Social Studies

  1. What % of African Americans make up the US population?
  2. Most slaves came from what part of Africa?
    West & Central Africa
  3. Thurgood Marshall
    An Attorney that claimed that in reality seperate black public schools are bound to be poorer. He was the Attorney for Brown vs. The Board of Education. He was the first African American to be on the US Supreme Court.
  4. Most African Americans live where in the US?
    In the South, because the slave trade came into port in the South because they were coming from Africa.
  5. Omnibus Civil Rights Bill
    Passed in 1964. It banned all racial discrimination in public accomodations and voting registration.
  6. What % of African Americans lived in poverty in 1966 and 1988?
    41.8% in 1966 and 26.1% in 1988
  7. What two key measurements indicate that African Americans are less healty than whites?
    Infant mortality rate and life expectancy.
  8. Doctor Ralph Bunche
    Helped Dr. Marin Luther King found the United Nations and received the Nobel Peach Prize
  9. Colin Powell
    The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. Was responsible for coordinating the US Military effort in Iraq in 1991 under the presedency of George H. W. Bush. He became the Secretary of State when George Bush became President.
  10. The % of single parent families headed by a female.
    47% of blacks and 13% whites
  11. % of homeowners
    69% of whites own their own homes. 44% of blacks own their own homes.
  12. Jesse Jackson
    A major candidate for the Democratic nomination. African American and ran for President 3 or 4 times but never won.
  13. Department of Housing & Urban Development Housing Descrimination
    Estimates that at least 2 million people are subjected to some form of housing descrimination each year.
  14. Madeleine Albright
    First woman Secretary of State
  15. Hillary Clinton
    US Senate in November of 2000
  16. Nacy Pelosi
    First female Speaker of the House in 2006
  17. Sandra Day O'Connor
    First female to be appointed to the US Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan in 1991.
  18. Janet Reno
    First female US Attorney General
  19. Condleezza Rice
    First female US Security Advisor. Became Secretary of State when Colin Powell.
  20. Busing
    The transport of some students to school out of their neighborhood in order to de-segregate the schools.
  21. Defacto Segregation
    Segregation in fact but not by Law
  22. Desegregate
    To eliminate segregation
  23. Integration
    Introducing varying subjects from different races. Desegregation efforts to cease being segregated
  24. Jim Crows Laws
    State and Local Laws that enforce segregation by race.
  25. Affirmitive Action
    The hiring and promotion of women and members of minorities so that they take an even amount of men, women and different races.
  26. Reverse Descrimination
    Opponents argued that Affirmative Action leads to Reverse Descrimination
  27. White Flight
    The movement out of a neighborhood as other minorities are moving in.
  28. Democrats are usually........
    In favor of Affirmative Action
  29. Republicans are usually..........
    Against Affirmative Action
  30. 1790 to 1860
    About 4 million Africans came to the US with the slave trade.
  31. How did the Africans feel about the slave trade and leaving home
    They realized that they were being sent far away and there was often violence prior to leaving. These uprising were often easily put down.
  32. Tight Packers
    Packed alot of slaves in small areas that they had on ships
  33. Loose Packer
    Packed a small amount of people on ships
  34. What were the conditions on the ships that the slaves travelled on
    There was not much ventilation and little to no sanitation. Slaves might die on the ship of suffocation or disease. Bodies were packed so tightly that it would not be uncommon to find a slaves body completely covered in lice.
  35. When were slaves fed the best?
    A couple days before arrival to the "new world" so that they would look good for auction.
  36. Were the slave ships allowed to dock at port?
    No. Due to their smell and possibility of spreading disease.
  37. What were common diseases found on the slave ships
    Smallpox as well as Ophthalmia.
  38. What caused slaves to be driven insane on the slave ships
  39. Where in the US were the first slaves brought and in what year?
    Jamestown, VA in 1619.
  40. What Colony became the first to institutionalize slavery and in what year.
    Maryland. In 1640.
  41. What is an endentured servant
    A person who is endebted for 7 to 8 years to pay back for the voyage to the US
  42. What 4 trades created a higher demand for slaves by other slave trading countries.
    Cotton, tobacco, coffee and sugar.
  43. How was the economy of the US enhanced
    By the labor of slavery
  44. Was slave labor cheap or expensive
    It was expensive. Mostly rich farmers and plantation owners with commercial export oriented operations on the best lands could afford slaves. Operations such as sugar, coffee, cotton and tobacco.
Card Set
Social Studies
Taylor Lewis