
  1. A shield volcano
    a. is sometimes called a strato volcano.
    b. has a jagged surface.
    c. has gently sloping sides.
    d. forms when lava erupts underwater.
    c. has gently sloping sides.
  2. A large depression that forms when the magma chamber partially empties is a
    a. crater.
    b. rift.
    c. caldera.
    D. cinder cone.
    c. caldera.
  3. Which of the following best describes subduction?
    a. movement of tectonic plates away from each other
    b. movement of one tectonic plate against another
    c. movement of one tectonic plate under another
    d. side-by-side movement of two tectonic plates
    c. movement of one tectonic plate under another
  4. A dormant volcano
    a. is currently explosive.
    b. might erupt again.
    c. usually erupts once each year.
    d. has never erupted.
    b. might erupt again.
  5. Where are volcanoes most likely to form?
    a. near the center of continents
    b. along bodies of water
    c. along plate boundaries
    d. in mountainous areas
    c. along plate boundaries
  6. Molten rock deep underground often gathers in a
    a. vent.
    b. magma chamber.
    c. landslide.
    d. caldera.
    b. magma chamber.
  7. Lava that is very runny probably
    a. has a low silica content.
    b. is hotter than most lava.
    c. has been cooled below the surface.
    d. comes from explosive volcanoes.
    a. has a low silica content.
  8. The pyroclastic material that can reach the upper atmosphere and circle the Earth for years is
    a. pahoehoe lava.
    b. aa lava.
    c. lapilli.
    d. volcanic ash.
    d. volcanic ash.
  9. Which of these describes a possible climate change caused bya volcanic eruption?
    a. Temperatures rise because of the heat coming from lava.
    b. Scorched land creates drought conditions.
    c. Ash blocks sunlight, causing temperatures to drop.
    d. Volcanic eruptions rarely affect climate.
    c. Ash blocks sunlight, causing temperatures to drop.
  10. The three main types of volcanoes are
    a. shield, pahoehoe, and vented.
    b. cinder, cone, and composite.
    c. cinder cone, lapilli, and caldera.
    d. shield, composite, and cinder cone.
    d. shield, composite, and cinder cone.
  11. Most active volcanoes form
    a. far from bodies of water.
    b. where tectonic plates collide.
    c. where tectonic plates separate.
    d. where tectonic plates move back and forth.
    b. where tectonic plates collide.
  12. The volcanoes of Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plate boundaries are known as
    a. calderas.
    b. mid-ocean ridges.
    c. hot spots.
    d. viscous volcanoes.
    c. hot spots.
  13. Which category of volcano is most likely to erupt in the near future?
    a. an active volcano
    b. an extinct volcano
    c. a dormant volcano
    d. a viscous volcano
    a. an active volcano
  14. Volcanoes are most likely to form
    a. near the center of continents.
    b. in deep canyons.
    c. along plate boundaries.
    d. in mountainous areas.
    c. along plate boundaries.
  15. Volcanic activity is common along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This activity occurs at a
    a. mantle plume.
    b. subducted plane.
    c. divergent boundary.
    d. break in the continental crust.
    c. divergent boundary.
  16. Which of the following is NOT considered when predicting volcanic eruptions?
    a. the composition of volcanic gases
    b. atmospheric activity
    c. internal temperature
    d. changes in the volcano’s slope
    b. atmospheric activity
  17. What is most likely to happen if the water content of magma is high?
    a. A nonexplosive eruption will occur.
    b. No eruption will occur.
    c. An explosive eruption is likely.
    d. Pressure will decrease.
    c. An explosive eruption is likely.
  18. What is pyroclastic material?
    a. magma that blasts into the air and hardens
    b. magma that remains underground too long
    c. molten rock
    d. lava that flows underwater
    a. magma that blasts into the air and hardens
  19. Which of these describes a climate change caused by a volcanic eruption?
    a. Temperatures rise because of the heat coming from lava.
    b. Ash blocks sunlight, causing temperatures to drop.
    c. Burned land creates dry conditions.
    d. Volcanic eruptions don’t cause climate changes.
    b. Ash blocks sunlight, causing temperatures to drop.
  20. What is a rift?
    a. a closed vent
    b. a crack in the Earth’s crust
    c. an instrument that predicts eruptions
    d. a hot spot
    b. a crack in the Earth’s crust
  21. What is a tiltmeter?
    a. an instrument that measures gases
    b. an instrument that measures changes in a volcano’s slope
    c. an instrument that measures the intensity of earthquakes
    d. an instrument that measures the temperature inside a
    a. an instrument that measures gases
  22. Which kind of volcano will probably never erupt again?
    a. an active volcano
    b. an extinct volcano
    c.a dormant volcano
    d. a chamber volcano
    a. an extinct volcano
  23. Repeated eruptions of lava create
    a. calderas.
    b. craters.
    c. explosives.
    d. volcanoes.
    d. volcanoes.
