
  1. Calculate the acceleration of a 2000kg, single engine airplane just before takeoff when the thrust of its engine is 500N.
    A=F/M A=500/2000 A=.25m/s2
  2. Inelastic Collision Formula:
    m1 • v1 + m2 • v2 = (m1 +m2 ) • vf
  3. Elastic Collision Formula:
    m1 * v1 + m2 * v2 = m1 * v1 + m2 * v2
  4. How does the distance of an object from the axis of the rotation affect angular momentum
    It has no effect as angular momentum stays constant
  5. How does the distance of an object from the axis of the rotation affect velocity
    less distance equals more velocity

    more distance equals less velocity

    Rotational inertia changes with the distance
  6. Why does a neutron make a better nuclear bullet than a proton or electron?
    Neutrons have not charge therefore will not be repelled or absorbed, it naturally come in contact with another nucleus of a atom without interference.
  7. Which produces more energy, the fissioning of a single uranium nucleus or the fusing of a a pair of deuterium nuclei? The fissioning of a gram of uranium or the fusing of a gram of deuterium.
    more energy per reaction occur in fission; however more energy will result from 1 gram of fusion because the is more nuclei in a gram of deuterium that a gram of uranium.
  8. Why is there, unlike fission fuel, no limit to the amount of fusion fuel that can be safely stored in one locality?
    it requires extreme temperature to cause fusion therefore it is stable in any quantity, however, will fission, the fuel become unsafe or unstable after it surpasses the critical mass.
  9. List at least two major potential advantages of power production by fusion rather that by fission.
    There is an unlimited amount of fuel for fusion, and the reaction does not emit any greenhouse gases.
  10. What is the similarity between a beam of Xrays and a beam of light? What is the principal difference between the two?
    both made of photons and and travel in a straight line at the speed of light.

    The frequencies are different, X-rays high a much higher frequency making the capable of penetrating material
  11. Why are gamma rays not deflected in a magnetic field?
    because gamma rays have no charge, a charge would be required to be affected by a magnetic field
  12. What prevents protons in the nucleus from flying apart due to electrical repulsions?
    The Strong nuclear force
  13. Why do protons of a very large nucleus have a greater chance of flying apart?
    Because although Strong Nuclear force is a very strong force, it is a short range force, in a larger nucleus the range potential becomes larger; therefore, more vulnerable to flying apart due to a vibration of some sort.
  14. Why is a larger nucleus generally less stable than a smaller nucleus?
    The strong nuclear force dissipates more rapidly with distance than does electrostatic force.
  15. What is meant by radioactive half-life?
    It is the time required for half of the original radioactive element to decay
  16. Why is the quantity of c-14 in new bones greater than in old bones of the same mass?
    With time C-14 will decay and be lost
  17. Why is lead found in all deposits of uranium ores?
    stable isotopes of lead are the end product of the decay chain of uranium natural radioactive isotopes
  18. Why does the proportion of lead and uranium in a rock tell us about the age of the rock?
  19. How does the decay of a Alpha particle change the element
    Alpha particle decay will leave an element with a mass of 4 less and an atomic number of 2 less.
  20. How does the decay of a beta particle affect an element?
    A beta particle decay will leave an element will not affect the mass and increase the atomic number by 1
  21. How does the decay of Gamma particles affect an element?
    Gamma decay leave the element the same, no change of the atom
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