what is formed by the junction of TWO crown surfaces (mesial and occlusal=mesio-occlusal)
line angles
what are formed by the junction of THREE crown surfaces? (mesial labial incisal = mesiolabioincisal)
point angles
what are the three dentition periods?
primary dentition: ____mo-____yrs. begins with eruption of primary ___________ _________ incisors. ends with first ________ tooth eruption. _________ grow to accomodate the teeth
- 6 mo- 6 yrs
- mandibular central
- permanent
- jawbones
mixed dentition:
_________ and ________ teeth. occurs between ages _____ and _____ years. most growth for _________ this stage! begins with eruption of _____ ________ tooth ends with exfoliation of last _________ tooth. color is whiter due to less dentin (than in adults). ________teeth mature sooner and are lost sooner
- primary and permanent
- 6-12 years
- jawbones!
- 1st permanent
- primary
- females (YEAH LADIES!)
permanent dentition:
ages: _____ years (last tooth usually shed)
begins with exfoliation of last __________ tooth. tooth types erupt in ______. if one is missing, find out where it is. eruption times differ. congenitally missing are not usually in _____. impacted teeth are usually _______ molars, and _________ with crowding.
- 12
- primary
- pairs
- pairs
- third molars
- canines
these teeth are _____________.
non-succedaneous! (non replacing!)
permanent teeth that replace primary teeth (everything but the molars) are termed:
what permanent teeth might you see in a nine year old?
- mand/max centrals
- mand/max 1st molars
- mand/max laterals
what permanent teeth might you see in a 7 year old?
- mand/max centrals
- mand/max 1st molars
- mand laterals
what is the FIRST permanent tooth in the entire mouth to erupt???
what are the congenitally missing teeth?
- mand 2nd premolars
- max lateral incisors
- 3rd molars
at what age should someone's first dental appointment be?
one year!
a supernumerary tooth found in between #8 and #9 is called:
a supernumerary tooth is most commonly found: (3)
- between max centrals
- distal to third molars
- premolar region
when does the bud stage begin?
8th week of prenatal dev
extensive __________ or growth of the _________ _________ into buds penetrates in the ectomesenchyme. what stage is this?
- proliferation
- dental lamina
- bud stage
at the end of proliferation in the bud stage, the max and mand arches of the primary dentition will have _____ tooth buds
each bud will develop into a _______ _______ and its supporting tissues
tooth germ
the basement membrane in the bud stage is between the _______ and growing _________
in the bud stage only _________ occurs, no _________ change
where teeth will not be forming in the bud stage, the dental lamina only remains thickened and later _________ as developing oral mucosa comes to line the oral cavity
the cap stage occurs during the _____ and _____ week of the fetal period
9th and 10th
________ _________ in different parts of the tooth bud leads to formation of a cap shape attached to the _______ ________
- unequal growth
- dental lamina
what levels of differentiation are active during the cap stage?
- cytodifferentiation
- histodifferentiation
- morphodifferentiation
- (also morphogenesis!)
the tooth germ, enamel organ, dental papilla, basement membrane, and dental sac are all present in which stage?
CAP stage!
the bell stage occurs during weeks _____ and _____
BELL (eleven and twel)
proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis occur in what stage?
the dental sac in the bell stage increases the amt of _______ fibers forming around the ______ _______ and will differentiate into cementum, ______ _______, and ______ bone.
- collagen
- enamel organ
- periodontal ligament
- alveolar bone
the OEE in the bell stage serves as a protective barrier for the ________ organ
the more outer star-shaped cells in many layers that form a network within the enamel is called _______ ________. (bell stage)
stellate reticulum
what are the three protective barriers in the bell stage?
- stellate reticulum
- stratum intermedium
the inner cells of the dental papilla (in the bell stage) become:
pulp tissue
the outer cells of the dental papilla (bell stage) will become:
(nearest IEE) ondontoblasts that form the dentin matrix
what is the function of hertwigs sheath (HERS)?
to shape the root(s) and induce dentin formation in the root so it is continuous with the coronal dentin.
what are the rests of malassez and where do they come from?
they are from HERS root sheath disinigrating. located in the mature perio ligament. may become cystic
partial anodontia occurs in which teeth?
- max laterals
- mand premolars
- max/mand thirds
what stage does anodontia occur?