Nature Guide Intro Course

  1. What is the difference between a nature guide and a game ranger?
    A Nature guide is trained to show people not just about animals but plants and nature as a whole, while game rangers tend to focus on animals only.
  2. Give examples of ethical conduct in guiding?
    • Acting with sensitivity to animals
    • Controlling actions of clients
    • Ethical and responsible use of fire-arms
    • Respect to different cultures
    • Setting an example
    • Also:-
    • Being ecologically sensitive
    • Make sure give correct info
    • Ensure safety of clients
    • Using correct equip
    • Being sensitive to local communities, their privacy and customs
    • Respectful conduct ie no bad language
    • Responsible use of alcohol
  3. Who do you register with to obtain your guide licence?
  4. What is the role of THETA?
    • Creates qualifications
    • Accredits assessors & moderators
    • Accredits providers
    • Issue qualifications
  5. What are the objectives of a nature guide?
    • Safety of client
    • Enjoyment & appreciation of environment
    • Protection of eco system
    • Protection of landowners assets
  6. What is the guiding code of conduct?
    • No way discriminate against any tourist/client
    • Be positive & represent SA objectively
    • Be punctual, suitably dressed & presentable
    • Be concerned about safety at all times
    • Carry out programme/itinerary to best of abilities & loyal to company
    • Deal with conflict in sensitive/responsible manner
    • At no time be drunk/under influence/drugs
  7. Name the rules with respect of safety of clients?
    • Stay within rules
    • Stay within own limits
    • Stay within limits of clients
    • Stay within industry norms
    • Control behaviour of clients
  8. What are the qualities of a good guide?
    • Enthusiasm
    • Must be a people person
    • Set an example to others
    • Handle cultural differences
    • Fairness
  9. Why should you be aware of any medical conditions of your clients?
    So you know what to do if anything should happen on your tour.
  10. Name environmental factors important for the comfort of your clients?
    • The weather.
    • Making sure they are not facing into the sun, when you are talking.
    • Use the shade where possible.
  11. Name important principles of good communication?
    • Be a good listener
    • Sensitive to body language
    • Make subject come alive
    • Speak clearly - Terminology
    • Speed, volume
    • Keep explanations simple
    • Always face clients
    • Make eye contact
    • Be considerate(make sure they are comfortable
    • Avoid one on one conversations
    • Don't exclude clients, make sure whole group around when showing/explaining things.
  12. What should you consider when approaching animals on foot?
    The comfort zone of the animal, thus limiting disturbance to the lives of the animal.
  13. What are the techniques of good interpretation?
    • Tell clients about uses, names interactions and adaptations.
    • Use personal stories.
    • Use questions - Ask them, but don't bombard
    • Let them ask you.
    • Let them participate.
    • Get close to the subject
    • Use all the senses
    • Use other resources ie your book.
  14. What procedure should you follow when lost?
    • Remember that at one stage you were not lost.
    • Discuss situation with the group and explain your strategy
    • Remain in control but do not ignore advice
    • Stick with your strategy –
    • Then, establish were north is.
    • Do you recognise any landmarks?
    • Work out mist probable direction & walk in a straight line, if you find a fence/road, it will probably lead you to a gate/campsite.
    • Use your local knowledge
    • Someone may search for you so leave indicators of the direction you are travelling in.
    • Keep eyes open and look for human habitation
    • As you pass prominent land marks, memorise and relate to your direction of travel
    • Signs of human activity ie telephone lines, etc at night look for glow on horizon indicating towns etc.
  15. What is the basic three fold internal construction of Planet Earth?
    • Crust - o/s of earth
    • Mantle – Middle
    • Core – Inner core
  16. What is the difference between the continental and oceanic crust of the Earth?
    • Continental crust :- largely comprising of granites metaphorses sediments & sedimentary rocks, composed mainly of silica & alumina ( Sial for short)- has relatively low density, but reaches great thickness – land.
    • Oceanic crust:- mainly basalts, dolerites & gabbros with a thin veneer of marine sediments, is thinner denser and predominantly composed of silica, iron oxides & magnesia(sima for short) – oceans.
  17. What are the three main rock types (families), and give examples of each?
    • Igneous: Granite, Basalt, Dolerite
    • Sedimentary: Limestone, Sandstone, Mudstone, Conglomerate.
    • Metamorphic: Quartzite, Slate, Marble, Gneiss.
