language disorders final

  1. a conglomeration of signs and symptoms of central nervous system degeneration that result in progressive and persistent deterioration of intellectual functioning
  2. Speech disorder resulting from generalized weakness of the oral musculature
  3. Slow motor movements
  4. Unintended substiution of an invented or nonsense word that contains no similarities to the target (intended) word
  5. Inability to make sense of incoming auditory stimuli
    Auditory Agnosia
  6. Inability to coordinate the limb or oral musculature to perform voluntary movements
  7. Inability to read, possibly due to neurological impairment
  8. Inability to write
  9. Impairment of the abilities to comprehend and express language resulting from acquired neurological damage
  10. Slow labored speech, word retrieval deficits, and motor planning deficits due to a lesion or lesions in the anterior language area and left premotor cortex (Broca's area); includes Broca aphaisa, transcortical motor aphaisa, and global aphasia
    Nonfluent Aphasia
  11. Aphasia in which the intiation and production of speech are intact, but deficits occur in semantics and comprehension
    Fluent Aphasia
  12. A condition caused by blockage or bursting of an artery leading to disruption of blood flow to the brain and resulting in neurologic damage to the area of the brain that is supplied by that artery.
  13. Lack of ability to recall names of people, common objects, and places
  14. The unintended substiution of an incorrect word for an intended word
  15. The determination of the most efficient and effective means by which the clinician provides therapeutic intervention
    Treatment efficacy
  16. Two types of dementia and three etiological factors
    Reversible (depression, infection, drug toxicity) Irreversible (AIDS, Alzheimer's, Pick's)
  17. Two major roles of the SLP when working with dementia patients
    assist the muulitdisciplinary team with assessment of patient's language and cognitive status, be available to the patient's family to help structure the environment to facilitate the best communication possible
  18. Two terms for describing verbal expression characteristics in aphasia
    Nonfluent, Fluent
  19. Three etiologies/causes of aphasia
    Stroke, closed head injury, tumors
  20. Six cranial nerves most frequently involved in speech
    Trigeminal V 5 (sensory, motor) Facial VII 7 (sensory, motor), Glossopharyngeal IX 9 (sensory, motor) Vagus X 10 (sensory motor) Spinal Accessory XI 11 (motor) Hypoglossal XII 12 (motor)
  21. Three primary fluent aphasias
    Wernickes, Conduction, Transcortical Sensory
  22. Three primary nonfluent aphasias
    Broca's, Global, Transcortical motor
  23. Statement concerning therapy for aphasia
    stimulate disrupted process to promote functional reorganization, teach the use of compensatory strategies to communicate in face of residual deficits, provide education and counseling to family, eliminate "bad habits" that interfere with successful communication, promote suitable communication environment
  24. Progressive/ irreversable aphasia results in
    Alzheimers, MID
  25. Cortical dementia with Huntington's/ Parkinson's
  26. Transcortical syndrome what's intact
  27. Theory of restiution
    based on time/psyological damage
  28. Pick's disease
    brain mass shrinks
  29. Which of the following is most true?
    There is some evidence that language content disintegrates more than does language structure in patients with Alzheimer's disease
  30. Which of the following stets of memory are most affected in the early/middle stages of Alzheimers?
    Episodic and working
  31. Which of the following is most characteristic of dementias associated with Parkinson's disease?
    Word finding is less impaired that in Alzheimer's disease
  32. Which of the following about Pick's disease is most true?
    Deterioration of language form is more likely than deterioration of content
  33. Declarative memory consists of which of the following sets of skills?
    Semantic, episodic, lexical
  34. Huntington's chorea is associated with
    Jerky, involuntary movements of the limbs and facial muscles
  35. Dementias associated with Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases are typically cortical dementias
  36. Abnormal protein deposition in the neurons of brain cells has been identified as a causative factor in the disease mechanism for Alzheimer's disease
  37. The Mini-Mental State Exam can be used to screen for dementia and to stage it based ont the severity of the symptoms
  38. Fluent, well-articulated phonologically correct utterances that make little or no sense to the listener defines
  39. Which of the following statements is most true?
    MRI scans are superior to CT scans for the early detection of neurophysiological changes and are typically more sensitive to subtle neuropathologies
  40. The theory of restiution of function states that
    Spontaenous recovery is limited by time, usually not extending beyond 6 months, recovery is a physiological process
  41. Reading comprehension would be least affected in _________ aphasia
  42. Examples of therapy designed to address underlying processes by teaching the right hemisphere to assume some of the responsibility previously held by the left hemisphere are
    Melodic intonation therapy and visual action therapy
  43. A 69 year old stroke victim exhibits fluent but empty speech, circumlocutions, good artic, poor reading and auditory comprehension, very poor naming skills, verbal paraphasia, and good repetition skills. What type of aphasia does he have?
    Transcortical sensory
  44. Transcortical aphasias resemble other types of aphasias except that in transcortical syndromes
    Repetition is remarkably intact
  45. The primary features used to differentially diagnose aphasia are
    Naming, conversational speech, auditory comprehension, and repetition skills
  46. The fluent aphasias are the result of lesions
    posterior around the auditory association area of the left temporal and/or right parietal lobe
  47. Errors tend to occur closer to the end of a word in the fluent aphasias, but toward the beginning of the word in the nonfluent aphasias
  48. hypertension
    high blood pressure
  49. arterioslerosis
    hardening of the arteries
  50. agnosia
    inability to perceive
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language disorders final