  24. Which kind of volcanic eruption is most destructive?
    a. atmospheric
    b. explosive
    c. pahoehoe
    d. nonexplosive
    b. explosive
  25. Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens are
    a. shield volcanoes.
    b. cinder cone volcanoes.
    c. composite volcanoes.
    d. calderas.
    c. composite volcanoes.
  26. Magma forms in deep in the Earth’s crust and in the mantle where
    a. temperature and pressure are low.
    b. temperature is high and pressure is low.
    c. temperature and pressure are high.
    d. temperature is low and pressure is high.
    c. temperature and pressure are high.
  27. Only about 5% of volcanoes on land form
    a. along divergent boundaries.
    b. along convergent boundaries.
    c. in hot spots.
    d. in the Ring of Fire.
    c. in hot spots.
  28. When infrared images show that an area is getting hotter, what is probably happening there?
    a. Magma is probably sinking deeper into the Earth’s crust.
    b. Magma is rising in an active volcano.
    c.Lava inside a caldera is being warmed by the sun.
    d. Pyroclastic material is filling a magma chamber.
    b. Magma is rising in an active volcano.
  29. Which of the following is a type of frost action?
    a. abrasion
    b. oxidation
    c. ice wedging
    d. gravity
    c. ice wedging
  30. Which of the following types of chemical weathering causes a karst landscape, such as a cavern?
    a. lichens
    b. acid precipitation
    c.acids in groundwater
    d. water
    c.acids in groundwater
  31. How do lichens slowly break down a rock?
    a. by abrasion
    b. by mechanical weathering
    c. by ice wedging
    d. by chemical weathering
    d. by chemical weathering
  32. Which of these is most likely to experience oxidation?
    a. tennis ball
    b. aluminum can
    c. wooden fence
    d. bicycle tire
    b. aluminum can
  33. A process by which softer, less weather-resistant rocks wear away and leave harder, more weather-resistant rocks behind is called
    a.differential weathering.
    b. mechanical weathering.
    c. chemical weathering.
    d. ice wedging.
    a. differential weathering.
  34. Small rocks weather more quickly than large rocks because their surface area is
    a. thinner.
    b. larger.
    c. smaller.
    b. larger.
  35. The average weather condition in an area over a long period of time is called
    a. temperature.
    b. climate.
    c. weather.
    d. humidity.
    b. climate.
  36. Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice?
    a. rocks at a lower elevation
    b. rocks at a higher elevation
    c. rocks in streams
    d. rocks in a warm, humid climate
    b. rocks at a higher elevation
  37. What is the organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals called?
    a. bedrock
    b. parent rock
    c. residual soil
    d. humus
    d. humus
  38. Which climate has the most productive soil for raising crops?
    a. tropical rain forest
    b. desert
    c. temperate forest and grassland
    d. arctic
    c. temperate forest and grassland
  39. What is it called when a farmer plants different crops in order to use less nutrients or different nutrients from the soil?
    a. terracing
    b. cover crops
    c. crop rotation
    d. contour plowing
    c. crop rotation
  40. Ice, wind, water, gravity, plants, and animals are all agents of
    a. differential weathering.
    b. mechanical weathering.
    c. oxidation.
    d. desertification.
    b. mechanical weathering.
  41. When oxygen in the air reacts with iron, the result is
    a. abrasion.
    b. differential weathering.
    c. oxidation.
    d. infiltration.
    c. oxidation.
  42. Which of the following is NOT a benefit provided by soil?
    a. provides minerals and nutrients for plants
    b. allows for water storage for plants
    c. provides a habitat for animals
    d. can be blown or washed away from its parent rock
    d. can be blown or washed away from its parent rock
  43. Which soil conservation technique helps prevent erosion of sloping hills by heavy rains
    a. contour plowing
    b. terracing
    c. no-till farming
    d. cover crop
    a. contour plowing
  44. Which of water’s properties directly causes mechanical weathering?
    a. Water dissolves many minerals.
    b. Water can hold heat longer than soil.
    c. Water expands when it freezes.
    d. Water can form an acid when combined with some gases.
    c. Water expands when it freezes.
  45. Which of the following does not directly contribute to the weathering of rocks?
    a. wind
    b. water
    c. sunlight
    d. gravity
    c. sunlight
  46. The decayed plant and animal material in soil is called
    a. humus.
    b. ventifacts.
    c. horizon.
    d. subsoil.
    a. humus.
  47. Rust is the oxidation of
    a. water.
    b. tin.
    c. nitrogen.
    d. iron.
    d. iron.
  48. What is the breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means called?
    a. mechanical weathering
    b. oxidation
    c. habitation
    d. acid precipitation
    a. mechanical weathering
  49. What is it called when softer rocks wear away and leave harder rocks behind?
    a. abrasion
    b. oxidation
    c. differential weathering
    d. acidic weathering
    c. differential weathering
  50. What is the soil’s ability to hold nutrients and to supply nutrients to a plant called?
    a. humus
    b. soil texture
    c. soil fertility
    d. soil structure
    c. soil fertility
Card Set
Chapter review