  18. How is igneous rock formed and what and how are the different types formed?
    • Molten magma cooled down and solidified
    • Extrusive Igneous: Solidifies o/s - Basalt
    • Intrusive Igneous: Solidifies inside- Granite
    • Hypabyssal: Solidifies near top of volcano, inside –Dolerite
  19. What is a dyke and a sill?
    • A dyke runs vertical within the earth
    • A sill runs horizontal
  20. How is sedimentary rock formed and how are they subdivided?
    • Layers of sediment compacted over time.
    • Chemical: deposits precipitated from solutions in surface water, pans and Calcrete & rock salt
    • Detrital: were loose grains carried by water streams, wind or other process. ie Sandstone & conglomerate
    • Organic: deposits of plant or animal remains. ie Coal
  21. How is metamorphic rock formed?
    • Where one rock has been changed into another, by either
    • a) Increase in temperature (but no melting)
    • b) Increase in pressure
    • c) Activity of chemical solutions
  22. What is a rock mineral and give examples?
    A mineral is a natural occurring compound that has a specific chemical compound and has a fixed atomic structure , ie Quartz, calcite, pyroxene, mica, feldspar & hornblende
  23. What is a rock?
    Rocks are made up of one or more mineral particles or crystals. Every rock consists of an aggregation of mineral grains.
  24. What are the most common rock types found in South Africa?
    Sandstone, mudrock, shale, granite, gneiss, hornfels, slate, quartzite, dolerite, limestone.
  25. What is the basic process of weathering and erosion, that turns rock into soil?
    The erosion cycle starts with a large rock, and due to weathering by either rain, wind on the rock, this creates erosion of the rock, this is then transported to another area, where it is deposited before it then solidifies or digenesis.( WETDD)
  26. What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
    • Weathering takes place in situ
    • Erosion involves the transport of material to another place.
  27. Give examples of rock – soil linkage in South Africa?
    • Table Mountain: – Quartzite – Nutrient poor soil, Hard base rock, winter rainfall, so animals have adapted to conditions ∴ There are no grazers ie Herbivores like elephant.
    • Kruger National Park: - Basalts – Nutrient rich, lots of plants, Acacia’s/grasses in abundance, high summer rainfall ∴ Elephant present as area can sustain plant life.
  28. Why is an understanding of the interrelationship between rocks, soil, climate, vegetation and animals important?
    Because if you have a basic understanding of what animals /plants can survive in what areas and why they can or cannot survive in those areas.
  29. What is the difference between weather and climate?
    • Weather: - Regional conditions on a given day.
    • Climate:- Long term weather over a specific area.
  30. What is dew point?
    Temperature at which moisture contained in the air transfers from a gas to a liquid state.
  31. What is relative humidity?
    The amount of moisture contained in the air at a specific time as a % of amount of moisture @ due point.
  32. Which way does air pressure move in the Southern Hemisphere?
    • Low pressure:- Clockwise
    • High pressure:- Anti – clockwise
  33. How are clouds formed?
    Hot air rises, as it gets higher it becomes less dense, and will cool down until it reaches dew point temperature at some stage, at which point a cloud will form.
  34. What forces can lift air masses?
    • Moving air mass forced up by a barrier such as a mountain.
    • Turbulence caused by strong winds and uneven ground surface
    • Convection – warm air rising
    • Frontal lift – cold air wedging in under warmer air
  35. What are the three variables in the classification of clouds?
    • Height
    • Shape
    • Presence of rain
  36. What are the different types of clouds ?
    • Layered - Stratus
    • Heaped - Cumulus
    • Wispy - Cirrus
    • High – Cirro-CirrostratusCirrocumulusCirrus
    • Medium – Alto-AltostratusAltocumulusNot occur at med alt
    • Low- Strato-StratusStratocumulusNot occur at low alt
    • Dark & rain bearing - Nimbo-NimbostratusCumulonimbus Not produce rain
  37. Name the weather conditions associated with the following cloud types?
    • Cumulonimbus: - Rain bearing
    • Cirrus: - Sunshine/ wispy clouds
  38. How can a thunderstorm endanger a guiding experience?
    • Lightning: - Stay away from rocky out crops or isolated tall objects
    • Thunder: - May scare clients
    • Hail: - Can be painful, and can injure clients it out in the open
    • Rain: - Can lead to flash floods, so stay out of river beds.
