Dental Anatomy Final

  1. lining mucosa has _____ surface texture, is ________ and movable for _______, ______ and _______
    • softer
    • nonkeratized
    • speech
    • mastication
    • swallowing
  2. what is the most common form of keratin in the mouth?
  3. name five locations for lining mucosa
    • buccal and labial mucosa
    • alveolar mucosa
    • floor of the mouth
    • ventral surface of the tongue
    • soft palate
  4. what are four clinical considerations for lining mucosa?
    • sutures needed-softer tissue
    • fordyce spots
    • easier to inject
    • infections spread quickly-nonkeratinized
  5. what are three types of mucosa?
    • lining mucosa
    • masticatory mucosa
    • specialized mucosa
  6. what are the three locations of masticatory mucosa?
    • attached gingiva
    • hard palate
    • dorsal surface of the tongue-covers the muscle
  7. masticatory mucosa is _____ and _____
    rubbery and resilient
  8. masticatory mucosa can either be ________ or _______
    orthokeratinized or parakeratinized
  9. what is the least common type of keratin?
  10. which type ortho or para protects against physical chemical and microbial attacks and also form dehydration and heat loss?
  11. what color is orthokeratinized mucosa?
  12. t/f orthokeratinized mucosa has nuclei
    FALSE- no nuclei
  13. t/f parakeratinized tissue is red
  14. what type ortho or para is associated with higher levels of attached gingiva?
  15. which type ortho or para has special protection against bacterial invasion, mechanical irritation and dryness?
  16. orthokeratinized tissue is _____ in color has ____ nuclei and is the _____ common in the oral cavity. It protects against ______, ______ and ______ attack. Also protects against ______ and ____ ____.
    • white
    • no
    • least
    • physical
    • chemical
    • microbial
    • dehydration
    • heat loss
  17. parakeratinized is ____ in color it _____ have nuclei and is associated with higher level of ______ _____. It has special protection against _______ invasion, ______ irritation and ______
    • red
    • does
    • attached gingva
    • bacterial
    • mechanical
    • dryness
  18. what are three clinical considerations of masticatory mucosa?
    • sutures rarely needed
    • injections are more difficult
    • longer healing time
  19. where is specialized mucosa located?
    dorsal and lateral surface of the tongue (papillae)
  20. what are three taste buds on the tongue?
    • fungiform
    • foliate
    • circumvallate
  21. what are the four taste sensations?
    • sweet
    • sour
    • salty
    • bitter
  22. which papilla is not a taste bud?
  23. what is the most common papilla on the tongue?
  24. what is the least common papilla on the tongue?
  25. what color are the filiform? why?
  26. what is the shape of the fungiform and what color are they?
    • mushroom
    • red-highly vascularized
  27. foliate papilla are ____-____ ____ ridges
    4-11 vertical ridges
  28. where is the taste bud located on the foliate?
    lateral portion
  29. how many circumvallate papilla are there?
  30. what papilla are the von ebner's associated with and what is their purpose?
    • circumvallate
    • to rinse circumvallate in order to taste
  31. what is an example of nonkeratinzed going to keratinized?
    linea alba
  32. _______ mucosa can turn into ______ in response to trauma
    • nonkeratinized
    • keratinized
  33. ______ is in response to chemical truama
  34. what is hyperkeratinized in response to?
    chemical trauma
  35. what is an example of chemical trauma causing hyperkeratinized mucosa?
    heat from smokin and hot fluids
  36. t/f hyperkeratinized mucosa is reversible if trauma is taken away?
  37. what is the purpose of tissue grafting?
    to reduce gingival recession and increase the amount of attached keratinized tissue
Card Set
Dental Anatomy Final
oral mucosa