Nutrition final

  1. 1. If a person were not able to produce insulin because of a genetic defect, predict a likely outcome for that individual. The person would...

    C) be a fasting hyperglycemic
  2. The primary reason we recommend complex carbohydrates over simple sugars is

    A. Starch is more slowly digested than sucrose, so provides calories for a longer period of time
  3. Given the following information, what would be the nutrient density for iron of the following food?
    Caloric content of food: 400 calories
    Iron content of food: 5mg
    Daily caloric intake: 2000
    caloriesRDA for Iron: 10 mg

    B. 2.5
  4. What is the relationship of sucrose to hyperactivity?

    B. there is no valid scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship between sucrose and hyperactivity
  5. which of the following is highest in saturated fat, based on the slides we saw in class?

    A. coconut oil
  6. It is recommended that we consume nor more than___mg cholesterol/day.

    B. 300
  7. Which of the following is true of breast milk? is low in cholesterol is much higher in cholesterol than infant formulas is likely to increase risk of heart disease later in life is not recommended for infants with high serum cholesterol levels
  8. Information about the fat content of a food can be given in a number of different ways on food packaging. Which of the following did we decide was the most valuable to the consumer?

    C. The caloric content along with the grams of fat, so that % of calories from fat can be determine
  9. 9. The pancreatic hormone_________ tells the liver to breakdown glycogen.

    B. glucagon
  10. The dried husk of the psyllium seed is__________.
    a.has been used in eastern cultures as a cure for type 2 diabetes with some success
    b.a source of carrageenan, used in salad dressing and ice cream
    .c.asses to foods to lower the glycemic index of foods
    d.used in a common laxative
    d.used in a common laxative
  11. a branched-chain polysaccharide in foods of plants origin composed of glucose unit is________.

    D. amylopectin
  12. Which of the following compounds would you be able to solubilize in water?

    B. carrageenan
  13. ______________ is an essential fatty acid that contains 18 carbon and 3 carbon-carbon double bonds.

    A. linolenic acid
  14. The following products are all made from corn oil. Which is the most saturated?
    a. a tube of soft margarine
    b. a cooking spray to prevent sticking to pans
    c .a cooking oil
    d. a stick of margarine
    d. a stick of margarine
  15. Blood glucose in the normal, healthy body replenished during fasting when lever glycogen
    is hydrolyzed to glucose that then enters the bloodstream not regulated but fluctuates according to intake reduced by the secretion of glucagon following a meal
    d.decreasing when meals consuming starch are consumed replenished during fasting when lever glycogen is hydrolyzed to glucose that then enters the bloodstream
  16. The primary site of carbohydrate digestion is the______.

    B. small intestine
  17. The_______ has the highest cholesterol content in the body

    A. brain
  18. a fatty acid with all carbons in the chain linked by single bonds is called

    A. saturated
  19. which of the following would require digestion before it could be absorbed?

    B. sucrose
  20. In my discussion of the “ circle of life” what is the product of photosynthesis?

    B. glucose, which is then stored as starch
  21. Which of the following would be the most helpful change to the existing three healthy heart guidelines, based on class discussions?

    D. add a recommendation to reduce the intake of trans fatty acids
  22. We are recommended to consume more fish to

    C. increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acid
  23. Which of the following would be a correct recommendation for your instructor, the marathon (26.2 miles) runner?

    A. consume low glycemic index foods, if anything, prior to running the marathon
  24. If a food contain 30 grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of total fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, and no protein, how does it compare to the “ healthy heart” guidelines? ( HINT: you can calculated total calories from information given here.)

    D. it meets the guideline for both saturated fat and total fat
  25. Which of the following artificial sweeteners did your instructor feel had the least information about its health effects, so he was most hesitant to recommend it?

    B. splenda
  26. Which of the following terms is used when there is a lot of data available to determine a nutrient recommendation?

    A. recommended dietary allowance
  27. why would milk have simple sugars listed on the food label?

    B. milk naturally contains lactose, a simple sugar
  28. which of the following food would be a valuable recommendation to a person with hypercholesterolemia to help them reduce cholesterol levels? consume

    B. more fruit like apples
  29. Rank the following fatty acids from most likely to least likely to increase rick of heart disease.
    stearic acid
    Myristic acid
    Lauric acid
    palmitic acid

  30. Rank the following food sources from highest cholesterol to lowest cholesterol content.

    C. 2,1,3
  31. If someone is consuming 1500 calories/ day, what is the maximum grams of total fat they could consume and meet healthy heart recommendations?

    A. 50
  32. which of the following fatty acid is most likely to reduce serum cholesterol levels?

    D. Linoleic acid
  33. Which of the following foods is most likely to increase LDL cholesterol levels?

    D. margarine
  34. Rapeseed oil is more common referred to as

    C. canola oil
  35. If a food label states that a serving contains 150 calories and 5grams of fat, what is the % of calories as fat in this food?