  39. What are the two sea currents that may affect the weather conditions of Southern Africa?
    • Agulhas current :- Warm current – warm maritime air moving inland, cools down and condense, forming rain cloud as it rises up the great escarpment of the interior.
    • Benguella current :- Cold current from the Antarctic, on the west coast of Southern Africa – cool maritime air moving in from the coast heats up as it flows over the warm continent. Diminishes the chance of rain as the gap between air temp and dew point is widened and formulation of cloud becomes impossible.
  40. Define the term Ecology?
    Means the study of our home – the Earth
  41. Why is knowledge of ecology important for the nature guide?
    Because it encompasses all things on earth, whether alive or not. It includes the study of relationships between plants and climate, soils and rocks, animals and plants etc. It also refers to the processes that take place in nature and the way various elements of the natural system interact with one another. Being a nature guide is having to understand these relationships.
  42. Name the levels of the trophic pyramid and briefly explain the level?
    • Top - Secondary consumers - Meat eating animals
    • Primary consumers - Plant eating animals
    • Primary producers - Green plants
    • Abiotic base - Soil, water,air etc
    • Running alongside the triangle you have
    • Decomposers - Break down dead plants/animals, tissue etc to be recycled and returned to the soil.
  43. Explain how energy flow is affected by a transfer from one trophic level to a next?
    If one level gets smaller /larger, then the other above/below will also get larger/smaller.
  44. What is an ecosystem?
    It is defined as ‘a community of organisms, interacting with one another, plus the environment in which they live and with which they interact’.
  45. Explain the nutrient cycle?
    • The flow of nutrient will flow upwards in the case of the trophic pyramid, but is in a cyclic pattern also.
    • Nutrient are taken from the soil, water air, etc buy the primary producers – producer eaten by herbivore (primary consumer) - herbivore eaten by carnivore (secondary consumer). All these produce waste or die, thus their decomposing matter is absorbed back into the soil as nutrients. And so the cycle continues.
    • The cycle must be maintained in order to sustain life on earth.
  46. Explain energy flow?
    The sun produces energy, making the plants grow, plant eaters then consumes the plant, the plant eaters are then eaten by the carnivores again transferring energy. Energy cannot be recycled, but can be transformed and energy is lost /degraded irreversibly into the atmosphere so that it cannot be used again. It is not destroyed it is unavailable for producing work.
  47. What is the Law of the Minimum?
    Any organism requires a certain set of environmental conditions to survive successfully. If only one of these conditions is below minimum then it will not be able to survive successfully at that place.
  48. What is Shelford’s Law of Tolerance?
    It states that not only too little of a certain factor may be limiting, but too much of the same factor may also be limiting. We can therefore say that an organism lives between the limits of too little and too much of a certain environmental factors. These limits to too little and too much are called the limits of tolerance.
  49. What is a symbiotic relationship?
    Two things living closely together, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
  50. What are the types of symbiotic relationships and explain?
    • Mutualism: Two organisms living together, both benefiting
    • Commensalism: One benefits, the other does not, but not harmed
    • Parasitism: One benefits, one is harmed by the relationship
  51. What are the two types of parasitism and explain?
    • Holo –parasitic: Parasite extracts all its life requirements from the host - Dry rot in wood
    • Hemi-parasitic: Parasite extracts only what it requires – Mistletoe, only requires water as can photosynthesis.
  52. Name the non-symbiotic relationships and explain?
    • Predation: intentionally killing their food, especially adapted to hunting.
    • Competition:
    • Intraspecific competition – competition between animals of same species ie fighting for food from same carcass.
    • Interspecific competition – competition between animals of different species ie herd of zebra and herd of wildebeest competing for water at same waterhole.
  53. What is the purpose of taxonomy?
    To classify organisms according to their evolutionary relationships. Giving names to organism in accordance with their classification
