1. CIC?
    • Complete Inventory Count Images
    • Causes computer to compare the physically counted quantity with the internal quantity
  2. IRC?
    • Inventory Recounting Image
    • when the quantities dont match this is automatically created by the computer showing that the item requires recount and reprocessing
  3. 1GP?
    • Freezes item with a freeze code of "I"
    • Produces IRC suspense image for each item or detail record requested
  4. EIC?
    Equipment Inventory Count
  5. FCD?
    to load or delete the functional check flag indicator (F) for items identified on listing
  6. FCC?
    Condition Change
  7. FCH?
    Identity change
  8. SPR?
    to process a special request
  9. FLP?
    used to record off line follow up action begun by supply
  10. AFC?
    used as a follow up for priority requistions to request an improved estimated avail. date/shipment date
  11. DIT?
    Due in/ due out update
  12. DOC?
    Due out cancellation
  13. DOR?
    Due out release
  14. TAR?
    used to trace, delete, identitfy ship status detail and set transportation traces flags as determined by action code
  15. DIC AO*?
  16. DIC AE*?
    when requistions are furnished in supply
  17. DIC AF*?
    in line follow up
  18. DIC ARC?
    for follow ups which the SOS has not responded to
  19. 1F3?
    used to load, change, or delete an adj. stock level detail
  20. XCC?
    what the RBL that has been recieved in D035 system
  21. XCA?
    the format that you will receive RBL from
  22. DIC A4?
    demands placed on supply from outside the AF
  23. DIC B7*?
    RDO denial
  24. DIC BLO?
    a notification to the originator of the RDO that the RDO has been accepted and the requested property is being processed for shipment
  25. DIC A2*?
    demands placed on supply by the AFMC item managers to satisfy other AFB requirement
  26. DIC DSM?
  27. DIC XHA?
  28. FCI?
    load, change, delete authorized and in use details
  29. FET?
    used to transfer one custodian account to the next
  30. 1XA?
    establishes authorization for SPRAM items
  31. MSI?
    Issue from Kit to customer
  32. 1ED/FME?
    delete the deployed flag on equipment detail record
  33. 1ET/FME?
    transfers selected equipment items to the gaining base
  34. FKD?
    assigns the deployment flag on the MRSP detail record
  35. 1KT?
    transfer from one kit to the next
  36. DFM?
    load, change, delete warehouse location and the PQDR/MDR report control number of the exhibit
  37. TRN?
  38. NOR?
    process a cannibalization
  39. TRM?
    Transfer Drmo
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