    A. 30
  36. A high glycemic index is an indication of

    A. a food that raises blood glucose levels similar to consuming glucose
  37. What did we say is the connection between sucrose intake and obesity?
    a.sucrose contains more calories per gram than starch
    b.we like the taste of sucrose and we overeat it
    c.sucrose intake causes nutrient deficiencies so high sucrose intake actually reduces obesity
    d.we like the taste of sweet fat so many foods high in sucrose are also high fat and high calorie
  38. Maltodaxtrose is composed of what monosaccharide units?

    A. glucose
  39. A type 1 diabetic would be

    B. unable to produce sufficient insulin
  40. what does the American Diabetes Association recommend regarding the glycemic index and making food choices for those with diabetes?

    d.since sucrose is a high glycemic index food diabetics should minimize or avoid sucrose
    C. since foods are typically consumed in meals, the glycemic index is not an important consideration .
  41. if you found galactose in a blood sample taken from a patient’s portal vein, you would conclude that they had recently consumed

    C. a glass of milk
  42. 42.____ myristic acida. Salmon
    43.____ stearic acid b. Peanut
    44.____ oleic acid c. dark chocolate
    45.____ linoleic acid d. swiss cheese
    e. soybean oil
    • d.
    • c.
    • e.
    • b.
  43. a core characteristic of all eating disorders is

    C. its a coping mechanism
  44. one health consequence of an eating disorder is a growth of downy hair on the body, which is most likely seen in someone with

    B. anorexia nervosa
  45. someone with anorexia nervosa is likely to have low bone density. why is that likely?

    B. women stop menstruating and the lower estrogen causes a drop in bone density
  46. electrolyte(sodium and potassium) imbalances are most likely seen in

    D. bulimia nervosa
  47. of the following characteristics, which is common to all eating disorders
    a.denial of hunger
    c.tooth decay
    d.low self esteem
  48. the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian

    C. anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, with or without a degree, while a dietian is a title protected by law
  49. where is the only coordinated program( fastest route to registration in the state of Oklahoma?

    D. OU health sciences center
  50. Tofu, which is made from soybeans is limiting in___________.

    B. methionine
  51. which of the following combinations of food is a good example of complementary proteins to meet essential amino acid needs?

    A. navy beans and corn bread
  52. which of the following protein functions did we decide was the highest priority for the body to maintain?

    A. catalyze chemical reactions in cell
  53. The main nitrogen-containing waste products in humans is

    A. urea
  54. which of the following would have the highest energy density?

    D. pretzel
  55. What is the advantage of consuming “live” enzymes in popular health products made from fruit juices

    B. live enzymes mean they are active, and they will help with digestion
  56. To stay in food health, we would like to stay below what body mass index?

    A. 25
  57. The incidence of overweight and obesity in the U.S. is now estimated at about______ % of the adult population

    A. 65
  58. Why do we see an increase in BMR with overeating?

    A. increase in thyroid hormone secretion
  59. Urea is synthesized (made) in the______

    D. liver
  60. Define a limiting amino acid

    C. the essential amino acid in an incomplete protein that limits protein synthesis
  61. Which of the following would a vegetarian (eats no animal products) want to avoid, based on class discussion?

    B. jello
  62. when is conversion of amino acids to glucose important?

    C. during starvation
  63. which of the following is NOT going to influence the thermic effect of food?

    C. body size
  64. which of the following is NOT an example of non exercise activity?

    D. participating in an aerobics class
  65. the caloric content of alcohol is ______ kcal/g.

    A. 7
  66. If a food contains 5 grams of protein and 100 kcalories, what is the % protein in this food?

    A. 20
  67. a protein with high net protein utilization is one which

    A. has the essential amino acid composition that supports protein synthesis and is well digested
  68. which of the following is the limiting amino acid in pasta, a wheat product?

    D. lysine
  69. Deamination of amino acids occurs

    B. when an amino acid is used as an energy source
  70. which of the following foods would have the highest net protein utilization?

    D. whole milk
  71. which of the following is NOT true?

    B. BMR usually increase as you get older
  72. if a healthy adult eats excess protein

    b.nitrogen balance will be maintained
    A. nitrogen balance will be maintained
  73. The “Snackwell Syndrome” is caused by

    D. consumers thinking that any low fat food items is low calorie so they overeat that item
  74. which of the following sites of fat storage is fat storage is most associated with an increase in heart disease risk?

    D. abdomen
  75. in order to asses for overweight and obesity in children we use BMI-for-age charts. What percentile defines obesity in children over the age of two? at or above the _____ percentile

    C. 95th
  76. which of the following strategies did your instructor feel would be successful in a weight managements programs?

    A. emphasizing fruits and vegetables in your diet
  77. If someone were consuming bread as their only protein source, they would need to break down body proteins because

    A. their diet would be deficient in an essential amino acid
  78. Which of the following parenting behaviors is likely to increase the LIKE for a food?

    A. restricting access to a food
  79. Based on class discussion, the primary problem with eating fast food regarding obesity development is _______?