  54. What are the five kingdoms of living organisms?
    • Animalia
    • Plantae
    • Fungi
    • Protista
    • Monera
  55. What is the hierarchical order of classification?
    • Kingdom
    • Phylum
    • Class
    • Order
    • Family
    • Genus
    • Species
  56. What are the major biomes of Southern Africa?
    • Savannah
    • Grassveld
    • Nama Karoo
    • Evergreen Forest
    • Fynbos
    • Succulent Karoo
  57. What are the climatic patterns of the Savannah biome?
    • High summer rainfall
    • Dry temperate winters
  58. What are the climatic patterns of the Grassveld biome?
    • High summer rainfall
    • Very cold winters, can get snow
  59. What is the climatic pattern of the Nama Karoo?
    • Low summer rainfall
    • Extreme winter/summer temperatures
  60. What is the climatic pattern of the Evergreen forest?
    • Rainfall all year
    • Temperate climate
  61. What is the climatic pattern of the Fynbos biome?
    • High winter rainfall – 250-600mm
    • Hot dry summers
  62. What is the climatic pattern of the Succulent Karoo?
    • Low winter rainfall – 200–250mm
    • Hot, dry summers 45° - 48°c
    • Desert biome
  63. What is the dominant vegetation of the Succulent Karoo?
    Plants: Vygie (mesemb), Crassulas, Euphorbia’s, Quiver trees
  64. What are the main indicator species of mammals, birds and dominant plants of the Fynbos biome?
    • Plants: Restio, Protea, Erica, Geophytes
    • Birds: Cape Sugarbird, Protea Canary, Orange Breasted Sunbird
    • Mammals: Bontebok, Cape Grysbok, Cape Mountain Zebra
  65. What are the main indicator species of mammals, birds and dominant plants of the Evergreen Forest?
    • Plants: Tree Ferns, Yellowwood , Stinkwood, Blackwood
    • Birds: Kynsa Turaco, Narnia Trogon
    • Mammals: Blue Duiker, Red Duiker
  66. What are the main indicator species of mammals, birds and dominant plants of the Savannah biome?
    • Plants: Baobab Tree, Camel Thorn
    • Birds: Yellow billed Hornbill, Lilac Breasted Roller
    • Mammals: Impala, Plains Zebra
  67. What are the main indicator species of mammals, birds and dominant plants of the Grassveld biome?
    • Plants: Turpentine Grass, Red Grass, High Veld Cabbage Tree
    • Birds: Blue Swallow, Blue Korhaan
    • Mammals: Black Wildebeest, Oribi
  68. What are the main indicator species of mammals, birds and dominant plants of the Nama Karoo?
    • Plants: Anker Karoo, Acacia Karoo
    • Birds: Karoo Chat, Karoo Korhaan
    • Mammals: Springbok, Gemsbok
  69. What are the shore zones linked to sandy shores?
    • High shore
    • Midshore
    • Low shore to Midshore
    • Interstitial Zone
  70. What are the shore zones linked to rocky shores?
    • Infratidal Zone
    • Cochlear Zone
    • Lower Balanoid Zone
    • Upper Balanoid Zone
    • Littorina Zone
  71. What is the difference between Sandy shores and Rocky shores?
    • Sandy shores are more mobile as animals can migrate with the different positions of low and high tide; there is no firm substrate for the animals/plants to attach themselves too.
    • Whereas rocky shores have a substrate for animals to attach themselves to, the zones are more distinct and life is more difficult, because the organisms tend to stay in one place.
  72. Describe the High Shore Zone and life within it?
    • High shore emerges every 14days, and is the region where kelp washes up on shore during high tide. It attracts scavengers, like giant isopod, sand hoppers and kelp flies. The isopods and sand hoppers remain underground during the day to avoid desiccation. They constitute an important source of food for shore birds.
    • Kelp flies, lay their eggs on high shore, hatch every 28days Pupae can float and re-establish elsewhere, larvae feed on kelp.
  73. Describe the Mid shore zone and life within it?
    Animal remains accumulate in the mid shore, the scavengers are plough snails that migrate up and down the shore by surfing, if the conditions are not optimal then they bury into the sand ie during high tide.
  74. What can be found in the surf zone?
    • You will find the food sources of plankton, etc
    • Scavengers: -Decomposers (bacteria, meiofauna, protozoa)
    • -Filter feeders (mussels, sand prawns)
    • -Wading birds (sanderlings, gulls, oystercatchers)
