The mouth between the cheeks and lips
Composed of the hard and soft palates
Roof of oral cavity
Failure of fusion of the lateral palatine processes, the nasal septum, and/or the median palatine process.
Cleft palate
Failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal processes leading to persistent labial groove.
Cleft lip
The floor of the mouth is formed mainly by these muscles:
Myelohyoid and geniohyoid muscles.
Salivary (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) glands' parasympathetic innervation.
Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei through CN VII and CN IX.
Inflammation of the parotid gland caused by myxovirus.
Begins with 40o C fever, cough, conjunctivitis, excessive mucous production (coryza), and Koplik's spots within 2-3 days. Extremely contagious with 7-14 incubation period.
Measles (Rubeola)
Complications of Measles
Otitis media and pneumonia.
Lesions around the lips and in mouth. Virus is dormant in sensory ganglia and reactived by stress, sunlight, etc.
Herpes Simplex 1
Fine, lacy white lines on mucosa (Wickham's stria).
Lichen planus
Localized ulceration in the mouth, grayish lesion on a red base. Painful, stress induced.
Aphthous ulcer (canker sore or stress ulcer).
Autosomal dominant disease. Polyps of GI tract (jejunum) and melanocytic pigmentation of the lips and oral mucosa.
Peutz Jegher syndrome
Adrenocortical insufficiency, excess ACTH.
Addison's disease
Hardest substance in human body.
The nucleus of the tooth.
Amount of deciduous (milk) teeth
Amount of permanent teeth.
Deformed teeth (Hutchinson's teeth) caused by mental retardation, Hydrocephalus, deafness, blindness, etc.
Congential syphilis (Treponema Pallidum)
If this substance is given to a child, it leads to yellow discoloration of the tooth and enamal hypoplasia and reduced growth of long bones.
Is part of both respiratory and digestive tract.
Consists of pharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils, tubal tonsils and forms a ring around the pharynx to protect the respiratory and the GI tract from foreign organisms.
Waldeyer's ring of lymphoid tissue.
These papillae are scattered pver the dorsum and around the apex of the tongue, reddish, have taste buds but no gastatory gland.
Fungiform papillae
These papillae are smallest, mainly covering the dorsum of the tongue parallel to the terminal sulcus, sensitive to touch. Usually no taste buds.
Filiform papillae
These papillae are at the sides of the tongue
Foliate papillae
Flavors of tongue.
Sweet at tip, salty and sour on sides, bitter towards root of tongue.
These papillae are largest, lying in a row beginning just anterior to the terminal sulci and the foramen cecum. Where most of the taste buds reside.
Vallate papillae
Innervation of intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
Hypoglossal N (CN XII)
Innervation of taste in the tongue.
Facial N (CN VII), Glossopharyngeal N (CN IX), and Vagus N (CN X).
These veins of the tongue are very important for drug administration such as nitroglycerin.
Lingual veins
Seen in hypothyroidism
This sinus drains into the middle meatus via frontonasal duct.
Frontal sinus
These cells drain into the superior meatus.
Posterior ethmodial air cells
These cells drain into the middle meatus.
Anterior ethmoidal air cells
These cells drain on or above the ethmoidal bulla in the middle meatus.
Middle ethmoidal air cells
Drains into the sphenoethmoidal recess.
Sphenoidal sinus
Drains into the semilunar hiatus of the middle meatus.
Maxillary sinus