Bill Of Rights Test

  1. District Plan
    A system used by Maine and Nebraska whereby a candidate gets one electoralvote for each Congressional district he or she wins AND the winner of thestatewide popular votes gets an additional two electoral votes
  2. Elector
    • – A person chosen by his or her state
    • legislature to cast a vote for president in the Electoral College
  3. Exclusionary
    • – The rule stating that illegally
    • seized evidence may not be used at trial.
  4. Gideon
    v Wainwright
    • - Supreme Court case holding that
    • states must provide attorneys for poor criminal defendants.
  5. Mapp
    v Ohio (1961)
    • – Supreme Court case holding that
    • states must follow the exclusionary rule.
  6. Miranda v Arizona (1966)
    • - Supreme Court case holding that a
    • defendant’s confession may not be used at trial unless the government informed
    • the defendant of his rights before the confession.
  7. Proportional Plan
    • A system whereby each
    • candidate would get a percentage of a state’s electoral votes roughly
    • equivalent to the percentage of the state’s popular vote they received. E.g., if Obama wins 60% of Maryland and McCain wins 40%, then Obama
    • gets 6 electoral votes and McCain gets 4.
    • Not currently used in any states.
  8. Safe State
    • –– A state in which one
    • candidate has overwhelming support.
    • Because most states have a winner-take-all system, candidates spend very
    • little time in these states.
  9. Selective Incorporation
    • – The judicial doctrine holding that
    • the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment requires states to comply with most
    • of the liberties listed in the Bill of Rights.
  10. Tossup State
    (Swing State)
    • – A state in which no
    • presidential candidate appears to have overwhelming support. As a
    • result, candidates spend a great deal of time and money in these
    • states.
  11. Winner-take-all System
    • A system whereby the
    • candidate who wins the popular vote in a state gets all of the state’s
    • electoral votes. E.g., if Obama wins 60%
    • of Maryland
    • and McCain wins 40%, then Obama gets 10 electoral votes and McCain gets 0.
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Bill Of Rights Test