topic 2 section 1

  1. hierarchy of data in database systems
    bits - bytes - fields - records - tables (files) - database
  2. a digit, or bit (in a binary system) can only have
  3. bits are combined together into 8-bit groups called
  4. one byte = one
  5. a group of bytes or characters is called
  6. in a database table, fields are usually organized into
  7. a group of fields makes up a
  8. in a database table, records are usually organized into
  9. a group of records makes up a
  10. a group of records makes up a
  11. field formats (6)
    • -numeric
    • -currency
    • -tax
    • -date/time
    • -autoNumber
    • -Yes/No
  12. numeric
    only stores numbers and it displays numbers the way they're entered
  13. currency
    can store only numbers, but it displays and prints a $, compare
  14. text
    can share any keyboard character
  15. date/time
    display date and/or time in various ways
  16. AutoNumber
    automatically numbers each record as it is entered, starting with #1
  17. Yes/No
    field can only contain one of two values, such as yes/no, true/false, off/on- there is a checkbox
  18. primary key
    every row in a table must be unique (different) from all other rows, or else it can't be retrieved easily when you search the database-- a column (or pair of rows) that makes each row different from all other rows
  19. composite primary key
    combination of two or more fields that together serve as primary key to uniquely identify records in the table
  20. secondary keys
    fields (other than primary key fields) that are used to identify groups of records- often used to sort records
  21. sequence coding system
    records are numbered sequentially (0001, 0002..ect)
  22. block coding system
    similar items are coded together using a range of items (chart of accounts)
  23. group coding system
    each digit in the items code indicates something about the item
  24. Mnemonic coding system
    digits used in the coding system help you understand and remember their meaning (ACCT, AMST)
  25. entity relationship (ER) diagrams
    ER diagrams are primarily used when designing a database
  26. rectangles represent in ER diagrams
    entities (objects and activities the company wants to keep track of)
  27. R =
    E =
    A =
    • resources (assets)
    • events (activities)
    • Agents (people/organizations)
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topic 2 section 1
topic 2 section 1