Head and Neck anatomy

  1. clot that 'escapes' and floats around the vessels and blocks blood flow. causes heart attacks and strokes
  2. small amounts of blood escaping into surrounding tissue. bruising
  3. communicating channels between blood vessels (internal and external jugular veins)
  4. cushions the maxillary artery during mastication. It can drain or fill to reduce the pressure. You can hit it when giving local anesthetic, and it ieasy to spread infection to the brain from here
    pterygoid plexus
  5. large collection of blood vessels
  6. clot that stays put
  7. blood filled space between 2 layers of tissue
    venous sinus
  8. bacteria in the blood that can spread fast through anastomosis
  9. large amount of blood escapes the vessel. bleeding
  10. a vascular lesion consisting of plaques of chlesterol build up on the walls of arteries that narrow or block it
  11. innervates muscles of facial expression, passes through the parotid gland, but does NOT innervat it.
    facial nerve
  12. facial nerve has a branch called the_____________ that innervates the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
    chorda tympani
  13. nervous system disorder that is usually caused by a stroke or injury to the facial nerve. You can injur the facial nerve during the IA injection if administored incorrecty, but it is usually only transient
    facial paralysis
  14. nervous system disorder defined as idiopathic facial paralysis, it has an abrupt onset, and can be permanent
    Bell's palsy
  15. nervous system disorder that presesnts excrutiating short term pain caused by touching trigger zones which vary, but can include areas around the eye and ala of the nose. Idiopathic, and treated by killing the nerve
    trigeminal neuralgia (tric doubureux)
  16. big clump of branches of blood vessels that go to the brain, keeps you alive if there's a stroke because it supplies and gives many different pathways in the brain
    circle of willis
  17. Which nerve may be bifid and seen on radiographs?
    inferior alveolar nerve
  18. nerve just distal of 3rd molars and can be endangered during extractions
    lingual nerve
  19. nerve that can cross over to the other side of the mandible and make anesthesia difficult to achieve
    incisive nerve
  20. What are 3 purposes of sinuse?
    • lessen weight of skull
    • filter and humidify air we breath
    • acts as a 'crumple zone'
  21. Sinuses have a/an_________ lining
  22. spaces within the frontal bone
    frontal sinus
  23. spaces (deeper) within the ethmoid bone
    ethmoid sinus
  24. spaces wthin the sphenoid
    sphenoid sinus
  25. spaces within the maxilla
    maxillary sinus
  26. What are the 4 different sinuses?
    • frontal
    • ethmoid
    • sphenoid
    • maxillary
  27. the act of lifting the sinus by dding more bone underneath
    sinus lift
  28. How is a sinus lift achieved? And what is it needed for?
    • by adding more bone underneath it
    • to prepare fr implant placement
  29. inflammation of the sinus
  30. What can be mistaken for a tooth ache?
    sinusitis if the roots of maxillary molars go into the maxillary sinus
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Head and Neck anatomy