JUS 200 Final Exam

  1. F.F.S. - Actively resists by using a deadly weapon
    Deadly Force
  2. F.F.S. - Aggravated active resistance
    Forcibly subdue a suspect with force from a non-deadly weapon
  3. F.F.S. - Actively resists
    Forcibly subdue by offensively using hands or feet
  4. F.F.S. - Attempt to flee or some defensive resistance
    Forcibly subdue a suspect by defensively using hands or feet; mace or pepper spray
  5. F.F.S. - Verbal non-compliance or passive resistance
    Strong verbal direction or order; with or without some psychological intimidation
  6. F.F.S - No resistance or cooperation
    Police presence and/or verbal direction
  7. Responce to Public Needs
    -Community needs - traditional police view that community doesn't know what that really want

    -Community thinks they know what they want but police "knows what's best"
  8. Politics
    Police exists in a political enviroment. Education and "glad-handing" skills are required.
  9. Authoritarianism
    Policing attracts people with authoritarian personalities, clearly present in police persona.
  10. Corruption
    Police are notorious for this, causes a loss of public confidence because of officer breaking their oath. violation of social contract
  11. Excessive Force
    Stirs it all up; it is the "emotionl match" for the "Police/commnity gas can". Force Factor Scale has to be instituted for level of disobebiance.
  12. Rudeness
    Most common complaints amongst people getting ticketed, asking for directions and reporting crimes.

    Officer Tolerance and citizen awareness of repitition is needed to be understood
  13. R.E.C.A.P. (Rudeness, Excessive Use of Force, Corruption, Authoritanianism and Politics)
    Obstacles facing the two essentials:
  14. Problem Solving - Community Engagement
    Two essentials for Community Policing
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JUS 200 Final Exam
Final PowerPoint notes for Dr. Corrian's JUS 200 (Police in America) exam at NKU