Colonial Test

  1. What was Roanoke?
    • Known as the lost colony.
    • In present-day North Carolina and organized by Sir Walter Raleigh.
    • 1585
  2. Powhatan
    The Powhatan Indians were a confederation of tribes united by Chief Wahunsunacook, who renamed himself Chief Powahatan. When the British colonists landed in Jamestown, they discovered Powhatan Indians living throughout what is now Virgina.
  3. Jamestown
    • The first permanent colony.
    • Financed by investors in England.
    • Colony was set up for trade-could sell raw materials to England.
    • Colony nearly died but John Smith saved the colony.
    • Found a profitable cash crop in tabacco.
  4. New England
    Climate: long winters

    Geography: Atlantic Ocean, rocky hills.

    Resources: fish, rocky soil, forests.

    Settlemants: small towns.

    Economic: shipbuilding, trade, fishing,subsistence farming, livestock.
  5. Middle Colonies
    Climate: shorter winters.

    Geography: rivers, coastal plains, Hudson River, harbors, Delaware River.

    Resources: Good fertile soil.

    Settlement: New York City, Philadelphia, cities.

    Economic: gristmill, artisans, cash crops, trade.
  6. Southern Colonies
    • Climate: warm climate.
    • Geography: coastal plains, many waterways.
    • Resources: year round growing season, good fertile soil.
    • People: planter class, almost half African slaves.
    • Settlement: plantations, Charles Town.
    • Economic: rice, platation economy, tobacco, indigo.
  7. 13 Colonies
    New England: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

    Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

    Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
  8. Plymouth
    • Pilgrims were dissenters who disagreed with the church of England.
    • 1620, the Plgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.
    • They signed the Mayflower Compact.
  9. Wamponoag
    They lived throughout the eastern Massachusetts when the first English colonists arrived. They were primarily and agricultrulal people who grew corn, beans, adn squash, and their diet through hunting and fishing.( Plymouth)
  10. The Great Awakening
  11. Massasoit
    The leader of the Wamponoag Indians who arranded a treaty with the Pilgrims. The Wamponoag Indians were a smaller tribe, so the alliance with the Europeans helped both groups from other Indians.
  12. William Bradford
  13. Pilgrams
    • Separated from the Church of England.
    • The founder was William Bradford.
  14. Quakers
    Middle Colonies, and William Penn founded Pennsylvania.
  15. Catholics
    Middle colonies, Lord Baltimore founded Maryland.
  16. Puritans
    Tried and failed to reform the Curch of England. Founded a "Bible Commonwealth" in Massachusetts.The founder was John Winthrop.
  17. Massachusetts Bay Colony
  18. Corporate
    English investorsformed a join-stock company and polled their money.
  19. Proprietary
    The King gave his favorite friend a piece of land.
  20. Royal Colony
    Ruled by a royal governor(appointed by the King).
  21. Mayflower Compact
    An agreement signed by male passengers of the Mayflower in which the colonists agreed to obey the laws of their new government, which was to be formed with the conset of the governed
  22. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    It extended the voting rights to non-church members and it limited the power of the government. They expanded the idea of a representative government. Was also the first constituion in the new world.
  23. House of Burgess
    • The first representative assenbly in the new world.
    • The first legislature in the Americas.
    • Was located in Williamsburg, Va.
    • Made laws for the colony of Virginia.
    • Was run like the Parilment
    • It had the power to tax people.
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Colonial Test
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