A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 18

  1. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement flexion.
    decrease of an angle (usually in the sagittal plane)
  2. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement extension.
    increase of an angle (usually in the sagittal plane)
  3. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement hyperextension.
    extension beynond anatomical position of an increase of an angle (usually in the sagittal plane)
  4. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement abduction.
    movement away from the midline (usually in the frontal plane)
  5. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement circumduction.
    circular movement (combines flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction)
  6. (18)
    Angular and Rotational Movements

    Describe the movement Rotation - medial and lateral.
    movement of part around its long axis

    medial (internal) - inward rotation

    lateral (external) - outward rotation
  7. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement supination.
    movement of palm of hand anteriorly or upward
  8. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement pronation.
    movement of palm of hand posteriorly or downward
  9. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement elevation.
    movement of body part upward
  10. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement depression.
    movement of body part downward
  11. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement dorsiflexion.
    movement of ankle joint so dorsum (superior) of foot becomes closer to anterior surface of leg (as standing on heels)
  12. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement planter flexion.
    movement of ankle joint so the planter surface of foot becomes closer to the posterior surface of leg (as standing on toes)
  13. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement inversion.

    (called supination in some health professions)
    medial movement of sole of foot at ankle joint
  14. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement eversion.

    (called pronation in some health professions)
    lateral movement of sole of foot at ankle joint
  15. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement protraction.
    anterior movement in the transverse plane
  16. (18)
    Special Movements (pertain to specific joints)

    Describe the movement retraction.
    posterior movement in the transverse plane
  17. (18)
    Lab Report - Part A

    Describe gomphosis.
    joint formed by union of tooth root in bony socket
  18. (18)
    Lab Report - Part A

    Describe suture.
    immovable joint between flat bones of the skull united by a thin layer of dense connective tissue
  19. (18)
    Lab Report - Part A

    Describe symphysis.
    fibrocartilage pad fills the slightly moveable joint
  20. (18)
    Lab Report - Part A

    Describe synchondrosis.
    temporary joint in the which bones are united by bands of hyaline cartilage
  21. (18)
    Lab Report - Part A

    Describe syndesmosis.
    slightly movable joint in which bones are united by interosseous membrane
  22. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a hip joint?
    ball-and-socket joint
  23. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a metacarpal-phalanx?
    condylar (ellipsoidal) joint
  24. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a proximal radius-ulna?
    pivot joint
  25. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a humerus-ulna of the elbow joint?
    hinge joint
  26. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a phalanx-phalanx?
    hinge joint
  27. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a shoulder joint?
    ball-and-socket joint
  28. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a knee joint?
    hinge joint
  29. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a carpal-metacarpal of the thumb?
    saddle joint
  30. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a carpal-carpal?
    plane (gliding) joint
  31. (18)
    Lab Report - Part C

    What type of synovial joint is a tarsal-tarsal?
    plane (gliding) joint
  32. (18)
    Lab Report - Part D

    For the shoulder joint what type of joint is it, what bones are included and what types of movements are possiable?
    ball-and-socket joint, synovial

    humerus and scapula

    flexion, extension, adduction, rotation, circumduction, diarthrotic
  33. (18)
    Lab Report - Part D

    For the elbow joint what type of joint is it, what bones are included and what types of movements are possiable?
    hinge joint, synovial

    humerus, ulna

    flexion, extension, diarthrotic
  34. (18)
    Lab Report - Part D

    For the hip joint what type of joint is it, what bones are included and what types of movements are possiable?
    ball-and-socket joint, synovial

    hip bone, femur

    • flexion, extension, adduction, diarthrotic,
    • abduction, rotation, circumduction
  35. (18)
    Lab Report - Part D

    For the knee joint what type of joint is it, what bones are included and what types of movements are possiable?
    plane joint, synovial

    femur, patella

    sliding movement, diarthrotic
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A&P Lab, Final Exam, Exercise 18
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