Ex Rx Final.txt

  1. The G.A.S. (General Adaptation Syndrome) Phases (3)
    • 1 (Alarm Stage)- initial response.
    • 2 (Resistance Development)- bosy adapts and grows.
    • 3(Exhaustion/Overtraining)- too much.
  2. Hypothetical Model of Strength Training. (Hypertrophy, Basic Strength, Strength & Power, Maintenance)
  3. Prefatigue is...
    • Isolation ex prior to doing a compound exercise.
    • Ex will be limited by prefatigued muscles.
    • zero rest between sets.
  4. Muscle Recovery Patterns (every other day vs everyday)
  5. Specificity Principle dictates that...
    • "Taining" must be specific to yield certain desired results.
    • "The Stress" or demand must be great enough to cause adaptation.
  6. To be effective, "Training must be specific to": (7)
    • 1. Style of contraction
    • 2. Predominant energy source
    • 3. Joint angle
    • 4. Muscle Groups used
    • 5. Relevant movement patterns
    • 6. Speed of movement
    • 7. Fiber types mainly recruited
  7. Physical Fitness major components (9)
    • 1. Muscular Strength
    • 2. Local Muscular Endurance
    • 3. Anaerobic Power
    • 4. Aerobic Power
    • 5. Muscular Power
    • 6. Body Composition
    • 7. Flexibility
    • 8. Work Capacity
    • 9. Organic Soundness
  8. Isotonic Contraction
    Same Resistance
  9. Isokinetic Contraction
    Same Speed
  10. Loads of how many reps to failure yield the most strength?
    5RM to 6RM
  11. Darden
    • Less than 6 reps doesn't stress the reserve ability of a muscle.
    • More than 15 reps results in failure due to lack of oxygen.
  12. Berger "strength training" results...
    10 reps at 1RM for each rep yeilded the greatest gain.
  13. Lamb
    5-10 mins recovery between sets of same movement.
  14. Mentzer (3 Premises) and more...
    • 1. High intensity contraction is required.
    • 2. Either train hard or long not both.
    • 3. Fast growth results from short time with greatest intensity.
    • Prefitigue*
    • Aim for 6-9 strict reps
  15. Periodization of volume and intensity...
    • Macrocycle- Entire training period.
    • Mesocycle- Several months
    • Microcycles- weekly
  16. O'Shea on Strength Fitness
    It is the physiological function of skeletal muscles ability to exert force, repeat contractions, flexibility, coordination.
  17. Progressive Overload Principle
    Strength and adaptation will occur if tension demands are gradually intensified over and extended period of time.
  18. Early Delome Technique
    • 4 days a week, 1wu set, then 10 sets of 10 reps increasing from 44% max to 100%.
    • 1 day a week add a 1RM
  19. Oxford Technique
    1 wu set, then 10 sets of 10 reps all at 100% adjusted 10RM
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Ex Rx Final.txt
ex rx final