Music Final

  1. a multi-movement orchestral work
    program symphony
  2. a one-movement programmatic work with contrasting sections to develop a poetic idea, suggest a scene, or create a mood.
    symphonic poem/tone poem
  3. the symphony's recurrent theme
    idee fixe (fixed idea)
  4. a religious chant melody
    dies irae
  5. a genre that integrated theater and music completely and did away with the concept of separate arias, duets, ensembles and choruses.
    music drama
  6. leading motives that recur through a work and are also subject to variation and development.
  7. a movement developed by painters who tried to capture their "first impression" of a subject through varies treatments of light and color.
  8. the literary response to Impressionism in which writings are suggestive of images and ideas rather than literally descriptive.
  9. a scale derived from various non-Western musics and built entirely of whole-tone intervals.
    whole-tone scales
  10. composed mostly of percussion instruments including gongs, chimes and drums during Impressionism.
    gamelan orchestra
  11. German response to French Impressionism, in music, composers such as Schoenberg and Webern explored new harmonic systems and the extreme registers of instruments.
  12. formal above the expressive
  13. comedy of the arts, a comic theatrical entertainment that originated in the mid-sixteenth century.
    commedia dell'arte
  14. spoken voice, a new style in which the voice melody is spoken rather than sung on exact pitches and static rhythm.
  15. tone color melody, each note of a melody is played by a different instrument, creating a shifting effect.
  16. a slight drop in pitch on the third, fifth, or seventh tone of the scale.
    blue note
  17. a series of sixteen-measure phrases, in moderate duple meter.
  18. comic opera
  19. recording and manipulating natural sounds
    musique concrete
  20. groups of adjacent notes that are sounded with the fist, palm or forearm.
    tone clusters
  21. John Cage invented this that simulated the sound of gamelan orchestra.
    prepared piano
  22. stripping compositions down to the barest essentials in order to let the listener concentrate on a few basic details.
  23. a union of African- American rhythm and blues with country-western and swing music.
    rock and roll
  24. dance music with roots in swing jazz.
    rhythm and blues
  25. twelve-bar blues progression and boogie rhythms in triplet patterns. country and western and mainstream rock.
  26. characterized by a strong, driving beat, usually in a quadruple meter that emphasizes the second fourth beats of the measure.
  27. Debussy, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
    • Impressionism, Symbolism
    • genre: symphonic poem
  28. Still, Afro-American Symphony, II (Sorrow)
    • blue note
    • genre: program symphony
  29. Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag
    • strain
    • genre: piano rag
  30. Cage, Sonata V from Sonatas and Interludes
    • prepared piano
    • gamelan
  31. West African storyteller who passes on oral traditions, wandering musician and poet
  32. trading off from person to person
  33. first DJ (spinner)
    Kool Herc
  34. a DJ or turntablist technique used to produce distinctive sounds by moving a vinyl record back and forth on aturntable while optionally manipulating the crossfader on a DJ mix.
  35. A short piano piece in the ragtime style; ie, containing a strongly syncopated melodic line set to regularly accented bass accompaniment.
    piano rag
Card Set
Music Final
Music Final