliferation
What physiological process occurs during the maturation stage?
What physiological process occurs during the initiaion stage?
What physiological process occurs during the bud stage?
What physiologic process occurs during the cap stage?
What physiological process occurs during the bell stage?
interactin between embryological tissues, mesenchymal tissues must influence the ectodermal tissue for initiation of odontogenesis, but the mechanisms are unkown. The cells decide what they will become
tissues that must influence the ectodermal tissues for initiation of odontogenesis.
mesenchymal tissues
lines the stomodeum, or primitive mouth at the beginning of the sixth week of the embryo
the outer portion of the ectoderm gives rise to _________ _________. horse shoe shaped arches one for each future jaw
oral epitherlium
dppe to the oral epithelium, a type of mesenchyme originally from the ectoderm is the_________, whichi is influenced by neural crest cells
structure that separates the oral epithelium and the ectomesenchyme in the stomodeum
basement membrane
structure that forms during the later portion of the seventh week when the oral epithelium grows deeper into the ectomesenchyme and is induced to produce this new layer
dental lamina
the dental lamina begins initially to form in the ______for both arches, and progresses ________
10 structures that form during the bud stage of tooth development, and form from extensive proliferation of the dental lamina penetrating into the ectomesenchyme
tooth bud
true or false. a basement membrane still exists between the tooth bud and the growing ectomesenchyme in the bud stage
each of the buds together with the surrounding ectomesenchyme will develop into a what?
tooth germ
When does primary dentition develop?
embryonic and fetal periods
When does the permanent dentition develop?
during fetal period - can carry on after birth
3 developmental disturbances in the initiation stage
ectodermal dysplasia
supernumerary teeth
lack of initiation; most commonly occurs with the permanent maxillary lateral incisors, third molars, mandibular 2nd premolars
What teeth are most likely to be congenitally missing?
maxillary lateral incisors
third molars
mandibular 2nd premolars
syndrome associated with anodontia; may also be caused by endocrine dysplasia, systemic diseases, excessive radiation exposure
ectodermal dysplasia
abnormal initiation leading to the development of extra teeth
supernumerary teeth
Where are places that supernumerary teeth often occur?
between maxillary central incisors (mesiodens)
distal to maxillary 3rd molars
premolar region of both arches
developmental disturbances that occur during the bud stage
abnormal proliferation leading to a single tooth or entire dentition to be larger than normal; hereditary
single tooth or entire dentition develops smaller than normal; hereditary
microdontia in maxillary lateral incisors
peg laterals
microdontia in permanent 3rd molars
peg molars
complete macro and microdontia is rare and can occure due to dysfunction of the ___________ gland
unequal growth in different parts of the tooth bud leading to formation of a cap shape attached to the dental lamina occurs in what stage?
cap stage
which physiological process is dominent in the cap stage/
primordium of tooth develops with a specific form; consists of enamel organ, dental papilla, dental sac, and will develop into primary dentition
tooth germ
the tooth germ consists of what 3 layers?
enamel organ
dental papilla
dental sac
originally develops from the ectoderm; depression in the deepest part of the dental lamina forming a cap eventually forming enamel for outer surface of the tooth
enamel organ
mass within the concavity of the cap of the enamel organ; will become the dentin and pulp
dental papilla
exists between the enamel organ and the dental papilla, and will become the dentinoenamel junction
basement membrane
condensed mass of ectomesenchyme surrounding the enamel organ; produces peridontium
dental sac
primoridium of the permanent dentition that is an extension of the dental lamina into the ectomesenchyme
successional dental lamina
the successional dental lamina always extend into the ectomesenchyme________to the forming primary tooth germs
Where do nonsuccedaneous teeth develop from?
a posterior extension of the dental lamina distal to the primary 2nd molars dental lamina
4 developmental disturbances in the cap stage
dens in dente
enamel organ abnormally invaginates into the dental papilla; usually leaves the tooth with a deep lingual pit, which can lead to pulpal exposure and pathology and possible endo therapy
dens in dente
radiographically appears as a tooth within a tooth
dens in dente
dens in dente commonly affects what teeth?
permanent maxillary incisors, especially lateral incisor
single tooth germ unsuccessfully attempts to divide into 2, results in a single rooted tooth with a common pulp cavity
exhibits 'twining' in crown area
where does gemination usually affect?
in anterior teeth
results from the union of 2 adjacent tooth germs, possibly due to pressure in the area; 2 distinct pulp cavities, but enamel, dentin, and pulp are united
where does fusion usually occur?
anterior teeth of primary dentition
extra cusps or extensions of enamel; may be due to trauma, pressure, metabolic disease
where are tubercles commonly found?
mainly on permanent molars; especially 3rd
also lingual extensions on the cingulum on permanent maxilary anterior teeth, especially lateral incisors and canines
What physiological process occurs at its furthest extent during the bell stage?
