Study Guide Eagan's Chapter 5

  1. All of the following sanctions can apply when one breaks a law EXCEPT:
    • (reparations or fines)
    • (incarceration)
    • (licensure suspension)
    • ***professional censure***
  2. What simple question does ethics try to answer?
    How should we act?
  3. What ethical issue has recently become a significant concern for RTs and all health care providers due to a congressional act?
    patient's right to privacy
  4. In most professions, specific guidance in resolving ethical dilemmas is provided by which of the following?
    a code of ethics
  5. The AARC Code of Ethics holds professionals to which of the following principles?
    • (all 5 answers)
    • -actively maintaining and improving one's competence
    • -following sound scientific procedures and ethical principles in resarch
    • -promoting disease prevention and wellness
    • -striving to improve the access, efficacy, and cost of patient care
    • -respecting and protecting the rights of the patients they treat
  6. Contemporary ethical princniples have evolved from all of the following sources EXCEPT:
    psychoanalysis (Freud)
  7. Primary guiding principle in contemporary ethical decision-making include which of the following?
    • (all)
    • -nonmaleficence
    • -autonomy
    • -justice
    • -role fidelity
  8. Which ethical principle obliges a RT to uphold a patient's right to refuse treatment?
  9. A health professional who withholds the truth from a patient, saying it is for her own good, is engaged in:
    benevolent deception
  10. What ethical principle can be used to justify the pain that might occur in drawing blood from a patient for a diagnostic test?
    double effect
  11. The debate over prolongation of life vs relief of suffering in elderly patients mainly involves differing opinions regarding what ethical principle?
  12. What type of advanced directives can patients use to help resolve ethical dilemmas involving their life-sustaining care?
    • durable power of attorney AND
    • living will
  13. Under what conditions can the principle of confidentiality be breached?
    when the welfare of the community or a vulnerable individual is at stake
  14. The moral basis for rationing health care services falls under what ethical principle?
    distributive justice
  15. Which of the following has played a major role in increasing the cost of health care?
    compensatory justice
  16. When a RT defers a patient's questions about a condition to the attending physician, what ethical principle is being practiced?
    role fidelity
  17. A clinician who justifies support for w/drawing life support from a patient because "in the end, it would be best for all involved" is applying what ethical viewpoint?
  18. A clinician who justifies not billing a poor patient for services rendered because "that's what a professional should do" is applying what ethical viewpoint?
    virtue ethics
  19. Before making any ethical decision, one should take which of the following actions?
    • (all)
    • -identify individuals involved
    • -identify what ethical principle(s) apply
    • -identify who should make the decision
    • -consider the alternatives
  20. Division of public law (the relationships of private parties and the gov't) include:
    • administrative AND
    • criminal
  21. What branch of law is concerned with the recognition and enforcement of the rights and duties of priv. individuals and organizations?
  22. What is the term for a civil wrong committed against an individual or property, for which a court provides a remedy in the form of damages?
  23. Which of the following are necessary to validate a claim of professional negligence?
    • (all)
    • The practitioner owed a duty to the patient.
    • The " was derelict with that duty.
    • The breach of duty was the direct cause of damages.
    • Damage or harm came to the patient.
  24. In a case of professional negligence, all of the following are required to support a claim of "res ipsa loquitur" EXCEPT:
    evidence must exist to show that the defendant acted with malfeasance or intent.
  25. A physician who participates in active euthanasia is committing what type of malpractice?
  26. A nurse who practices below a reasonable standard of care is committing what type of malpractice?
  27. A RT who engages in a questionable business practice is committing what type of malpractice?
  28. All of the following are considered intentional torts EXCEPT:
    negligent practice
  29. When a practioner performs a procedure that involves physical contact without the patient's consent, it can result in what charge?
  30. Which of the following is/are legitimate defenses against an intentional tort?
    • lack of intent to harm a patient
    • informed consent given by the patient
    • (NOT performance of ordinary procedures)
  31. A physician specifies an incorrect dose in a Rx for a powerful bronchodilator drug to be given to an asthmatic patient. When the RT gives the dose, the patient suffers a fatal response, and dies. Based on the principle of duty, against whom could a suit of negligence be brought?
    • (all)
    • RT
    • attending physician
    • dispensing pharmacist
  32. HIPAA. What does PHI stand for?
    protected health information
  33. What legal doctrine holds superiors responsible for the actions of their workers?
    respondeat superior
  34. What conditions are necessary to incur liability under the doctrine of respondeat superior?
    • The injury caused must be the result of an act of negligence.
    • The act must occur within the subordinate's scope of employement.
  35. All of the following are common elements in a professional practice act EXCEPT:
    professional code of ethics
  36. If an RT refers a Medicare patient to a particular home care company and receives a finder's fee in return, this is an example of:
    Medicare fraud
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Study Guide Eagan's Chapter 5
Ethical and Legal implications of Practice