NU 101 Final 4

  1. What is a Partial Thickness Wound?
    All or a portion of the dermis is intact.
  2. What is a Full Thickness Wound?
    The entire dermis, sweat glands, and hair follicles are severed.
  3. What is a Complex Wound?
    Dermis and underlying SC fat tissue are damaged or destroyed.
  4. What is a Avulsion Wound?
    Tearing a structure from normal anatomic position; possible damage to blood vessels, nerves, and other structures.
  5. What are the 4 phases of Wound Healing?
    • 1. Hemostasis - Immediately after injury, blood vessels constrict, clotting begins,exudate, swelling, pain
    • 2. Inflammatory- 4-6 days - WBC's move to the wound, release growth factors, new blood cells form, increased temp and WBC's, generalized malaise.
    • 3. Proliferation - Fibroblastic, regenerative, connective tissue phase. Several Weeks. Fibroblasts create and secrete collagen; blood flows across wound delivering oxygen.
    • 4. Maturation - 3 weeks after injury; healed wound stronger. Avascular scar tissue.
  6. What is the first indication of a possible pressure ulcer?
    Blanching = becoming pale and white
  7. What are the characteristics of a Stage 1 Pressure Ulcer?
    Persistent Redness; nonblanchable.
  8. What are the characteristics of a Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer?
    Partial Thickness skin loss involving the epidermis and/or dermis. Abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
  9. What are the characteristics of a Stage 3 Pressure Ulcer?
    Full-Thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of SC tissue, may extend down to the fascia, wet to dry dressing. Cannot see bone or tendon.
  10. What are the characteristics of a stage 4 Pressure Ulcer?
    Full thickness skin loss with extensive destruction, tissue necrosis, may need skin grafts. Exposed bone, tendon, or muscle.
  11. What are the effects of applying Heat to a wound?
    • Accelerates inflammation to promote healing.
    • Creates Vasodilation, increases blood flow, increases nutrients, O2, Pulse, decreases BP.
  12. What are the effects of applying Cold to a wound?
    • Constricts peripheral blood vessels, reduces muscle spasms, promotes comfort.
    • Decreases blood flow and the local release of pain due to decreasing inflammation.
    • Increases coagulation, BP, and shivering.
  13. What are the 4 stages of Infection?
    • 1. Incubation - Organisms are growing and multiplying; no symptoms yet.
    • 2. Prodromal - Person is most infectious, early S&S, but nonspecific. Several Hours - Several Days. Pt does not know they are contagious so infection spreads.
    • 3. Full stage of Illness - Presence of specific S&S.
    • 4. Convalescent - Recovery from the infection. S&S disappear
  14. What is a Exogenous infection?
    Causative agent is aquired from other people.
  15. What is a Endogenous infection?
    • Causative agent comes from microbial life harbored in the person.
    • Normal flora becomes altered and overgrows.
  16. What is a Iatrogenic infection?
    Results from a treatment or diagnostic procedure. Like a UTI after a Cath.
  17. What is a Suprainfection?
    An infection that occurs during treatment for a primary infection.
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NU 101 Final 4
NU 101 Final 4