Globals: FR

  1. 6 C's of Source Analysis
    • Citation: date and author
    • Context: background knowledge
    • Content: observations or information in source
    • Connections: prediction, analysis on content
    • Communication: is it biased
    • Conclusion: summary
  2. Old Regime
    the social and political system of France
  3. Estates
    • social classes during the Old Regime
    • made of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates
  4. What generated desire for change?
    • new ideas of government
    • serious economic problems
    • weak, indecisive leadership
  5. New ideas about government...
    third estate began to demand equality, liberty, and democracy
  6. Economic problems...
    • there were very heavy taxes
    • cost of living rising rapidly
    • bad weather caused crop failure
    • king and queen used money for themselves
    • government was in great debt
  7. weak leadership
    • king was immature
    • never had patience for details of governing
    • queen interfered and gave bad advice
  8. Estates-General
    • meeting of all 3 estates
    • called because King wanted to impose taxes on nobility and in return 2nd estate wanted meeting
    • first one in 175 years
    • may 5, 1789 at Versailles
  9. National Assembly
    • The delegates of Third Estate that said they would pass laws and reforms in the name of the French People, and call themselves the National Assembly
    • On June 17 1789, they voted to establish this group and they proposed the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of a representative government
    • first deliberate act of revolution
  10. Tennis Court Oath
    day when thrid estate was locked outside of meeting room and barged in a tennis court (because of rain) and pledged that they will not leave until they draw up a new constitution
  11. Storming of Bastille
    • Gathering of weapons for defense
    • July 14, during process of searching for gunpowder they stormed the bastille (french prison)
    • this was great symbolic act of revolution, it was first violent act during revolution, and first deliberate act by the people
  12. Great Fear
    rumors spread that nobles were hiring putlaws to attack peasants, and as a reaction, peasants began to panic senselessly. This panic was called Great Fear
  13. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    • men are born and remain free and equal in rights
    • rights included: liberty, property, security
    • granted citizens equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion
  14. Reforms on Church
    • church officials and priests were to be elected and paid as state officials
    • catholic church lost land and political independence
    • selling church lands helped pay off decent amount of debt
  15. Legislative Assembly
    • created by new constitution
    • body that had power to create laws and to approve or reject declarations of war
    • king still had power to enforce laws
    • split into three group: radicals (wanted lots of change), moderates (were in middle), and conservatives ( wanted very few changes)
  16. Sans-Culottes
    small workers that had no say in the assembly and wanted major changes and found ways to express their feelings by revolting
  17. National Convention
    • abolished monarchy
    • declared France a republic
    • male citizens had right to vote
  18. Jacobins
    members of a radical political organization
  19. Maximilien Robespierre
    • Jacobin
    • slowly gained power
    • became leader of committee of Public Safety
    • governed france as dictator
    • ruled during reign of terror
  20. Mass Levy
    during reign of terror 'mass Lavy' was a rule that made every citizen take part in war effort
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Globals: FR
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