What are the 6 different types of cells found in the bell stage?
dental sac
outer enamel epithelium (OEE)
stellate reticulum
stratum intermedium
inner enamel epithelium (IEE)
inner cells of dental papilla
increasing amounts of collagen fibers forming around enamel organ
dental sac
the dental sac will differentiate into what?
periodontium: cementum, perio ligament, alveolar bone
outer cuboidal cells of enamel organ that serve as a protective barrier for enamel organ
outer enamel epithelium (OEE)
more outer star-shaped cells in many layers, forming a network within the enamel; supports the production of the enamel matrix
stellate reticulum
more inner layer of flat to cuboidal cells; supports the production of enamel matrix
stratum intermedium
innermost tall columnar cells of enamel organ
inner enamel epithelium (IEE)
the inner enamel epithelium differentiates into the ___________ that form _______- _________
enamel matrix
outher layer of cells of the dental papilla nearest the IEE; there is a basement membrane between these layers
Outer cells of dental papilla
outer cells of the denatl papilla will give rise to _________ that form the ______ ______
dentin matrix
will differentiate into pulp tissues
inner cells of dental papilla
final stage of odontogenesis during which enamel, dentin, and cementum are secreted in successive layers
enamel, dentin, and cementum are initially secreted as a __________ that is partially calcified and yet serves as a framework for later calcification
other final stage which is reached when the dental tissues are fully mineralized
developmental disturbances in apposition and maturation phases
enamel dysplasia
enamel hypoplasia
enamel hypcalcification
amelogenesis imperfecta
dentinogenesis imperfecta
faulty development of the enamel resulting from interference of metabolic processes of the ameloblasts, may involve individual areas, (localized) or large numbers of ameloblasts (systemic)
enamel dysplasia
results from decreased quantity of enamel matrix, teeth appear pitted and grooved
enamel hypoplasia
Name 2 type of teeth that result from enamel hypoplasia
hutchinson's incisors
mulberry molars
incosor crown has a screwdriver shape with notched incisal edge, result of enamel hypoplasia
hutchinson's incisor
have enamel tubercles on the occlusal surface, result of enamel hypoplasia
mulberry molars
distrubance results in the reduction of quality of enamel maturation - teeth appear more opaque, yellower, or browner due to intrinsic staining of enamel
enamel hypocalcification
What are 2 developmental disturbances that may occur together, especially as a result of fluorosis?
amelogenesis imperfecta
dentinogenesis imperfecta
enamel dysplasia which is hereditary and can affect all teeth of both dentitions
amelogenesis imperfecta
dentinal dysplasia which may be hereditary
dentinogenesis imperfecta
during the _____ _____ IEE cells grow even more _________ or elongate as they differentiate into __ _________
bell stage
the nuclei of all the cells move away from the center and position themselves farthes away from the basement membrane in the bell stage
What stage does repolarization occur?
bell stage
Preameloblasts will differentiate into the cells secreting the enamel matrix, preameloblasts will also induce ______ _____ ______ to ____________
dental papilla cells
The outer cells of the dental papilla are induced by the ________ to differentiate into ______________
The odontoblasts are lined up next to the basement membrane in a _____-- ____________ of the preameloblasts
mirror image
Odontoblasts produce what?
dentin matrix
Does dentin or enamel formation begin first?
Why is the dentin layer slightly thicker than the enamel layer?
because production of it starts first
When does the basement membrane between the ameloblasts and odontoblasts disintegrate?
after the differentiation of odontoblasts and formation of predentin, this allows preameloblasts to come into contact with dentin
What induces preameloblasts to differentiate into ameloblasts?
when the basement membrane disintegrates dentin and enamel come in contact
tapered portion of each ameloblast facing the disintegrating basement layer; secretes enamel matrix
tome's process
forms as a result of the mineralization of the disintegrating basement membrane and joining of the dentin and enamel matrixes
dentinoenamel junction
attached cellular extensions in the length of the predentin left by the odontoblasts
odontoblastic process
Where are the odontoblastic processes contained?
in a dentinal tubule
Cell bodies of odontoblasts ________ _________ the _________ tissue
remain within
Do we keep our ameloblasts?
no, they are lost with eruption of the tooth
When does root development occur?
after the crown is completely shaped and the tooth is beginning to erupt