A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 19

  1. Part A

    What is the definition of endomysium?
    layer of connective tissue that surrounds an individual muscle fiber
  2. Part A

    What is the definition of epimysium?
    layer of connective tissue that surround a skeletal muscle
  3. Part A

    What is the definition of fascia?
    connective tissue located between adjacent muscles
  4. Part A

    What is the definition of fascicle?
    a small bundle of muscle fibers
  5. Part A

    What is the definition of myosin?
    protein found within thick filament
  6. Part A

    What is the definition of perimysium?
    layer of connective tissue that seperates a muscle into small bundles called fascicles
  7. Part A

    What is the definition of sarcolemma?
    cell membrane of a muscle fiber
  8. Part A

    What is the definition of sarcoplasm?
    cytoplasm of muscle fiber
  9. Part A

    What is the definition of sarcoplasmic reticulum?
    cellular organelle in muscle fiber corresponding to the endoplasmic reticulum
  10. Part A

    What is the definition of tendon?
    cordlike part that attaches a muscle to a bone
  11. Part A

    What is the definition of transverse (T) tubule?
    membrane channel extending inward from muscle fiber membrane
  12. Part C

    The ________ of a muscle is usually attached to a fixed location.
  13. Part C

    The __________ of a muscle is usually attached to a movable location.
  14. Part C

    When the forearm is extended at the elbow joint, the _______________ muscle acts as the prime mover (agonist).
    triceps brachii
  15. Part C

    The forearm is flexed at the elbow when the _______________ muscle contracts.
    biceps brachii
  16. Part C

    A muscle responsible for most of a movement is called a(n) _______________.
    prime mover (aganist)
  17. Part C

    Assisting muscles are called ____________.
  18. Part C

    Antagonists are muscles that resist the actions of _______________ and cause movement in the opposite direction.
    prime movers
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A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 19
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