Pedi Abd

  1. a thickened muscle in the pylorus that prevents food from entering the duodenum is
    hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  2. * when bowel prolapses into distal bowel and is propelled in an antegrated fashion is known as
  3. hypertrophic pyloric stenosis occurs in all except
    most commonly found in females
  4. *other causes of vomiting in the infant include all except
  5. maximum visualization of the stomach and pyloric canal may be seen when the transducer is
    places trasversly in the RUQ with the patient in a right lateral decubitus position
  6. which statement is incorrect regarding measurements of the hypertrophied pyloric canal
    the pyloric wall thickness is 2.0 mm or greater
  7. which statement about appendicitis is false
    the appendix is anterior and lateral tot he psoas muscle
  8. in patients with appendicitis, the outer diameter should measure at least
  9. other findings that may indicate appendicitis include all except
    the presence of Meckel's diverticulum
  10. a pitfall in diagnosing appendicitis may be
    enlarged lymph nodes
  11. children with intussusception may present clinically with all except
    tenderness over McBurnery's point
  12. sonographic signs associated with bowel include all except
  13. *the length of pediatric gallbladder should no exceed
    the length of the kidney
  14. *preparation for a biliary sonography exam of a 2year old child is
    nothing by mouth for 4 hours
  15. *an abdominal ultrasound may be ordered in the neonate when jaundice persists beyond
  16. *which of the following is most likely to lead to cirrhosis
    biliary atresia
  17. *the most common cause of prolonged neonate jaundice includes all except
  18. *biliary atresia
    • may not involve GB
    • may affect the intrahepatic ducts
    • may not affect the extrahepatic duct
    • *all of the above
  19. *the most common type of choledochal cyst is
    fusiform dilation of the CBD
  20. the pylorus muscle connects the ____ with the duodenum
    antrum of the stomach
  21. *this is considered the infantile form of hepatocellular carcinoma
  22. *an overdistended stomach displaces the pylorus
  23. *the most common acute abdominal disorder in early childhood is
  24. *in older children the common bile duct should not exceed
  25. *the etiology of extrahepatic obstruction includes all except
  26. this condition occurs when the fetus is stressed during a difficult delivery or during a hypoxia insult
    adrenal hemorrhage
  27. these structures lie ar the bases of the medullary pyramids and appear as echogenic structres
    acruate atreries
  28. this structure is thin in neonate with echogenicity similar or slightly greater than the normal liver
  29. this condition is the most common cause of renal cystic diease in the neonate, multi cystic masses within the kidney may have contralateral ureteral pelvic junction abstruction
    multicystic dysplastic kidney ( MDK )
  30. *the most frequent malignant tumor in the neonate and infant is
    Wilm's tumor
  31. *VATER syndrome includes all except
  32. conditions in the newborn associated with renal abnormalities includes all except
  33. this structure should not be mistaken for dilated calyces or cysts
    medullary pyramids
  34. the best way to demonstrated the dilated ureter at the ureteropelvic junstion is with a
    coronal scan
  35. conditions that may lead to adrenal hemorrhage include all except
  36. if the ipsilateral renal is absent or ectopic in location the adreanal gland
    remains in the renal fossa
  37. which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding ectopic ureteroceles
    more commonly found in males
  38. potter facies is
    a classification of cystic renal disease
  39. renal vein thrombosis is more prevalent in infants of
    diabetic mothers
  40. clinical signs of renal vein thrombosis in the neonate include all except
    high platelet count
  41. neuroblastoma is typically a malignant tumor of the
    adrenal gland
  42. sonographic findings in adrenal hemmorrhage in the neonate include all except
    irregularly shaped small gland
  43. differential considerations for hydornephrosis include all except
    • etrarenal pelvis
    • functional dilation
    • multicystic dysplastic disease
    • * all of the above are correct
  44. the most common cause of bladder oulet obstruction in the male neonate
    posterior urethral valve obstruction
  45. normal renal length in the pedicatric patient varies with
  46. the left adrenal gland
    extends medial to the kidney
  47. in the neonate the adrenal medulla appears as a/an
    echogenic stripe
  48. a pelvocaliceal dilation without ureteral dilation is seen with
    ureteropelvic junction obstruction
  49. bilateral renal enlargemnet is seen with
  50. a neuroblastoma demonsrates