    D. we tend to overeat foods at fast food restaurants outlets since they give us large portions
  80. how did we suggest you determine a reasonable caloric intake for weight loss?a.take the intake that would maintain your weight and subtract 500 kcal from that

    D. take the intake that would maintain your weight and subtract 500 kcal from that
  81. which of the following behaviors did we conclude was especially important to incorporate into a weight loss program?

    D. eating breakfast to minimize hunger
  82. how did we define body mass index?

    D. Wt in pounds/(Ht in inches)^2 X 703
  83. How did Roy Rogers among others affect the way we think about food?

    C. he made us feel guilty about throwing away food
  84. what is the leading cause of diabetes, especially type 2 in the US?

    C. obesity
  85. a person has not eaten anything for a week

    D. body proteins are broken down to replenish the amino acid pool
  86. a person is consuming a vegetarian diet with rice as the only protein source

    A. body protein are broken down to replenish the amino acid pool
  87. A person is consuming a diet that is excessive in kcal, providing 30% of k cal as protien

    d.excess amino acids are stored in the amino acid pool to be used the next day for protein synthesis
    A. amino acids are deaminated and stored as fat
  88. In our class discussion which vitamin deficiency was named after the cry heard of islanders who were suffering from the paralysis resulting from the deficiency?

    D. beriberi
  89. For which vitamin is there concern because it is sensitive to exposure to fluorescent lights?

    A. riboflavin
  90. For which of the following vitamins did groups representing the elderly lobby against adding this nutrient to out food supply bread fortification because too much of this vitamin ”mask” the deficiency of another vitamin?

    A. folic acid
  91. For which of the following vitamins was the deficiency observed in newborns consuming a poorly formulated infant formula?

    A. vitamin B6
  92. In what area of the US did we discuss that iodine deficiency was relatively common until public health measures were taken to reduce incidence?

    C. states far from the sea, such as Minnesota
  93. Which of the following calcium supplements did your instructor list as likely the best, in terms of absorption, but more expensive than more supplements?

    D. calcium citrate or tartrate
  94. which of the following is an example of a heme iron source?

    C. roast beef
  95. what did we conclude in class would be the beast source of calcium for a lactose intolerant person?

    B. calcium fortified orange juice
  96. why is xerophthalmia a consequence of vitamin A deficiency?

    D. vitamin A is required for mucus production to keep the cornea moist
  97. why do antioxidants likely reduce cancer risk?

    A. reduces damage to DNA to reduce likelihood of producing a cancer cell
  98. In order to metabolize the amino acid glycine to maintain blood glucose levels, we need the coenzyme made from

    B. vitamin B6
  99. Which vitamin is important to the production of collagen a protein found in skin and bone?

    B. vitamin C
  100. why are children of special concern for developing iron deficiency anemia?

    B. if they continue to consume milk as a staple, they have a low intake and absorb iron poorly
  101. Which of the following disease would most likely cause irreversible damage, a person would have long term problems after their diet improved?

    D. Xerophthalmia
  102. Which of the following nutrients is involved in energy metabolism, producing energy from glucose or fatty acids?

    D. thiamin
  103. what do we mean when we talk about the fortification of food?

    B. adding a nutrient above when is normally found in the food
  104. which of the following is an at rick group for developing vitamin D deficiency?

    D. dark skinned infants
  105. vitamin D is required for...

    B. the absorption of calcium
  106. liver is the single richest source of iron other food that are good sources of iron include

    D. raisins
  107. the crystalline salts containing calcium and phosphorus deposited in bone are called

    A. hydroxyapatite
  108. We discussed one vitamin that has become controversial of late. There is strong evidence that we should increase our recommendation since higher intake have been linked to reducing cancer risk, among other health benefits. Its seems a larger number of americans are not getting enough possibly because they are obese. What is the vitamin?

    B. Vitamin D
  109. _________ is the yellow- orange pigment found in carrots

    C. Beta-carotene
  110. When consumed with a meal, which beverage increases iron absorption most significantly?

    A. orange juices
  111. what did we conclude regarding taking beta- carotene supplements and cancer risk
    a.supplements increased lung cancer incidence by up to 18% in smokers
    b.supplements had the same effect of lung cancer incidence as consuming foods rich in beta- carotene c.supplements reduced lung cancer incidence by up to 18% in smokers
    d.supplements had no effect on lung cancer incidence only eating beta carotene rich foods in helpful
    a.supplements increased lung cancer incidence by up to 18% in smokers
  112. which vitamin toxicity leads to permanent nerve damage?

    B. vitamin B6
  113. when does your instructor most clearly and consistently recommend the use of vitamin supplements(pills)?

    D. all women planning to become pregnant should take a folic acid supplement
  114. what did we conclude regarding calcium supplementation?

    D. they are appropriate for those who have had an assessment and t is concluded that it would helpful
  115. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy leads to

    B. neural tube defects in the newborn
  116. Dermatitis, dementia and diarrhea are the symptoms of

    D. pellagra
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Nutrition final