
  1. Muscles of auricle innervation
    Facial N. (CN VII)
  2. External ear innervation
    Auricular branch of Glossopharyngeal N (CN IX) and Vagus N (CN X)
  3. External auditory canal gag reflex N.
    Glossopharyngeal N (CN IX)
  4. External auditory canal cough reflex
    Vagus N (CN X)
  5. Carotid reflex
    CN IX and X
  6. Chronic infection of the ear leads to:
    Bony hyperplasia and narrowing of meatus.
  7. Clinical examination of ear tool
    Otoscope or Auriscope
  8. Incision through tympanic membrane for pus drainage caused by otitis media
  9. Vestibular window
    Oval window
  10. Cochlear window
    Round window
  11. Tensor tympani muscle innervation
    Mandibular N (CN V3)
  12. Stapedius muscle innervation
    CN VII, stapedius branch
  13. Stapedius muscle function
    Dampens stapes
  14. Causes loss of function of stapedius muscle which leads to hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound)
    Facial nerve paralysis
  15. Bony roof and floor of tympanic membrane are very thin, leading to infection of what?
    Meningitis and cerebral abscess in temporal lobe
  16. What can lead to rupture of tympanic membrane?
    Pressure differnce of 100-150 mmHg
  17. What is the most common cause of deafness in adults?
    Otosclerosis, which disturbs movement of the stapes.
  18. Reacts in linear acceleration:
    Macula sacculi and macula utriculi
  19. Reacts in angular acceleration:
    Cristae ampullares (3)
  20. Nerve involved in hearing
    Cochlear nerve
  21. Nerve involved in balance
    Vestibular nerve
  22. Normal
  23. Acute Otitis Media
  24. Otitis Media Effusion
  25. Myringotomy
  26. Perforation
  27. Secretory Otitis Media
Card Set
Anatomy of the ear