    • a complex echo texture
    • a highly echogenic texture
    • intrisnic calcifications
    • * all of the above
  51. which statement about he composition of the vertebrae is false
    it is anterior to the meninges
  52. the spinal cord is the younger child ends at the upper border of the
    3rd lumbar vertebra
  53. the cord tapers off into the
    conus medullaris
  54. the spinal cord is surrounded by three meningers which includes all except
    the subdural mater
  55. sonography is able to image the spinal cord because
    the cerebrospinal fluid is an excellent window
  56. which sonographic characteristics do not best describe the spinal cord
  57. pathologic fixation of the spinal cord is an abnormal caudal location is know as
    tethered cord
  58. dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord is
  59. indications for spinal sonography include all except
    shortening of the femur
  60. a dimple may be suspicious for a spinal abnormality if it is more an ___ from the anus
  61. the lumbar peduncles are strong and derected
  62. a severe form of spinal bifida is
  63. the most importand derermination in r/o tethered spinal cord is
    vertebral level of the tip of the cornus medullaris
  64. the tethered spinal cord is usually associated with
    both hydocephalus and filum terminals
  65. the sacrum consists of ___ fused bones
  66. these are resposible for one fourth of the vertebral colum's length
    interverebral discs
  67. the cascular membrane that closely covers the spinal cord is the
    pia mater
  68. the _____ appears as in unverted U
    spinous process
  69. a transverse projection across the midline from the lowest palpable rib is
  70. a meningocele demonstrates
    fluid within the sac
  71. the neonatal coccyx should not be mistaken for
    both cyst and a fluid collection
  72. hemangiomas over the back have a high association with
    tethered spinal cord
  73. a cleft spinal cord resulting from failure of the neural tube to close is called
  74. a trasverse projection across the midline from the palpated apex of the iliac crest is often
  75. the bundle of nerve roots that descend nearly vertical from the spinal cord is called the
    cauda equina
  76. *the hip bones are the fusion of three separate bones which bone is not included
  77. the femur is surrounded by all except
  78. the largest nerve in the upper thigh is the
  79. the contents of the femoral triangle include all except
    femoral bursa
  80. the articulation of the head of the femur with the acetabulum of the hip bone forms the
    hip joint
  81. the ligament in the shape of an inverted Y or V passinf from the anterior inferior iliac spine to each end of the inertrochanteric line is the
    iliofemoral ligament
  82. when one crosses their legd in a sitting posrition which type of muscle group is used
  83. *in the coronal/neurtral view the conographic finding of a frankly dislocated hip is
    labrum may be deformed
  84. *in the push and pull maneuver the following is seen in a normal hip in the coronal /neurtal view
    the femoral head is never seen over the posterior lip of the acetabulum
  85. *indications for sonography of the neonatal hip include all except
    r/o development of the hip
  86. *a normal infant hip has a Graf alpha angle of
    less than 60 degrees
  87. *the coronal/neutral view of the subluxed infant hip demonstrated
    femoral head gradually migrated superiorly and laterally with decreases coverage of the femoral head
  88. *this type of hip gives the appearance of a ball on a spoon in the mid -acetabulum in the coronal/flexion view
  89. the femoral head is completely out of the acetabulum describes
    dislocated hip
  90. *sonography of the infant hip is performed with
    linear array transducer
  91. the sonographic protocol of the basic hip anatomy is imaged in ____ different views
  92. *a type IV hip has and alpha angle of _____ and a beta angle of ___
    less than 43 degrees; immeasurable
  93. the alpha angle is the anlge btwn the ___ and the _____
    baseline; acetabulum roof line
  94. down and outward pressure is applied with patient lying in a supine position with the hip adducted and flexed 90 degrees
    Barlow maneuver
  95. the saphenous vein connects with the femoral vein after passing through the
    saphenous opening
  96. the anterior thight muscle is also known as the
  97. the main srterial supply for thigh is the
    profunda femoris artery
  98. moving sideways outward
  99. physical signs of development of displacement of the hip include all except
    extreme abduction
  100. with treatment of the hip displacement using the Pavlik harness the hip should position in flexion with adduction and
    external rotation
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Pedi Abd