Crim Pro

  1. Pillars of 4th
    • 1. warrant
    • 2. PC
    • 3. ER
  2. ER exceptions
    • 1. good faith
    • 2. purged taint
    • 3. independent source
    • 4. inevitable discovery
    • 5. collateral use
  3. No GF if (ER)
    • 1. false/misleading statement
    • 2. rubber stamping/search leading magistrate
    • 3. obviously inadequate
    • 4. facially deficient
  4. attentuation factor (purged taint)
    • 1. impact illegality on D
    • 2. intervening events
    • 3. temporal proximity
    • 4. purpose/flagrancy of police misconduct
  5. curtilage factors
    • 1. proximity
    • 2. enclosed
    • 3. nature of use
    • 4. protected from view
  6. warrant required to arrest in home UNLESS
    • 1. destruction of property
    • 2. safety
    • 3. hot pursuit
  7. PC tests
    • 1. Aguilari-Spinelli
    • 2. Gates
  8. K&A protects 3 things
    • 1. life and limb
    • 2. property
    • 3. dignity
  9. inevitable discovery 2 prong test
    • 1. reasonable probability
    • 2. gov pursuing alternative line of investigation
  10. 4 conditions to secure premises from inside
    • 1. PC that evidence is inside
    • 2. fear destruction
    • 3. reasonable efforts to minimize intrusion
    • 4. limited time
  11. stop = seizure factors
    • 1. multiple officers
    • 2. display weapon
    • 3. physical touching
    • 4. language/tone of voice
  12. stop = arrest factors
    • 1. duration
    • 2. intrusiveness
    • 3. moved suspect
    • 4. less restrictive means?
  13. justifications for SIA
    • 1. police safety
    • 2. evidence preservation
  14. types of special needs searches
    • 1. inventory
    • 2. border searches
    • 3. DUI/license checkpoint
    • 4. students
    • 5. gov EE
    • 6. drug test pregnant moms
  15. mobile home/RV need warrant factors
    • 1. readily mobile
    • 2. licensed
    • 3. utilities connected
    • 4. public road access
  16. consent ToC factors
    • 1. custodial status
    • 2. presence of coercive police procedures
    • 3. extent/level of D cooperation
    • 4. whether D understood cooperation not mandatory
    • 5. D education/intelligence
    • 6. D belief that no incriminating evidence would be found
  17. voluntariness factors (confession/interrogation)
    • 1. methods of interrogation
    • 2. characteristics of D
    • 3. circumstances around interrogation
  18. 4 part Miranda warning
    • 1. right to remain silent
    • 2. statements used against D
    • 3. right to counsel
    • 4. will be appointed
  19. if suspect invokes right to counsel then can't be approached again unless
    • 1. attorney present
    • 2. suspect initiates contact
    • 3. break in custody (14 days)
  20. critical stages of crim process
    • 1. prelim hearing
    • 2. interrogation
    • 3. lineup/show up
    • 4. trial
    • 5. sentencing
    • 6. plea
    • 7. 1st appeal
  21. consent of client is required for:
    • 1. pleading guilty
    • 2. jury or bench trial
    • 3. D testifying
    • 4. appeal
  22. factors for ineffective counsel
    • 1. experience
    • 2. tactics = incompetent action
    • 3. D prejudiced
    • 4. ineffectiveness beyond control
  23. ineffective counsel test
    • 1. sersiously deficient performance
    • 2. prejudice (reasonable probability)
  24. per se prejudice (ineffective counsel)
    • 1. total denial of counsel
    • 2. no meaningful adversarial test
    • 3. competent counsel couldn't do it
  25. elements of competence
    • 1. investigation
    • 2. presentation
  26. self-representation
    • - D has right to represent himself
    • - D warned
    • - D voluntary, competent, and unequivocal waiver
  27. subsequent in-court ID factors
    • 1. observation of crim act
    • 2. description discrepancies
    • 3. ID someone else in lineup
    • 4. picture ID b4 lineup
    • 5. previous failure to ID
    • 6. time b/t act and lineup
  28. to get pre-trial ID thrown out the D must show:
    • 1. impermissibly suggestive
    • 2. unreliable
  29. reliability factors (pretrial ID)
    • 1. opportunity to view D in act
    • 2. witness attention
    • 3. accuracy of description
    • 4. level certainty demonstrated
    • 5. time b/t crime and confrontation
  30. speedy trial balancing test
    • 1. length of delay
    • 2. reasons for delay
    • 3. D assertion of right
    • 4. prejudice to D
  31. duty to disclose evidence factors
    • 1. favorable
    • 2. material
    • 3. goes to guilt/innocence
  32. trial guarantees
    • 1. speedy and public trial
    • 2. impartial jury
    • 3. assistance of counsel
    • 4. right to be present
    • 5. right to confront witnesses
    • 6. right to remain silent/testify
    • 7. presumed innocence
  33. limits on Terry stops
    • 1. w/o PC or EC, search of luggage requires SW of voluntary consent
    • 2. no violation for merely approaching an indvl on the street and asking him questions provided he is free to refuse and leave at any time
    • 3. articuable suspicion that a person has committed or aboutt o commit a crime justify seizure
    • 4. can't be used as de facto arrest
    • 5. statements made during illegal detention are inadmissible
  34. justifications for inventory searches
    • 1. need to protect owner's property while in custody
    • 2. protection of police against claims of lost, stolen, or vandalized property
    • 3. protection of police from potential danger
    • 4. diminished expectation of privacy
  35. Terry prereqs
    • 1. lawful stop based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity
    • 2. grounds for a frisk
  36. admissibility of statement challenges
    • 1. miranda
    • 2. right to counsel
    • 3. voluntariness
    • 4. fruits of illegal conduct
Card Set
Crim Pro
factors and such