Dental Anatomy - Rvw for final

  1. There are 8 regions of the face. Name them
    • frontal
    • orbital
    • infraorbital
    • zygomatic
    • buccal
    • oral
    • mental
  2. root of nose, nasal apex, naris/nares, nasal septum, ala of nose, are all a part of what region?
    nasal region
  3. part of nose located between the eyes
    root of nose
  4. tip of nose
    nasal apex
  5. nostrils
  6. separates the nostrils/nasal cavity
    nasal septum
  7. side flap of nostril
    ala of nose
  8. lips, vermillion border, philtrum, tubercle of upper lip, and labial commissures are a part of what region?
  9. lips are outlined from the surrounding skin by a transition zone called
    vermillion border
  10. on the midline of upper lip, extending down from the nasal septum, is a vertical groove
  11. philtrum terminates into a thicker area of the midline of the upper lip
    tubercle of upper lip
  12. area where the upper and lower lips meet at each corner of the mouth
    labial commissures
  13. forehead and area above eyes are a part of what region?
  14. eyeball and supporting structures are a part of what region?
  15. Name the 3 major salivary glands with their location
    • parotid - cheek
    • submandibular - neck
    • sublingual - tongue
  16. Name the duct and opening associated with the parotid gland
    • stensen's duct
    • parotid papilla
  17. a ridge of tissue on each side of the floor of the mouth that joins in a V shaped configuration extending from the lingual frenum to the base of the tongue that contain openins of the sublingual duct
    sublingual fold
  18. Name the duct, opening, and location associated with the submandibular gland
    • Wharton's duct
    • sublingual caruncle
    • sublingual fold
  19. Name the duct, opening, and location associated with the sublingual gland
    • Bartholin's duct
    • sublingual caruncle
    • sublingual fold
  20. small papilla at the anterior end of each sublingual fold containing openings for the submandibular and sublingual ducts
    sublingual caruncle
  21. Anterior boundary of oral cavity
  22. posterior boundary of oral cavity
    pharynx - opening to throat
  23. lateral boundary of oral cavity
  24. superior boundary of oral cavity
  25. inferior boundary of oral cavity
    floor of mouth
  26. upper and lower horseshoe-shaped spaces in the oral cavity between the lips and cheeks anteriorly and laterally and the teeth and gums medially and posteriorly
  27. the oral vestibules are lined by what?
    oral mucosa
  28. Name 2 types of oral mucosa (by location)
    • labial mucosa
    • buccal mucosa
  29. lines the inner portion of the lips
    labial mucosa
  30. lines the inner cheek
    buccal mucosa
  31. Deepest recess of each vestibule
    vestibular fornix
  32. area where labial or buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa, also known as the vestibular fornix, and place where injections are given
    mucobuccal fold
  33. visible as small yellowish elevations on the mucos, they are deeper deposits of sebum from trapped sebaceous glands tissue that are usually associated with hair follicles
    fordyce's spots or granules
  34. a white ridge of raised callused tissue that extends horizontally at the level where the maxillary and mandibular teeth come together and occlude.
    linea alba
  35. a fold of tissue located at the midline between the labial mucosa and the alveolar mucosa on the upper and lower arches
    labial frenum
  36. How many bones make up the maxilla? the mandible?
    • 2
    • 1
  37. bony extensions of the maxilla and mandible that contain the tooth sockets of the teeth
    alveolar processes
  38. normal variation, localized developmental growths of normal bone with a hereditary etiology, usually on the facial surface of the alveolar process of the mandible
  39. where are exostoses usually found?
    on the facial surface of the alveolar process of the maxilla
  40. normal variation noted on the lingual aspect of the mandibular arch
    mandibular tori
  41. tooth structure on the outside of the tooth on the root
  42. structure that holds the tooth in the bone
    periodontal ligament
  43. Name the quads of the teeth and where they are located
    • Quad I - top right
    • quad II - top left
    • quad III - bottom left
    • quad IV - bottom right
  44. name of baby teeth on top and bottom:
    • A-J on top
    • K-T on bottom
  45. tooth surface names on cheek side ant/post
  46. tooth surface name on tongue side
  47. tooth surface name toward midline
  48. tooth surface name away from midline
  49. biting surface of tooth ant/post
  50. gingiva around the neck of tooth/top of gingiva
    marginal/free gingiva
  51. gingiva below marginal gingiva attached to bone
    attached gingiva
  52. line demarcating the free and attached gingiva
    mucogingival junction
  53. the opening from the oral cavity proper into the pharynx posteriorly
  54. lateral structures that form the fauces
    • anterior faucial pillar
    • posterior faucial pillar
  55. structures/tissues located between each of the faucial pillars that are created by underlying muscles
    palatine tonsils
  56. a midline ridge of tissue on the hard palate which overlies the boy fusion of the palate
    median palatine raphae
  57. a small bulge of tissue at the most anterior portion of the hard palate, lingual to the anterior teeth
    incisive papilla
  58. firm, irregular ridges of tissue radiating from the papilla and raphe, directly posterior to the incisive papilla
    palatine rugae
  59. normal variation noted on the midline of the hard palate, a developmental bony growth of normal bone
    palatal torus
  60. when is the only time palatal tori interfere with dental treatment?
    only with dentures
  61. a midline muscular structure that hangs down from the posterior margin of the soft palate
  62. extends from the junction of the hard palate and soft palate down to the mandible, just behind the most distal mandibular tooth, and stretches when the mouth is open wider (fold between top and bottom molars)
    pterygomandibular fold
  63. lateral borders of the palate
    • anterior pillar
    • posterior pillar
  64. posterior borders of the palate
    • retromolar pad
    • oral pharynx
  65. dense pad of tissue just distal to the last tooth of the mandibular arch
    retromolar pad
  66. three portions of the tongue
    • base
    • body
    • apex
  67. Tissue-covered elevation of the bone just distal to the last tooth of the maxillary arch
    maxillary tuberosity
  68. top surface of tongue
    dorsal surface
  69. midline depression on the dorsal surface of the tongue
    median lingual sulcus
  70. Name the 3 types of lingual papilla
    • filiform
    • fungiform
    • circumvallate
  71. farther posteriorly on the dorsal surface of the tongue, an inverted V shaped groove
    sulcus terminalis
  72. small pit like depression where the sulcus terminalis points back to
    foramen cecum
  73. farther posteriorly than the sulcus terminalis, on the dorsal surface of the base of the tongue, an irregular math of tissue
    lingual tonsil
  74. underneath side of the tongue
    ventral surface
  75. structures that are lateral to each deep lingual vein, fringelike projections
    plica fimbriata
  76. What are the three divisions of the oral cavity?
    • nasopharynx
    • oropharynx
    • laryngopharynx
Card Set
Dental Anatomy - Rvw for final
Face and neck regions