    • Filtering action: waves and sand
  75. Describe the Littorina Zone?
    • Has Littorina snail and Porphyra algae
    • There is high desiccation
    • Porphyra shrink to 10% of area, to a hard crust
    • Minimal wave action
  76. Describe the Upper Balanoid Zone?
    • Will find barnacles and steep shelled limpets
    • More desiccation
    • Less wave action
  77. Describe the Lower Balanoid Zone?
    • Will find Barnacles and Mussels
    • Moderate wave action
    • Moderate desiccation
  78. Describe the Cochlear Zone?
    • Has a flat profile
    • Low resistance to desiccation
    • High resistance to wave action
  79. Describe the Infratidal Zone?
    • It is always under water (rock pools)
    • Close to the surface
    • Very light wave action
  80. Name the basic classification of plants?
    • Algae
    • Bryophyta - Mosses
    • Pteridophyta - Ferns
    • Spermatophyta - Seeds
  81. Name the sub divisions of Spermatophyta and briefly explain each one
    • Gymnopsermae - Has naked seed - not surrounded by ovary - usually contained in cones - wind pollinated ie Yellowwoods, Cedars
    • Angiospermae - Has an enclosed seed - has an ovary which develops into a fruit with seed - Pollinated by wind , insects, birds or even mammals - Also sub divided
  82. Name the two sub divisions of Angiopermae ?
    • Monocotyledons
    • Dicotyledons
  83. Describe a Monocotyledon ?
    • Floral parts in groups of three
    • Parallel veins in leaves
    • Xylem in scattered bundles
    • Very seldom woody plants
  84. Describe a Dicotyledon ?
    • Floral parts in groups of 4 or 5
    • Net veining in leaves
    • Vascular tissue in rings
    • Typically woody plants
  85. Name the anatomy of a tree?
    Roots, stems,branches,leaves,flowers and fruit
  86. Describe the role of the roots in a plant/tree?
    • Anchor the plant
    • Absorbs nutrients
    • Absorbs water
  87. Describe the function of the stem ?
    • Gives rigidity to the plant
    • Orientates the plant
    • Gives rise to branching bearing leaves and fruit
    • Conduit for transporting water and nutrients
    • Secondary Xylem transports fluids up using - Capillary force - root pressure - Leaf suction
    • Phloem transports fluids down, also uses gravity
  88. Describe the function of a leaf ?
    • Photosynthesis
    • Manufacture food
    • Produce energy by respiration
  89. Name a local tree and describe its general and medicinal uses?
    • Acacia Karoo
    • Bark used in tanning process
    • Gum used as substitute for sugar
    • Gum boiled down and used for sweets
  90. What is photosynthesis?
    Is the process where leaves absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air and in conjunction with absorbed solar energy , enable the plant to manufacture carbohydrates
  91. What is respiration in a plant?
    • It is the opposite to Photosynthesis.
    • It is where the carbohydrates are oxidized releasing energy
  92. What is a decreaser grass and give an example ?
    • Grass species that end to decrease when the veld is under /over utilized ( often climax grasses)
    • Blue Buffalo Grass
    • Finger Grass
    • Mannagras
    • Red Grass
    • Common Signal Grass
  93. What is an increaser I species grass and give an example?
    • Grass that tend to increase when the veld is under utilized
    • Fine thatch grass
    • Tamboekiegras
  94. What is an increaser II grass and give an example?
    • Where grass tend to increase when the veld is over utilized ( mostly sub climax and pioneer grasses)
    • Stinkgras
    • Curly leaved love grass
    • Sand quick grass
    • Carrot seed grass
  95. Briefly describe pollination?
    • Grain of pollen lands on stigma
    • Pollen tube grows down style to ovary
    • Fertilizes egg cell
  96. Name the pollinating agents?
    • Wind
    • Birds
    • Insects
    • Mice
    • Bats
  97. Describe the difference between Thorns, spines and spikes?
    • Thorns - something that grows , then stops , fall off quite easily, does not develop
    • Spine - Branch with sharpened tip - will develop branches and leaves
    • Spike - Has a floral arrangement - is a type of inflorescence
  98. What is the importance of grasses?
    They are all staple foods is maize, wheat,rice
  99. What is a Sour veld?
    • High rainfall - 625mm per annum and higher
    • Lower temps and very cold winters
    • High lying areas
    • Leached soils low in nutrients
    • Nutrient poor soil lacking in nitrogen & Phosphate
    • In absence of phosphate and nitrogen plants cannot convert excess carbs into proteins
    • Plants convert excess carbs into woody tissue therefore unpalatable with low digestibility
