Psychology Final

  1. DSM
    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders book published by the APA that list criteria for close to 400 mental health disorders (4th edition,pub94,rev00)
  2. Anxiety Disorder
    Disorder marked by excessive anxiety that seriously interferes with a persons ability to function.( either physical FoF, cognitive, behavioral)
  3. GAD
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder- an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic, constant worry in almost all situations.(worry about little things in life)
  4. Panic Disorder
    Anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear and anxiety in the absence of danger that is accompanied by strong physical symptoms. (agoraphobia)
  5. Phobic Disorder
    An anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear of a specific object or situation. (Specific phobia, social phobia)
  6. OCD
    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder--An anxiety disorder involving a pattern of unwanted intrusive thoughts and the urge to engage in repetitive actions.
  7. PTSD
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-An anxiety disorder characterized by distressing memories, emotional numbness, and hypervigilance, that develops after exposure to a traumatic event.
  8. Mood Disorders
    A disorder marked by a significant change in one's emotional state that seriously interferes with one's ability to function.
  9. Major Depression
    A mood disorder involving dysphoria, feelings of worthlessness, loss of interest in ones usual activites, and change in bodily activites such as sleep and appetite that persists for at least 2 weeks. (extreme sadness or apathy)(unipolar)
  10. Dysthymic Disorder
    A mood disorder that is a less severe but more chronic form of major depression. (childhood adolescence or early adulthood)(unipolar)
  11. Bipolar Disorder
    A mood disorder characterized by both depression and mania.(Euphoric mania,n depression within 2 week periods)
  12. Cyclothymic Disorder
    A mood disorder that is a less severe but more chronic form of bipolar disorder.(mild depression & mania over 2 years)
  13. Learned Helplessness
    The belief that one cannot control the outcome of events. (not responding to stress)
  14. Schizophrenia (axis 4)
    A severe disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, perceptions, emotions, and behavior. (chronic mental health disorder/not multiple personalities)
  15. Thought Disorder
    A symptom of schizophrenia that involves a lack of associations between one's ideas and the events that one is experiencing. (loose associations,poverty of content)
  16. Delusion
    A thought or belief that a person believes to be true but in reality is not.(persecutory delusions,grandiose,delusions of reference)
  17. Hallucinations
    Perceiving something that does not exist in reality.(auditory hallu,visual hallu)
  18. Affect
    One's expressed emotion toward an action at a given time.(blunt or flat affect, inappropriate affect)
  19. Catatonic Stupor
    A disorder in motor behavior involving immobility. (motionless)
  20. Catatonic Excitement
    A disorder in motor behavior involving excited agitation. (agitated,fidgety,shouting,swearing,moving rapidly around)
  21. DID (axis 4)
    Dissociative Identity Disorder-disorder in which two or more personalities coexist within the same individual; formerly called multiple personality disorder. (two or more identities)
  22. Somatoform Disorder
    A disorder marked by physical complaints that has no apparent physical cause.(no medical reason)
  23. Hypochondriasis
    A somatoform disorder in which the person believe he or she has a disease, without any evident physical basis.(family history of depression & anxiety)
  24. Personality Disorder (axis 5)
    A disorder marked by maladaptive behavior that has been stable across a long period of time and across many situations.
  25. Antisocial Personality Disorder
    A personality disorder marked by a pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others with no remorse or guilt for one's actions. (psychopath sociopath)
  26. BPD
    Borderline Personality Disorder- a personality disorder marked by a pattern of instability in mood, relationships,self-image,behavior.(anger,depp,anx occuring hours a day)
  27. Psychotherapy
    The use of psychological principles and techniques to treat mental health disorders.
  28. Pychoanalysis
    A method of therapy formulated by Freud that focuses on uncovering unconscious conflicts that drive maladaptive behavior.
  29. Free Association
    Traditional Psychoanalysis technique in which the client says whatever comes to mind.
  30. Dream Analysis
    A technique in which the therapist examines the hidden symbols in a client's dreams.
  31. Interpretation
    The psychoanalyst's view on the themes and issues that may be influencing the client's behavior.
  32. Resistance
    A process in where the client behaves in such a way as to deny or avoid sensitive issues.
  33. Transference
    A process in which the client unconsciously reacts to the therapist as if the therapist were a parent,friend,sibling, or lover.
  34. Client-Centered-Therapy
    A humanistic psychotherapy approach formulated by Carol Rogers that emphasizes the use of empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard to help the client reach there potential.
  35. Empathy
    The ability of a therapist to understand a client's feelings and thoughts without being judged.
  36. Genuineness
    The ability of a therapist to openly share his or her thoughts and feelings with a client.
  37. Unconditional Positive Regard
    The ability of a therapist to accept and value a client for who he or she is, regardless of his or her faults or problems.
  38. Systematic Desensitization
    A behavior therapy technique in which a client is desensitized to a fear in a gradual, step-by-step process.
  39. Anxiety Hierarchy
    Outlines, according to the degree of fear, the threatening images elicited by a feared object or situation. the outline starts with the least frightening images and progresses to the mos distressing.
  40. Aversion Therapy
    A type of therapy that uses classical conditioning to condition people to avoid certain stimuli.
  41. Cognitive Distortion
    Distorted thinking patterns, such as overgeneraliztion or all-or-none thinking, that according to Beck lead to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
  42. Group Therapy
    Therapy that is administered to more than one person at a time.
  43. Family Therapy
    Therapy that focuses on creating balance and restoring harmony to improve the functioning of the family as a whole system.
  44. Couple Therapy
    Therapy that focuses on improving communication and intimacy between two people in a committed relationship.
  45. Self-Help Group
    Group comprised of people who share the same problem who meet to help on another.
  46. Therapeutic Alliance
    The interactive and collaborative relationship between the client and the therapist.
  47. Anti-Anxiety Medication
    Minor tranquilizers such a Valium that are prescribed to reduce tension and anxiety.
  48. Anti-Psychotic Medication
    Major tranquilizers such as Haldol that are prescribed to relieve psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
  49. Antidepressant
    Medication prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of depression, eating disorders, and some anxiety disorder.
  50. Anti-Manic Medication
    Drugs that are prescribed to alleviate manic symptoms of bipolar disorder.
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Psychology Final
Psychology Final Exam