How many leads are on an EKG
What is the spark of the heart?
What are the augmented leads?
aVL, aVR, aVF
What is the standarization test of EKG
uniform recording world wide
Abbreviation for electrocardiogram
angle for intradermal?
5-10 degrees
Angle for venipuncture
Where is lead V1 placed?
Right of sternum, 4th intercostal
Proper name of the bottom name of blood pressure reading?
Proper name for top number of blood pressure reading?
What is the average repiration rate for an adult?
What is respiration?
The inhalation and exhalation (inspiration and expiration)
First you do with a non-mercy thermometer?
Shake it down
Average pulse for an adult
50-80 bpm
Name two artifacts (cardiac)
- sinus bradycardia
- sinus tachycardia
what is the normal blood pressure range for an adult?
90/60 to 140/90
Why should you not use your thumb when taking a pulse?
The thumb has a pulse of its own
What are the 3 most common areas to take temperature?
axillary, oral, rectal
What is PFT?
Pulmonary function test. Monitors breathing.
What is a peak flow meter?
- Type of PFT.
- How to use: Take a deep breath in, then breath fast and hard.
The peak flow meter is used to establish ___________.
when should a holiter monitor be used and what are the instructions while using one?
- A holiter monitor should be used when an EKG doesn't sit well with a dr.
- Don't shower. Continue with normal activities. Avoid high voltage, electric blankets, and metal detectors.
What is the instrument used to hear heart beat?
Stethoscope (know the spelling)
What is an electrocardiogram?
The recoding of heart activity
Where is the lead V1 placed?
To the right of the sternum, 4th intercostal
where is V2 placed?
Left of the sternum, 4th intercostal
what is the SA node?
pacemaker. It is called the pacemaker because it sets the pace of the heart.
What is the purpose of a PFT?
To monitor breathing.