    • Can tolerate heavy grazing
    • Recovers slowly after heavy grazing due to nutrient poor soils
    • Palatable only in growing season
  100. What is a sweet veld?
    • Low rainfall 250-500mm /annum
    • High temp, moderate winters
    • Low lying areas
    • Nutrient rich soils
    • Abundance of nitrogen and phosphate
    • Plants can convert their excess carbs into proteins
    • Plants rich in protein , palatable and nutritious
    • Sensitive to over grazing
    • Recovers quickly from heavy grazing due to nutrient rich soils
    • Palatable through the year
  101. Describe the importance of fire?
    • Removes old plant material
    • Recycling of minerals
    • Germination of seeds
    • Population control of shrubs and trees
  102. Explain the environmental limitations on growth?
    • Climate - rainfall and temp
    • Geology - morphology & soil
    • Processes - eg wind & fire
  103. Why is bare ground tough for plants?
    • Nutrient poor
    • Low soil moisture retention
    • V high & v low soil temps
    • Unstable soil
  104. Briefly explain retrogression?
    • It is the abuse of the veld by overgrazing
    • Too many fires
    • Bad management
    • Can go back to bare rock
    • Need to manage veld to climax conditions
  105. What is a cold fire?
    • Wind speed low
    • Ambient temp below 20c + humidity is high +50%
    • Burning with the wind or up a slope
    • This kind does little or no damage to trees, as only affects the grass layer
    • Animals can easily dodge such fires, as flames progress slowly
  106. What is a hot fire?
    • Has strong winds
    • Low humidity <30%
    • High ambient temp +25c accompany the fire
    • Burning into wind /down slope
    • Due to high temp can kill mature trees
    • High speed & aggressive propagation of hot fires often trap animals which can/are killed seriously injured
    • Hot fires very effective in controlling bush encroachment as it kills most small trees and shrubs
  107. What is an arthropod?
    • An insect
    • Jointed legs
    • Exoskeleton
  108. What is the difference between Arachnida and Insecta?
    • Arachnida - 2 body parts - more than 6 legs - Breathe with book lungs
    • Insecta - Body part in 3 - 6 legs
  109. Briefly explain the external body of an insect?
    • Exoskeleton
    • Head - Thorax - Abdomen
    • Head - Antenna, eyes, mouth parts
    • Thorax - legs , wings
    • Abdomen - Segmented (usually 11), ovipositor (egg-laying organ), (males) have claspers, Cerci - sense organ ( mayflies)
  110. What are the three different types of insect life cycles?
    • Ametabolic
    • Hemi-metabolic
    • Holo-metabolic
  111. What is an Ametabolic life cycle and give an example?
    • Where no metamorphosis occurs
    • Fish Mouth
  112. What is a hemi-metabolic life cycle and give an example?
    • Where there is partial metamorphosis
    • Egg –nymph – adult
    • Dragonflies, Grasshoppers
  113. What is a holo-metabolic life cycle and give an example?
    • Has a complete metamorphosis
    • Egg – larva- pupal - adult
    • Butterflies
  114. What is the difference between the dragonfly and damselfly?
    • Dragonfly sits with wings open
    • Damselfly sit with wings closed
  115. What is the ecological role of insects?
    • Pollination
    • Maintaining balances in nature
    • Food provision
    • Waste disposal
    • Disease
  116. Name two differences between insects and spiders?
    • Spiders have 2 body parts & 8 legs
    • Insects have 3 body parts and up to 6 six legs
  117. What is the difference between moths and butterflies?
    • Moths have feather shaped antenna
    • Butterflies have clubbed antenna
  118. What are the two sub orders of spider and briefly explain?
    • Araneomorphs: Web living spiders, have fangs going inwards, one set of book lungs
    • Mygalmorphs: Live on ground, fangs strike downwards and two book lungs
  119. Name spiders that have neurotoxic venom?
    • Black button spider
    • Brown button spider
  120. Name spiders that have cytotoxic venom?
    • Violin spider
    • Sac spider
  121. What is the difference between venomous and poisonous?
    • Poison is something ingested
    • Venom something injected
  122. What are the two main families of scorpions called and what are the differences?
    • Buthidae – very venomous, small pinchers, fat tail, sting always treated as life-threatening
    • Scorpionidae – Large pinchers, thin tails, sting painful but not normally life threatening
  123. What is the difference between millipedes and centipedes?
    • Millipede: Cylindrical body – 2 more pairs of legs per body segment – detrivores – Poisonous secret a poison that can make you very sick
    • Centipede: One pair of legs per body segment – Body flatten – carnivores – venomous, have fangs that inject venom into prey
