Microbiology Chapter 18

  1. coagulase
    enzyme - coagulates blood plasma
  2. hyaluronidase
    enzyme - digests connective tissue
  3. staphlokinase
    enzyme - digests blood clots
  4. lipase
    enzyme - digests oils, allowing bacteria to more easily colonize the skin
  5. penicillinase
    enzyme - inactivates penicillin, rendering the bacterium resistant
  6. hemolysins (α, β, γ, δ)
    toxin - lyses red blood cells
  7. leukocidin
    toxin - lyses neutrophils and macrophages
  8. enterotoxins
    toxin - induces nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  9. exfoliative toxins (A, B)
    toxin - causes desquamation of the skin
  10. toxic shock syndrome toxin
    toxin - induces TSS - fever vomiting, rash, organ damage
  11. staphlococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
    painful, bright red flushed body, blisters, desquamation of epidermis
  12. pyogenic cocci
    stimulate pus formation - Staphlococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Neisseria
  13. folliculitis
    superficial inflammation of hair follicles
  14. furuncle
    boil - results when the inflammation of a single hair follicle or sebaceous gland progresses into a large, red, and extremely tender avcess or pustule
  15. carbuncle
    cluster of furuncles into one large mass
  16. impetigo
    bubblelike epidermal swellings that can break and peel away like a localized form of scalded skin syndrome
  17. osteomyelitis
    a focal infection of the internal structures of long bones, leading to pain and inflammation
  18. erythrogenic toxin
    induces fever by action upon the temperature regulatory center, bright red rash
  19. superantigens
    toxin - stimulates T-cells to necrotize cells
  20. scarlet fever
    complication of Streptococcal Pharyngitis (strep throat)
  21. lobar pneumonia
    fluid accumulates in the alveoli along with red and white blood cells, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
  22. consolidation
    solidification of exudate, cells and bacteria mixture in the air spaces of the lungs
  23. conjugate vaccine
    vaccines consisting of the capsule polysaccharide complexed to a protein carrier to make it more immunogenic in young children
  24. petechiae
    crops of lesions developing on the trunk and appendages of meningitis patients, caused by Nisseria meningitidis
  25. ecchymoses
    larger petechiae spots found on the trunk and appendages of meningitis patients, caused by Nisseria meningitidis
  26. streptolysins
    hemolysin produced by group A Streptococci
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Microbiology Chapter 18
Test 3 Review