a preconceived outlook, may be favorable or unfavorable and may lead to prejudiced behavior
making a distinction against a person not according to his or her actual merit but upon a categorical basis
passing judgment prematurely - the word usually refers to forming unfavorable opinions or attitudes without reason or knowledge
every perspective on the social world emerges from a particular vantage point
why perspective is important
why do we segregate
fear of the unknown
the common body of knowledge that allows diverse people to communicate, to work together, and to live together. However, the term is also often used to refer to the customs of a particular social group
some people believe that their cultural ways are not only valid and superior to other people's, but also universally applicable in evaluating and judging human behavior
the process by which the members of a society are taught the elements of that society;s culture. everyone goes through this process, immigrants and non immigrants
homoginizing all cultures intoa single cultural unit - melting pot
cultural unity
all categories of cultural diverity remain unique but exist in accord with one another - salad bowl
cultural harmony
regulates life in human society and protects rights of human kind
why we have legislation
right to life liberty security and dignity - assumes that all people are members of the human family and that equality is the foundation for freedom, justice, and peace in the world
human rights
seperate but equal does not work
brown vs board of education
an anthropological concept used to divide humankind into categories based on physical characteristics of size and shape of the head, eyes, ears, lips, and nose and the color of skin and eyes - never scientifically been equated with any mental characteristics such as intelligence, personality, or character
how members of a group perceive themselves and how they are in turn perceived by others. descibes a group of people iwhtin a larger society distinguished or set apart by others and or by itself, primarily on the basis of racial and cultural characteristics
all humans make up one species (homosapiens) -difference among races 6% -difference among tribes or nations is ___ - difference with in local groups 85%
Race is determined on the U.S. Census by
personal preference
assist people who are discriminated against because of their race to obtain equal treatment in housing, employment, and banking
affirmative action
a biological and anatomical clasification relating to specific organs of reproduction
a broad topic which focuses on the roles occupied by males, females, and intersexed persons
people whose appearance and behavior do not conform to the cultural norm for the gender into which they were born
a movement designed to eliminate gender bias and stereotyping in education, sports, and the workplace - a set of actions, attitudes, and assumptions that provide opportunities and create expectations about individuals, regardless of gender
gender equity
refers to difference and inequality between men and women - due to and fueld by the fundamental belief that menand women are not equal
gender gap
name calling, innuendo, insults, obscene gestures, gender bashing jokes ,physical threats, and actualy physical violence
sexual harrassment
has not yet been ratified - equal rights under the law for women
Equal rights amendment
most people refrain from talking about sexual orienctation and gender expression identity because it feels taboo or because they're afraid of saying the wrong thing
culture of niceness
discrimination based upon the assumption that heterosxuality is the only viable or acceptable orientation
a dislike or distrust stemming from feelings about a person's sexual orientation or lifestyle
child abuse = homosexuality - 95% of all incidents of sexual abuse are by straight men
Men who wear women's clothes are homosexual - transvestites are predominately straight
gay men are feminine
its a choice and a lifestyle same sex relationships don't last
myths about GLTB
an inner sense of oneself a a sexual being, including how one identifies in terms of gender and sexual orientation - invisible unless we choose to reveal it - different scientific views of definition and roots of sexual orientation - complex issue full of emotion
sexual identity
outdated term because sexual orientation is no longer comonly considered to be one's conscious individual preference or choice, but is instead thought to be formed by a complicated network of social, cultural, biological, economic, and political factors
sexual preference
refers to the general way a person identifies his or her own sexual identity, based upon feelings of attraction toward other people and how one acts upon those attractions
sexual orientation
Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual
Religion and diverstiy is about - includes faith, conviction, etc.
belief and identity
an institutionalized set of beliefs and practices, often of a moral nature
religious identiy has its strongest roots in the _____, and many _____ not only encourage but demand their children follow in their religious traditions
stems from one's own faith is favored by God - despite teaching in most religions of tolerance, unity, and love
religious prejudice
what is the goal when discussing religion with people of differing beliefs?