  124. What are the characteristics of amphibians?
    • Animals with back bone
    • Central nervous system
    • Start life as water living, gill breathing animals
    • Second stage is lived on land as lung breathing animals
    • Regualte body heat from external means
  125. What are the characteristics of a frog?
    • Smooth moist skin
    • Long hind legs
    • Excellent swimmers
    • Small & dark in colour
    • Teeth in upper jaw
    • Variety of habitats
  126. What are the characteristics of a toad?
    • Rough skin
    • Shorter hind legs
    • Screte toxins ^ gland behind eyes
    • Deosn't swim well
    • Laeger with cryptic colouration
    • Most of life on land
    • No teeth
    • Nocturnal
    • Generally live in burrows
  127. What is the life cycle of the frog and toad?
    Adult - Egg - Tadpole - Adult ( metamorphosis -breath by gills in water)
  128. What are the mating positions called and describe?
    • Auxillary clasp - where they are the same size and male holds female under arms.
    • Inquinal clasp - where male is slightly smaller, so holds female in front of hips.
    • Adhesion clasp - If male is very small will glue himslef onto back of female.
  129. How do toads and frogs lay their eggs?
    • Toads lay eggs in a string
    • Frogs lay eggs in a cluster
  130. What are the different types of nests of frogs/toads, and describe?
    • Leaf folding - Make a cup wiht leaf, female glues it together, eggs fall into cup - tadpoles develope in leaf - crawl out and drop into water below.
    • Foam nest - Churn up the jelly with thier hind legs as she lays the eggs, males excrets sperm to fertilize - foam will dry out as tadpoles emerge - they drop into the water below - can stay in foam for as long as 20days meaning they are ahead of other tadpoles and so a important adaptation to avoid predation.
    • Rain frogs - independant of water, burrow in soil and lay eggs inside a jelly mass - Eggs hatch and tadpoles go through metamorphosis inside the jelly mass
  131. What is the advanatage of laying eggs in a jelly?
    • It is sticky prevneting them from being swept away by currents
    • Detrial particles stick to the mass and help to conceal them
    • Acts as a shock absorber,protecting the embryo
    • Provides a barrier for fungal infections
  132. What is meant by the word Benthic?
    • It is animals that dwell on the bottom of a water body
    • Inhabit the sediment in lakes, river etc
    • Feed algal crusts, leaves, and detritus
    • Mouth adapted to enable scraping of food particles off surface.
  133. What is meant by Nectonic ?
    • Organisms live in open water, can propel themselves independant of currents in the water.
    • Tadpoles feed on plankton
    • Have capability of fast motion and maneuverability, linear and angular acceleration with great agility
    • Long tail enables them to remain suspended while feeding on plankton
  134. Name the characteristics of the Bufonidae family?
    • Include toads, have paratoid glands, rough dry skin
    • Stout with short limbs
    • Inhabit open country and water habitats
  135. Briefly describe the rain frogs?
    • Are grossly globose and increase this by inflating the body
    • They burrow in sand
    • Use the adhesion method for mating
  136. Describe the Platannas?
    • Totally aquatic
    • Have visible lateral lione snese organs
    • Toes are webbed, fingers are not
    • Skin secretation are toxic
    • Eat food by ripping apart by holding in mouth and using back legs to claw/rip apart until pieces small enough to eat/swallow
  137. Name and explain the different types of frog calls?
    • Advertising - Advertise ready to mate
    • Territorial - Establishing territory
    • Aggresive - Makes others keep quite/retreat
    • Distress/Release - Startling effect & if gets male instead of female for mating
  138. Explain Topor in frogs/toads?
    • Is where they can slow their metabolism down , the heartbeat and temperature go down
    • Bull frogs can go in a state called Aestivation which is a state of torpor during drought and intense heat.
    • If water scarce dig into the ground and shed several layers of skin which forms a water tight cocoon around the body. Only nostrils left open.
