Mod D

  1. What is the septum that seperates the left and right side of the heart?
    The wall is the center of the heart.
  2. What part of the respiratory system lacks the support of catilage?
  3. What do the valves do?
    Prevent backflow of blood
  4. What is the amount of air during a single cycle of inspiration and expiration?
    Tidal Volume
  5. What part of the respiratory system sets the pace of breathing?
    Medulla omblongata
  6. What is the exchange of gases between living cells and the environment?
  7. What prevents the lungs from overexpanding?
    Inflation reflex
  8. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  9. True or False: Most oxygen carried into the blood disolves in the plasma.
  10. True or False. The pacemaker of the heart is the AV node?
    False. It is the SA node.
  11. True or False. The heart has 6 chambers.
    False. The heart has 4 chambers.
  12. Where can the carotid pulse be located?
    In the neck.
  13. What does CPR stand for?
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  14. What does AED stand for?
    Automated External Defibrillator
  15. What does FBAO?
    Foreign body airway obstruction
  16. What are the four main parts of circulatory system?
    • Heart (pump)
    • Vessels (transport system)
    • Blood (circulating fluid-vehicle)
    • Lymphatic system (fluids system)
  17. True or False. Veins carry oxygenated blood?
    False. Arteries carry oxygenated blood, except for the pulmonary artery.
  18. What is the the main purpose of the circulartory system?
    To supply oxygen and nutrients
  19. What is the greatest pressure on the artery walls called?
    Systolic (systole)
  20. What is the relaxtion of the artery walls called?
  21. What is the pericardium?
    The two layer sac surrounding the heart.
  22. What are the 6 parts of the respiratory system?
    • Nose
    • Pharynx (throat)
    • Layrnx (voicebox)
    • Trachea (windpipe)
    • Bronchi & Bronchioles (passageways)
    • Lungs
  23. What is the purpose of the epiglottis?
    To prevent food from going into the larynx
  24. How many leads does the EKG have?
  25. What is the normal blood pressure range for an adult?
    90/60 to 140/90
  26. What is the purpose of a pulmonary function test?
    To monitor breathing
  27. Normal pulse range for an adult?
  28. Where is the V1 lead located?
    To the right of the septum, 4th intercostal.
  29. What is the endocardium?
    The heart lining
  30. what does anthrac mean?
  31. What is pneumoconiosis?
    A condition of the lung caused by the inhalation of dust.
  32. What does -phore mean?
  33. What is tachycardia?
    Fast heartbeat
  34. Normal respiratory rate for an adult?
  35. What does the (ekg) standarization test indicate?
    Uniform recording world wide
  36. What is tachypnea?
    Fast breathing
  37. What is the sinoatrial node?
    SA node-pacemaker
  38. What is ansomia?
    a condition in which therre is a lack of sense of smell
  39. What are Holiter monitor insturctions?
    • Avoid high voltage areas, electric blankets, metal detectors
    • Continue with normal activities
    • Do not shower. Take sponge bath.
  40. What is bradycardia?
    Slow heartbeat.
  41. What is an alveoli?
    Air cells where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
  42. what is the Mediastinum?
    a space in the central portion of the thoracic cavity between the lungs
  43. What is a peak flow meter?
    instrument used to monitor breathing. A type of PFT(pulmonary function test).
  44. What are the precordial leads?
  45. What is a spirometer?
    An instrument used to measure the volume of respired air.
  46. What are the augmented leads?
    aVR, aVL, aVF leads
  47. What is the purpose of sphygmomanometer?
    Instrument used to measure the arterial blood pressure.
  48. What is coryza?
    The common cold characterized by sneezing, nasal discharge, and malaise.
  49. What is empyema?
    Pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.
  50. What is pertussis?
    whooping cough
Card Set
Mod D
Cardiopulmonary & ekg