not agrement but respect
3 major religions of the world
Hindu, Buddhist, or Judeo-Christian-Islamic
skeptics- denial of knowledge about whether or not there is a god - open to the posibility that god exists but believe that there can be no proof either way
reject all religions outright - the denial that there is any God, no matter how God is defined
means disadvantage - it is now rarely used due to its negative connotations. It has been replaced by the term disability
refers to an interference with mobility, coordination, communication, or behavior - not necessarily unable to do things, but they may do them in a different way or by a different means
notice differences first and the person second - describes everything from body shape and type - the cultural standard
cultural pressure for sameness
setting up social barriers turns those with diabilities into ______ people - pushing out those that are different puts them at a disadvantage by being out of society
idea image ____ but we still compare ourselves to it- GI Joe 1920 vs 2000
a division of social rank - members of the same social ___ generally share economic, political, and cultural characteristics
abstarct concept which refers to a hierarchical layering of people into categories based upon their income, level of education, family name or bloodline, and influence
social class
based on income, level of education, and occupation - when talk about staus and stereotypes - make assumptions about people- play into our knapsack of privelege - make assupmtions about what htey know, how they think and push people out
Socio economic status
focus on race disparity - disproportionate groups in this - based on race, gender and ethnicity - connections to other aspects of diversity- pay gap, race, segregated neighborhoods
Introversion(I) and Extroversion(E)
Sensing(S) and Intuition(N)
Thinking(T) and Feeling(F)
Judgment(J) and Perception(P)
Myers Briggs
Birth order
Disabilities or health problems
Family crises
Sibling competitions
Family values
Socioeconomic status
Cultural and ethnic differences
influencing factors of behavior and personality
____ unusual or inappropriate behavior needs help - some are situational and temporary
may be related to childhood experiences - parents divorced
behavior problems
deals with individual ability to compe with everyday life rather than standardized tests
1. has previously attempted suicide 2. talks about death or suicide 3. a noticeable change in the personality or mood of the individual, for which there is no explanation 4. changes in sleep and eating patterns 5. may withdraw from friends and his or her usual activities 6. may take unusual risks 7. may be uncharacteristic drug or alcohol abuse 8. may make final arrangements
warning signs of suicide
meausres such as threats, lectures, loss of privileges, scolding, or humiliation - not directly related to the rule which has been violated
teach the person a lesson he or she can internalize, without a loss of self esteem
outstanding preformance on achievement or apptitude
not acheiving success for reasons including not being interested or ot wanting to conform to rule or being bored with course work
formed group in response to the idea that gifted individuals can experience isolation and loneliness
Intelligence testing is _____ norm is based on population
shows that intelligence can be multifaceted - categories include - linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, kinesthetic, spatial-viual, interpersnal intrapersonal
multiple intelligence tests
What are the three major ways people award status?
Occupation, appearance/dress, and where one lives
. The American society has 5 major class systems... What are they?
Upper class
Upper middle class
Lower class
Working class
Lower class
Families with a female
head of the household, make up the majority for people living in poverty. True
or False
Occupation is a very reliable way to determine someones social status-
True or False
What Percentages go with the correct social class?
Wealthy in America
Working middle class
Working lower class
Wealthy in America- 5%
Working middle class-5%
Working lower class- 50%
Poor- 10%
Gifted and Talented populations should not need
assistance from others
Talented people are, by definition, academic
MENSA is a society only for people whose I.Q. is
in the top 2% of the population.
An I.Q. test is the only way to test for gifted
and talented characteristics.
It is ok to alienate those who are gifted and
talented because they are different.
To be diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder you must expericence at least one manic
episode and one depressive episode. T or F
Anxiety and Depression have several similar symptoms? T or F
Anxiety and Depression can lead to:
ADHD can affect a childs:
a. attitude
b. abilility to behave
c. what they will do for
a living
d. none of the above
Which level of hoarding is the worst?
d. none of the above
T/F Claude Monet painted Water Lilies almost
completely blind.
T/F Even people who have been blind their entire
life can still see light.
What percentage of the population has some
visual problem?
What is referred to as a hearing impairment in both ears? It is commonly treated by use of hearing aids.
bilateral loss
T/F: Farsightedness refers to a condition in
which one can see distinctly at a short distance only
Which Famous person was both blind and deaf
throughout their life?
a- Annie Sullivan
B- Ray Charles
C- Helen Keller
D- None of the Above
People with visual impairments like to be treated
differently than others. True or False?
T/F You
should not stare at people who are using sign language.
You should speak in what kind of tone to people
who are Deaf
T/F When you are speaking to a person with a hearing impairment speak directly to the person not to the interpreter