    • Can survive for a year or longer, until rain returns, then will break out
  139. Breifly explain toxicity in frogs?
    • Is the most important means of defence
    • Secrete toxins via their skin
    • Have mucous glands and granular glands
    • Mucous glands all over body
    • Granular glands situated in specific region ie paratoid posion gland behind head in toads
    • Red Toads, Rubber frogs and Bufonidae are toxic
    • Plantanna have posionous mucus all over body, will see heron wipe frog on ground first to get rid of the mucus before eating
    • Water mogoose will turn toad over and eat from belly to avoid the poison glands
  140. Decribe colouration in frogs?
    • Colour is used for protection have different types:-
    • Cryptic colouration - Conceals the frog, countershading common , upper body darker than lower body, also found in frog eggs
    • Flash colouration - At rest animal is cryptically coloured,but when moving bright colours are displayed. when frog stops moving predator fooled because it is still seeking the bright colour
    • Aposematic colouration - found mainly in rubber frogs where red or orange is displayed against a black background
    • Thermoregulatory colouration - Enable frog to make better use of sunlight during colder parts of the day by adopting a darker colour. Lighter colouration used during heat of the day.
  141. What are the characteristics of reptiles?
    • Ectothermic
    • Scaly skins
  142. What are the three reptile orders?
    • Chelonean :- Tortosie, Turtle, Terrapin
    • Squamata :- Lizards,Gecko, Agama,Chameleons,Skinks,Scally lizards,Leguaans and Snakes
    • Crocodylia :- Crocodiles
  143. What are the main characteristics of tortoises?
    • Incubation temp decides the sex
    • 31°c to 34°c – female above 34°c egg will die
    • 26°c to 30°c – male below 26°c egg will die
    • Largest tortoise in SA is Leopard tortoise
    • Most endangered Geometric tortoise
    • Smallest Speckled padloper
  144. Describe the main characteristics of terrapins?
    • Fresh water living
    • Cannot withdraw into shell have to fold neck in sideways
    • Has a gland under armpit that secretes a foul smelling liquid as defence mechanism
    • Are carnivores and ostophagia (eats bones)
    • If no water can hibernate underground in mud until water pans fill up again.
    • Important decomposers in eco-system
  145. Describe the characteristics of the turtle?
    • Live in salt water
    • Land bound for breeding
    • Temp defines sex: - 32°c -34°c female lower males
    • SA species Leather- backed Turtle and Green Turtle
  146. Describe the characteristics of crocodiles?
    • Temp decides sex: - 31°c to 34°c – male –
    • 27°c to 30°c – female
    • Four chambered heart
    • Can hear, breathe and see effectively under water
    • Teeth continually replaced
    • Valve in of back of throat
    • Exothermic
  147. Describe the main characteristics in the order Squamata?
    • Geckos: - No eyelids, Clean eyes with tongue, Can produce sound, Modified toe structure, Autotomy; can lose an appendage ie tail.
    • Skinks: - Cylindrical bodies, Autotomy
    • Lizards: - Broad flattened bodies, Armoured scales, Autotomy
    • Agamas: - Frog like head, Autotomy but tail will not regrow
    • Chameleons: - Prehensile tail to use to hold onto things, Opposing toes to hold onto things, Two eyes move independently, Can change colour due to environment, if angry get very dark and hiss at you, when amorous will intensify in colour.
  148. Name the different types of snakes?
    • Blind snakes
    • Thread snakes
    • Pythons
    • Typical snakes
    • Adders/Vipers
    • Cobras/Mambas
  149. Describe the main characteristics of the blind snake?
    • No eyes
    • Small teeth upper jaw
    • Feed on termites
    • Found under rocks or in termite mounds
  150. Describe the main characteristics of thread snakes?
    • No eyes
    • Blunt head and short tail
    • Teeth in lower jaw
    • Live on termites
    • Preyed on by scorpions and other snakes
  151. Describe the main characteristics of pythons?
    • Non venomous
    • Solid teeth in both jaws
    • Lay eggs
    • Feed by constricting their prey
    • Can survive a year without food can turn off their digestive system
    • Nose has heat sensitive pits to detect warm blooded prey
  152. Describe the main characteristics of typical snakes?
    • Have solid teeth in both jaws
    • Have back fang in top of jaw
    • Includes Boomslang and Vine snake which have slow acting haemotoxic venom.
  153. Describe the main characteristics of cobras and mambas?
    • From the family Elapidae
    • Have front fixed fangs and poison gland
    • Have Neurotoxic venom apart from Mozambique , black and black necked spitting cobra
    • Includes coral snake, Cape cobra, Black Mamba, Rinkhals
    • Rinkhals can perform thanatosis
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Nature Guide Intro Course
Introduction to Nature Guiding