A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 20

  1. When the ______________ contracts, the corner of the mouth is drawn upward.
    zygomaticus major
  2. The ______________ acts to compress the wall of the cheeks when air is blown out of the mouth.
  3. The ________________ causes the lips to close and pucker during kissing, whistling, and speaking.
    orbicularis oris
  4. The _______________ and platysma help to lower the mandible.
    lateral pterygoid
  5. The temporalis acts to ____________________.
    elevate mandible
  6. The _________________ pterygoid can close the jaw and pull it sideways.
  7. The _____________ pterygoid can protrude the jaw, pull the jaw sideways, and open the mouth.
  8. The ___________________ can close the eye, as in blinking.
    orbicularis oculi
  9. The ___________________ can pull the head toward the chest.
  10. The __________________ can pull the head to one side, rotate it, or bring it into an upright position (extend head).
    semispinalis capitis
  11. The muscle used for pouting and to express horror is the _______________.
  12. The muscle used to smile and laugh is the _________________.
    zygomaticus (major and minor)
  13. What is the origin and insertion of the epicranius muscle?
    origin: occipital bone

    insertion: skin and muscle around the eye
  14. What is the origin and insertion of the zygomaticus major muscle?
    origin: zygomatic bone

    insertion: orbicularis oris
  15. What is the origin and insertion of the masseter muscle?
    origin: zygomatic arch

    insertion: lateral surface of mandible
  16. What is the origin and insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
    origin: sphenoid bone

    insertion: anterior surface of mandibular condyle
  17. What is the origin and insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
    origin: anterior surface of sternum and upper clavicle

    insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
  18. What is the origin and insertion of the buccinator muscle?
    origin: outer surfaces of mandible and maxilla

    insertion: orbicularis oris
  19. What is the origin and insertion of the platysma muscle?
    origin: fascia in upper chest

    insertion: lower border of mandible and skin around corner of mouth
  20. What is the origin and insertion of the temporalis muscle?
    origin: temporal bone

    insertion: coronoid process and anterior ramus of mandible
  21. What is the origin and insertion of the splenius capitis muscle?
    origin: spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

    insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone and occipital bone
  22. What is the origin and insertion of the semispinalis capitis muscle?
    origin: process of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

    insertion: occipital bone
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A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 20
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